H21 Safety Limited
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In January 2020, the HSE introduced new and revised workplace exposure limit guidance for 13 substances, including wood dust. Wood dust is a hazardous substance and inhaling the fine particles can develop into respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and occupational asthmas
What are the Dangers of Hardwood Dust Exposure?
Wood dust can cause a range of serious health problems to people exposed to it on a daily basis. Firstly, it can cause asthma, which carpenters and joiners are four times more likely to get compared to any other UK workers. Hardwood dust, specifically, can cause cancer, particularly of the nose. It is most notably the settled dust containing fine particles that are most likely to damage the lungs. It can also cause certain skin disorders.
What operations cause high wood dust exposures?
The following work or recreational activities are likely to produce high volumes of dust exposure, and are particularly notable when occurring daily over long periods:
What you need to do
Exposure limits:
Adequate control of wood dust is achieved when:
How should Wood Dust Exposure be Controlled?
Under COSHH, employers (including contractors) have a duty to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment in all areas in the workplace. They must also take steps to ensure they prevent or adequately control exposure to wood dust and provide suitable protective equipment.
LEV Systems for Controlling Wood Dust
Installing an LEV system doesn’t automatically mean your workers are protected. In many cases an inadequate or insufficient LEV is installed and the process of proper design and testing is missed, leaving workers still exposed. At Vent-Tech we are highly experienced in assessing, designing, installing and testing systems to keep companies compliant and their workers safe.
A fixed LEV that will effectively control the dust at source as it is produced is a good place to start. But with most processes, the fine wood dust becomes suspended in air and capturing the dust is then all about controlling the movement of this dusty air. This can be significantly more difficult as the high-speed rotating blades and cutters of woodworking machines act like fans and generate strong air movements.
The job of the LEV system is to contain this air movement and with it the dust. Many LEV designs fail to do this because the hood or ducting design is wrong. To get your LEV system right you need to consult with an experienced company who understand:
Are you keeping your workers safe?
Test your compliance with H21Safety's FREE Onsite Health and Safety Consultation!
Our FREE onsite Health and Safety Consultation will establish whether your current Health and Safety Management System?is actually working and whether employees are observing Health and Safety practises at work.
Once a date has been agreed, a fully qualified and experienced Health and Safety Consultant will visit your business and undertake a spot check on the status of your organisations Health and Safety Management System and arrangements. This will include a review of your Health and Safety policy, arrangements, systems, risk assessments and employee safety training that you have in place.
Following the onsite consultation, we will issue a detailed report offering guidance on how to make any required improvements.
We are happy to assist with any recommendations if required. However, this is entirely up to the client and there is no obligation.
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