Danny Dunn and The Land Beyond Escape (The Search for The Lost Dutchman Mine)
Baker/Danny Dunn and the Land Beyond Escape
Table of Contents
i) The Void
ii) The Foam
iii) The Explosion
iv) Winking Out
v) Building Blocks of Dust
vi) Background Music
vii) A Question
viii) Arizona
1. It's Summer!
2. Bullfinch Visits Arizona
3. Weaver's Needle
4. The Geology
5. Jacob Waltz Maps
6. Folding the Map
7. "Professor, Look! The Circles are Holes for Numbers!"
8. Deciphering Code
9. "Every Thirty Years, My Window Shall Be Dark"
10. Summer Road Trip
11. In the Road
12. Lava Tube
13. Candy That Sparkles
14. Demon Train
15. Lost Dutchman State Park
16. Monsoonal Weather and An Exploding Cactus
17. Church Refuge
18. Using Coordinates
19. The Old House
20. Counterclockwise
21. Lost Dutchman Mine
22. Behind the Door
23. Underground
24. Separated
25. "Look At All the Gold!"
26. Bloodshot Eyes
27. Escape
28. Buried Forever
29. "It Will NEVER Be Found Again!"
i) Last Perfect Day On Earth
ii) Time, Temperature and Pressure