The Dangers of Overpopulation are not what you think
One of the most prevalent arguments in climate activism implies more people, consume more resource. What follows is a violent call to limit population growth through dictate or governmental policy limitations on child-birth. Women shamed into avoiding child birth. What is behind this trend and how much truth is there to it?
The argument goes that more people, eat more resources, emit more carbon, take up more space, chop down more trees and capture more animals. So the conclusion must be to have less children and for governments to introduce population control and childbirth policies reminiscent of China's one child policy or Nazi regime's admiration for the racism of Margaret Sanger and "Planned Parenthood".
Such debate is often accompanied by difficult, and dark questions. Who is it we have to control? Do we have to rid the world of humans?
But how true is the argument of overpopulation? Is it fair to say that humans are taking up a lot of space? What does science actually say about this? And Where did this idea of overpopulation come from? Is it right they exploit vulnerability?
As a 43 year old female I suffer from climate change anxiety. At the same time I want with all my heart a grand baby or two one day. - Anonymous
A Bit of Background
Overpopulation is the idea that human populations have grown to such an extent that there is no room on the planet for any other species. More people must mean more resources, right? intuitively, whilst this might make common sense, the numbers tell a different story. Obviously the earth is having a climate crisis caused by the current levels of atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, which themselves are exacerbated by direct or indirect human activity. However, not all human activity is created equal.
The world's poorest 50% are only responsible for 10% of the worlds greenhouse gases. And this stands to reason. Cars, roads, conveniences, white goods and other heavy industry are lacking in many of those parts of the developing world. 51% of the world's population hasn't even got access to basic healthcare.
While the vast majority of the carbon footprint is actually produced by the top 10 richest countries in the world, the numbers are worse when considering average per-capita emissions by nation. Individuals in the developed world can emit up to 5,000 times the global greenhouse gas emissions of their counterparts in developing nations. Countries like Qatar leading the way in consumption. It's practically raining oil
Resource Consumption: The Telltale
With all this evidence stacked up against it, how has it become such a dominant conjecture?
Many people aren't aware of the origins of the overpopulation idea. In short, overpopulation is a myth. Different global populations have different climate footprints and those can vary up to 5,000 times the size of of smallest consumers, over-consumption and over-production is the issue. It's why the UN Sustainable Development Goals include goal 12. "Sustainable Consumption and Production". Take no more than you need to live.
Resource consumption is naturally uneven. The United nations are calling on all countries to do their bit to reduce total global warming emissions by 55%. Taking the overpopulation argument, it is not possible to remove the poorest 50% or the richest 10% and reach the 55% emissions reduction target. It's also not possible to linearly spread the 55% across all nations because the differences mean we also wouldn't reach carbon neutrality.
This alone is a reason overpopulation isn't an effective cause of climate change. But this doesn't tackle the spatial question. Are we blocking out the sun on a land mass?
Anyone who likes quizzing will probably know this trivia, but the entire population of the world, all 8 billion of us, can fit into a space that is 500 square miles. It sounds like a lot but is only a space the size of the Isle of Wight. An area so small it can't even be seen from space. indeed, you could give every human an acre of land each and it wouldn't fill an area much larger than Texas. So despite our parasitic activity we haven't colonised the vast majority of the habitable land space.
People could grow into the space right? So while it may not be overpopulated now, it will be at some point!
Actually, No.
Economic scientists found that due to the relatively growth in life expectancy, the population could only reach a certain size before it started falling again. Most recently newspaper headlines reported that the population could reach 12 billion by 2050, which is a misleading representation of the research. Missing out the crucial factor that the population will start dropping again after peaking at that value.
Yet, a clever set of medical scientists had discovered that original research made the assumption that fertility was possible for 70 years of female life. This was an incorrect assumption in the original research, since female fertility is only viable for 25 years at most. When it was corrected and the models re-ran, then published in The Lancet, that research showed there was a 95% confidence the earth would not reach 11 million people by 2060 and likely never reach 12 billion at all. I'd encourage people to get a fuller picture by reading that original research.
Statistically, irresponsible consumption is a dangerous beast. It hides inside the nooks and crannies of people goods. Palm Oil is by far one of the most dangerous. There is almost nothing in the palm-oil chain that doesn't damage the climate. Yet, over-population enthusiasts keep hold of an ill fated future, propped up by anti-capitalists, who believe that capitalism can never return a reduction in irresponsible consumption. Despite the clear and unequivocal evidence to the contrary. Who can forget the hole in the Ozone layer that gave rise to anti-CFC legislation that banned the use of greenhouse gases in deodorant cans, hairspray and fridges. That ban, led ot the Ozone layer slowly repairing itself. This difference happened even when the population of the world increased from 4.36 billion to 7.4 billion. It's also not the only one.
This leaves the question of where this all comes from. How come so many people in the climate movement talk about it?
