Dangers of Tailgating
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Dangers of Tailgating

What is tailgating?

When one car follows another one too closely, it is known as tailgating or car Following. Because it makes a rear-end collision more likely, tailgating is regarded as risky. The following vehicle would probably crash into the back of the leading vehicle if the latter applied rapid braking. Even more than this, tailgating can lead to aggressive driving habits and road rage. It's prohibited in many nations and can have repercussions for both drivers, including fines, points on your license, and in some circumstances, jail time. In addition to making accidents more likely, tailgating can be dangerous for other drivers who watch it as they may feel unsafe in the environment.

The dangers of tailgating

Tailgating is a dangerous practice that can lead to serious accidents. In addition, tailgating can also cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles and veer into oncoming traffic or off the road entirely.

Tailgating is especially dangerous in inclement weather conditions when visibility is poor and road conditions are more treacherous. Drivers who tailgate in these conditions are putting themselves and others at unnecessary risk.

If you must drive in close proximity to another vehicle, be sure to leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you. Always make sure that you can see the back wheels of the vehicle in front of you.

Why do people Tailgate?

When someone follows you too closely, it's usually because they want you to go faster. Keep in mind that you are only required to drive within the posted speed limit; exceeding it is not your responsibility and could leave you with serious consequences to deal with.

What to do if someone is tailgating you

  • When it’s safe, change lanes. turn on your indicator for three seconds and do your shoulder check before changing lanes.
  • Avoid shouting at the tailgaters, gesturing at them, or engaging in any other behaviour that might infuriate them further.
  • Try to keep your speed consistent. There may be some tailgaters following you because they feel it is unsafe to overtake you due to your inconsistent pace.
  • Do not push yourself to go above what you are comfortable doing when increasing your speed limit.
  • Avoid using the fast lane while driving. The fast lane is for passing or for motorists who are moving more quickly than you.
  • If a tailgater is trying to pass you, they will flash their headlights at you. Pay attention to this and carefully move aside. They are trying to send you a message.

If you feel completely unsafe or had a traumatising event, it is important to know that traffic officers in Oman are employing a range of measures to tackle speeding and irresponsible driving on the roads. You can always contact the?Royal Oman Police after carefully taking the number plate of the vehicle that was driving irresponsibly. In Oman, driving safely is VERY crucial, and failing to do so can have serious implications.


Tailgating can be a dangerous driving practice and should not be taken lightly. In addition to the potential legal ramifications, tailgating puts your life, as well as the lives of others on the road, at risk. By following these tips for preventing and dealing with tailgating, you can help ensure that you are not endangering yourself or anyone else when you hit the open road. So next time you're behind the wheel—keep your distance and stay away from tailgaters as much as you can. Remember, it’s not worth the risk!



