The Dangers of Desperation: Why Settling for a Job You Hate Isn't Worth It
Well, well, well, here I am dipping my reluctant toes back into the job search pool. (Brrr, it's colder than the ice bucket challenge in here, even with Win Hof's breathing techniques!) But, no matter how icy the waters and how long the wait is between work, I need to remind myself to keep my eyes on the prize, and not settle for just any job that comes my way.
As someone who has been through the ups and downs of job hunting, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to feel stuck in a desperate situation. Due to a temporary lack of funds, I am currently down to one meal a day (thanks, Cup O Noodle). Although I've decided to see the silver lining and give it an influencer's spin by calling it "Meal Monogamy." That way, I can feel better about my lack of funds, but not my lack of loyalty!
Let's face it, whether it's due to financial pressure, the need for stability, or a desire to start a new chapter in your career, the urge to settle for any job can be overwhelming. But trust me, settling for any old job is like wearing socks with sandals: it's just not a good look.
Instead of settling, why not consider exploring short-term gig-based and temporary jobs? Not only do they provide the income you need to pay your bills, but they also offer the flexibility and autonomy to learn new skills, gain experience in different industries, and expand your professional network.
Here are some examples of short-term gig-based and temporary jobs that can provide income, flexibility, and opportunities for professional growth:
One important piece of advice I always follow when looking for job opportunities is to steer clear of interviews where the employer refuses to disclose the salary upfront. This is a major red flag that the company may not value transparency, fairness, or equity in their hiring practices, and it's best to avoid them altogether. Instead, channel your inner Beyonce and confidently say, "Boy, bye!" to any such job opportunities. After all, your time and skills are valuable, and you deserve to work for a company that respects and compensates you fairly.
Ultimately, it's important to remember that short-term sacrifices can lead to long-term gains. By resisting the urge to settle and pursuing temporary jobs that align with your values and give you time to pursue your passions, you can set yourself up for success in the long run. So don't give up on your dreams - hold out for the career you truly want and deserve. And in the meantime, enjoy being a One Plate Wonder!