The dangers of LinkedIn Privacy
I've been following LinkedIn for a while now, and overall; I think it's a great platform to use for showcasing work and seeing how you work with different media.
However, LinkedIn much like other platforms gas a privacy concern.
If I knew my co-worker's name; I could google their linked in, and provided they filled in all the details accurately and have a profile image, the I would have acsess to their name, occupation, a rough estimate of their location, their age, and if you're smart enough even how much you earn because people's jobs are in full view.
No system is perfect, however, I do think that we as the consumer have a legal right to manage when people want to see this data, so it goes to the right people. Emplorers, rather than everyone. Privacy settings for your profile. You could genuinely be in a serious issue when someone is looking up all of your social media and actually stalking you; and for linkedIn, you can't take it off, and for me, that scares me.
I want to ensure that I am aple to fully private or customise my privacy settings and what I want on display on the web. Maybe this does exist on the account type, I don't know. But in the age of AI, we need to be more careful about what public infomation is known about you.
With Facebook's training, the AI itself uses 3rd party cookies and the time you spend looking at media to learn how to improve (as well as likes and comments) however, accounts can be private, and that should be the same for LinkedIn.
AI use in Instagram
I stopped using Instagram about 2 years ago. It wasn't really intresting for me, I only used it to talk to friends; and we didn't talk as much. However, before I stopped using my account, I deleted the few posts I did. I wasn't going to be on it, so there was no point having them on there.
This turned out to be more helpful then I realised.Much more recently, the platform anounced that they will be using public photos as refrence images for AI image generation. (which is already a can of worms, but back to the topic at hand) my privacy was saved by my past self because I did something people don't usually do. I occationally see something like 'this post has been deleted' but it's rare. and usually it's due to something that causes the person to become cancelled.
With all that said, I really hope the issue is sorted as soon as it can do, because privacy has always been high on my radar, and not yet another AI trying to 'improve' a product that was fine as it was.
Linkedin sort it out and make it clear to the user. No 'we sorted the issue, it's in the 4 billionth setting on the menu' Make it clear and easy to understand for every single person.