Danish Supermarket’s apps ready for iPad: "Best format for the offer brochure"

With the new iPad apps for F?tex, Bilka and Netto, customers get an even better and more coherent shopping experience.

Over the past three weeks the iPad has been let intro the app family at Dansk Supermarked for the first time, as both F?tex, Bilka and Netto have received an app for the iPad.

"The iPad is the best format to read an offer brochure because the app is made horizontally, making it much more user-friendly. This means that there is room for the full app image you know from the phone on the right side, while the shopping list is always available on the left side so you can easily put things on the list," explains Kim Vindberg-Larsen, Head of Mobile in Dansk Supermarked Group.

Thanks to the consolidated app platform launched earlier this year, it has been possible to deliver fresh iPad apps to both Denmark, Sweden and Germany in a matter of weeks. And with the new apps on the modern platform, future features will be rolled out as fast on the iPad as on the phone.


With the new iPad apps, one can not only share the shopping list with the rest of the family - it can also be shared across platforms.

"We have made a complete shopping list that is synchronized across devices in real time. If the wife sees that there is no butter in the fridge, she can update the shopping list on the iPad, and her husband in the supermarket will see it on his phone or Apple Watch right away," explains Kim Vindberg-Larsen.

The apps have had an amazing start in both Denmark, Sweden and Germany, and besides the offer brochure itself, the mobile team can see that the product scanner and synchronization and sharing of the shopping list are the most pop

Dansk Supermarkeds apps klar til iPad: “Bedste format til tilbudsavisen”

Med den nye iPad-app til F?tex, Bilka og Netto f?r kunderne en endnu bedre og mere sammenh?ngende indk?bsoplevelse.

Over de seneste tre uger er iPad’en for f?rste gang kommet med i app-familien hos Dansk Supermarked, da b?de F?tex, Bilka og Netto har f?et en app til iPad.

”iPad’en er det bedste format at l?se en tilbudsavis p?, for appen er lavet horisontalt, s? den bliver meget mere brugervenlig. Det betyder, at der er plads til det fulde app-billede man kender fra telefonen i h?jre side, mens indk?bslisten hele tiden er tilg?ngelig i venstre side, s? man nemt kan s?tte ting p? listen l?bende,” forklarer Kim Vindberg-Larsen, Head of Mobile i Dansk Supermarked Group.

Takket v?re den konsoliderede app-platform, som blev lanceret tidligere i ?r, har det v?ret muligt at levere friske iPad-apps til b?de Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland i l?bet af f? uger. Og med de nye apps p? den moderne platform, vil fremtidige funktioner blive udrullet lige s? hurtigt p? iPad’en som p? telefonen.


Med de nye iPad-apps kan man nu ikke bare dele indk?bslisten med resten familien – den kan ogs? deles p? tv?rs af platforme.

”Vi har lavet en komplet indk?bsliste som synkroniseres p? tv?rs af enheder i realtid. Hvis hustruen ser der mangler sm?r i k?leskabet, kan hun opdatere det p? indk?bssedlen p? iPad’en, og manden, der er p? indk?b, vil kunne se det p? sin telefon eller Apple Watch med det samme,” forklarer Kim Vindberg-Larsen.

Appen er allerede kommet flyvende fra start i b?de Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland, og ud over selve tilbudsavisen kan Mobilteamet se, at varescanneren samt synkronisering og deling af indk?bssedlen er de mest popul?re funktioner.

Danish Supermarket’s apps ready for iPad: "Best format for the offer brochure"

With the new iPad apps for F?tex, Bilka and Netto, customers get an even better and more coherent shopping experience.

Over the past three weeks the iPad has been let intro the app family at Dansk Supermarked for the first time, as both F?tex, Bilka and Netto have received an app for the iPad.

"The iPad is the best format to read an offer brochure because the app is made horizontally, making it much more user-friendly. This means that there is room for the full app image you know from the phone on the right side, while the shopping list is always available on the left side so you can easily put things on the list," explains Kim Vindberg-Larsen, Head of Mobile in Dansk Supermarked Group.

Thanks to the consolidated app platform launched earlier this year, it has been possible to deliver fresh iPad apps to both Denmark, Sweden and Germany in a matter of weeks. And with the new apps on the modern platform, future features will be rolled out as fast on the iPad as on the phone.


With the new iPad apps, one can not only share the shopping list with the rest of the family - it can also be shared across platforms.

"We have made a complete shopping list that is synchronized across devices in real time. If the wife sees that there is no butter in the fridge, she can update the shopping list on the iPad, and her husband in the supermarket will see it on his phone or Apple Watch right away," explains Kim Vindberg-Larsen.

The apps have had an amazing start in both Denmark, Sweden and Germany, and besides the offer brochure itself, the mobile team can see that the product scanner and synchronization and sharing of the shopping list are the most popular features.


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