The first proper reference to overpopulation comes from Malthusian economics. A 1700/1800s economic school, repeatedly debunked in economics since. Thomas Malthus and British MPs used it to justify slavery, by claiming we can't allow colonies to over populate because they will eat all the resources once we lift them out of poverty, since it just creates a new poverty. British members of parliament would typically argue that slavery was good by the planet's resources.
It was entirely false as tribes had nothing. They were not consuming anything other than what they needed to eat. Unlike Britain which was entering the Industrial revolution. The idea was to convince people the huge population of Africa was a blot on resources, so they could be removed to then leave resources for the colonialists.
That disparity continues to this day and has been adopted by eco-fascists as an acceptable, plausible argument. It propagates well amongst the general population including unwitting climate activists who don't know its history and happen upon a disinformation or conspiracy theory online. Overpopulation is a conveniently simple explanation that resonates with humans as a omnipotent oppressor of animals and species unlike their own.?
One of the major concerns with the way some factions within the climate movement operated of late, is that it aimed to gather popularity without focusing so much on scientific rigour. This, despite the efforts of protagonists such as Greta Thunberg who always called for people to follow the science. It's easy to assume that was only directed at climate change deniers, when in reality it applies as much to climate change activists. Science is the only thing that can provide a solution to this but unfortunately, many within the climate movement are either irrationally hostile to science or don't know how to process it, so seek simpler solutions which loses the necessary fidelity and complexity embedded within climate science as a whole.
Overpopulation offers a conveniently simple explanation. It resonates with sympathetic humans as a omnipotent oppressor of animals and species unlike their own. It has even been stated by some prominent conservationists like Jane Goodall, speaking in Davos 2020, who flippantly remarked that most of the problems would not exist if the population was at the level it was at 500 years ago. Never mind that the data doesn't back that position given the climate didn't fundamentally start to change in response to human behaviour until the industrial revolution only 240 years ago. Such a flippant, demonstrably false comment from a well respected conservationist is not just irresponsible, it can be downright dangerous! Playing right into the hands of the very people who want to continue malicious rampage through the ecosystem.
Such careless statements make climate activists susceptible to disinformation much like any other group of people. Many people are primed to seek the simplest solutions to complex problems, but climate change is a complex problem with no simple solutions. Members of the far-right played on this for quite some time. Encouraging and nurturing the narrative that misanthropy is a solution to climate change.
And many climate activists appear to have drank the Kool-Aid. Yet, if climate activists chose not to have children in line with this plan, it leaves climate deniers to have children and nurture a climate hostile world. It simply doesn't make sense. Neither scientifically nor strategically, to follow such action and simply brings your movement to a halt. Overpopulation is not only sustainability wrong but it could be the topic that kills off the climate movement altogether.
Still believe overpopulation is the cause? Explain why below.
Director at Tribes Los Digitalis Ltd
3 个月Very interesting read.. thank you for articulating it like this. When you consider what a healthy society living in balance with nature and its environment could be capable of, there’s no reason with vertical farming, perma culture, and cradle to cradle designed systems and processes we can’t all live happily, comfortably and with as many progeny as you wanted.. besides if we become a multi planetary species we’re going to need to more than double as a population…
Big Ticket Problem Solver. Strategy, Brand and Sustainability. Neuro-Distinct.
10 个月Excellent article, Ethar. My reflection as I take this in, is that regardless of the ‘volume’ of humankind, the ‘value’ of what we do is much more important. This needs us to emotionally invest in the cause moreso than intellectually invest in it. The latter is not for everyone, and why should it be!? THAT’S what we should have governments and institutions for. People need better structures and experiences. Not yet more policy and confusion.
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3 年One of the other issues for people choosing not to have children is about the world that they would be bringing them into if runaway climate change is not addressed urgently.
Buying Director bij Beliving
3 年Very interesting insights in this matter. Although I have said the words "there are too many of us" more then once, I tend to agree with you that a world with 12 billion people who all live as sustainable as humanly possible supported by technology aimed at equality, circular design, reducing the usage of natural resources and minimising the output of carbon emissions will be a better place to live in than our current world of 8 billion people. I just wonder how we can achieve this awareness within the next 2 to 3 generations... And by that time the available space on the planet for humans to live will be greatly reduced as a result of global warming.
Health Systems Specialist. Head of Pharmaceutical Sustainability, Scottish Government. Founder: The Nitrous Oxide Project
3 年I completely agree with you Ethar. Thank you for writing this as it's saved me having to do so. Although at some point it will need repeating elsewhere I am sure. The argument our human population has led to the climate crisis does not stand up to reasoning as you explain so adroitly that half the human population account for 10 percent of all emissions. Without a doubt, we need to be cleaner, less greedy, and work with this planet and not against it. However, climate change activists need to avoid throw-away remarks and remain humble and beholden to the evidence if we are to stand a real chance of repairing the damage we have caused.