The Dangers of Drinking Warm Water Early Morning Everyday.

The Dangers of Drinking Warm Water Early Morning Everyday.

Water is an important component of our bodies with water being estimated to constitute as much 55 percent to 6o percent of our bodies being water. While oxygen is by far more critical for survival than water, thirst or loss of water has more dire consequences than going hungry. In other words we can survive longer without food than we can survive without the minimum required water levels in our bodies.

We are encouraged to drink water regularly so that we have enough water in our bodies. There are no dangers associated with drinking warm water at any time of the day. You can

What baffles me is how so many leaders, decision-makers, chief executive officers, board members and managers who talk so much about high performance do not seem to learn anything about high performance from disciplines such as sport, arts, music and STEM organisations. As much as 90 percent of organisations are old-fashioned. They have an endemic underperformance syndrome, meaning that they are configured to permanently produce results that are below their full potential. If you want to get more about this, please refer to The Gallup Organisation's studies on organisations including on employee engagement.

To get more about what organisations, career people and professional can learn about performance from The Olympics, sports, arts and music. This is important because organisations around the world are perennial underperformers.

Click the link below for Simon Bere's articles on this.

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?Simon Bere, 2024


