Dangerous Times.                     Venezuela and the Three Amigos: "Let's Bring Hell to America"?. Chapter 01.
By Johan Obdola, with the support of the IOSI GLOBAL Team

Dangerous Times. Venezuela and the Three Amigos: "Let's Bring Hell to America". Chapter 01.

A literal translation is as follows:

"Listen Pitiyanki* what I am going to tell you,

you in my country will never intervene,

Listen, little gringo, we are ready for you,

With Russian weapons, we are waiting for you

Come here that what comes to you is stick

We will be your Latin American Vietnam

We are willing to die..”

*Pitiyanki. Hugo Chávez used the word “pitiyanqui,” a term meaning "little Yankee".

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During the recent celebration of Venezuelan Independence Day, the military parade was a mockery with the figure of the "Super Mustache", an inflatable doll resembling Nicolas Maduro.

A Global Geopolitical Context.

The Invasion, The Opportunity for a Bi-Polar World. A designed Geopolitical and Economic Environment.

Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine was an operation with multiple strategic purposes and a direct impact on Europe, with an obvious global impact, yet to be felt.

Although it is true that this invasion is a unilateral operation by Putin, the geopolitical and economic repercussions to the world were analyzed and shared by Vladimir's friends, Jinping and Khamenei. The global geopolitical situation, and a pandemic that evidenced the lack of immediate international reaction and coordination, would generate "The Perfect Storm" to initiate a series of global events, beginning with the invasion of Ukraine. I mean, the beginning of a more active-aggressive series of events.

The Objective?

A Bi-Polar World. On one hand, Russia, China, and Iran (RCI), with a strong military geopolitical and economic agenda, and on the other hand, an international community weakened by some level of populist policies (in many cases), corruption, and the wear and tear of international public agencies responsible for ensuring security, justice, human rights, and any other issues related to governance and global stability.

Maduro and the "Three Amigos".

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In the face of the obvious erosion of political and governance models in many nations, of which, most of them, have been succumbing to an accelerated process of deterioration in the effectiveness of public administration, and governance, especially due to a hastened process of official corruption, provoking, since before the start of the pandemic, global public demonstrations by social movements, and taken advantage of by political groups with extreme left tendencies, eventually indicating a perverse global operation where the extreme left, communism, social fanaticism, and radical fundamentalism are converging.

Towards a New World Order: Authoritarianism, radical Islamism and political populism, a dangerous cocktail, a prevailing trend.

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Source: Authoritarian populism. Illustration: Boy Dominguez. STEPS Centre

In this sense, Russia, China and Iran, together with allied governments and "puppet regimes", with a strong trademark of populism, authoritarianism and radicalism, and surely supported by "some economic groups seduced by this scenario of global chaos and uncertainty" which generates immediate opportunities for immediate money and power, have managed to advance rapidly in the destruction of the institutions and governability of weak and populist nations, turning them into “soft bases” for their expansion operations in those regions with global impact. I think this New World Order in the making is undeniably here with us.

"Friendly Migrations".

The migrations to the U.S. and to Europe mainly, have particularity significance in this context. Forced migrations have been always existing. Indeed, people have the need to emigrate massively for different reasons: survival (wars, conflicts), economic, social, and religious among others (in my case I left Canada as a refugee for my fight against drug trafficking. Many years later, I cannot return to Venezuela because it is a country hijacked by narco-terrorism). But, for the last 12 years, an accelerated process of "forced migration" to the United States of America has been dramatically increasing, mainly for economic and security reasons (armed conflicts, drug trafficking). At the same time, migrations to Europe, from the Middle East, Africa, part of Asia, and Latin America, have been for reasons similar to those of the United States of America, but with much more complex factors taking into account conflicts, corruption, violence and situations of the economic crisis in the countries from which these migrations originate.

One of the most powerful common denominators in these cases is official corruption, as a strategic element of destabilization and threat to the security and stability of these nations. It is true that corruption is a social and political problem that dates back to time immemorial.

Of course, China, Russia and Iran have played a strategic role in an accelerated process of corruption and weakening of governments in Africa and Latin America, with clear objectives of taking possession of strategic wealth, and at the same time, generating crises that directly and indirectly affect the western world.


During the last years, there has been clear evidence about how the Venezuelan regime, Nicaragua, Cuba and other friend nations of the "Three Amigos Agenda" have been supporting and financing a massive campaign of migrations to the U.S. where among those Latin American citizens looking for a safe and better live, terrorists, hard core criminals, and radical agents of the Venezuelan revolution, with fake passports and I.D.s have been entering the U.S. Similar operations would be happening across Europe. No doubt about it.

The Three Amigos in Venezuela.

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Source: Vasco Gargalo. Portuguese Cartoonist.

Russian Military in Venezuela

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Venezuela Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino is pictured after the arrival of two Russian Tupolev Tu-160 strategic long-range heavy supersonic bomber aircrafts at Maiquetia International Airport, just north of Caracas, on December 10, 2018. (Source: Dialogo Americas)

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Chinese Military in Venezuela

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Chinese and Venezuelan Marines conduct exchanges on the operation of weapons. (Photo by Shang Wenbin)

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Iranian Military in Venezuela

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The regime of Nicolás Maduro showed for the first time the Iranian combat drones assembled in Venezuela. A24 channel.

Venezuela. The Best Ally of Terrorism in the Americas

Hugo Chávez had a dream that, with the help of his mentors at the time, has come true, even after his death: to turn Venezuela into a center of international terrorism base to accelerate the expansion of the Chavista revolution across Latin America, and to become the most serious security threat against the U.S. and the western world. That is why Chavez, knowing that he would die, Chavez "appointed" Nicolas Maduro, a persona with no criteria nor intelligence, but faithful to the revolution, as his successor, so under the orders of Cuba (initially), Iran, Russia and China, he will continue with that dream of not only converting Venezuela in that nightmare but to propagate its violent revolution throughout Latin America and the world.

Yes, the world. Remember, this goal was from Chavez's mentors.

Chavez, and now Nicolas Maduro's national and foreign advisors (members of the Three Amigos team), successfully, until now, implemented an effective formula that proved, today, how you can destroy and control a rich in resources nation, turn Venezuela into a Criminal State (the first narco-terrorist regime in the Americas), with the most complex global money-laundering operation in our current times, with thousands of registered cases for serious crimes against humanity, and yet, still having a "respectable" level of diplomacy acceptance in some western nations (the oil-energy principle perhaps?. Oil over human rights and justice).

The Venezuelan-Chavista Revolution has expanded, not only its money-laundering operation globally, but has active criminal, terrorist, spies (yes spies) and violent cells across Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East.

In Colombia, the Venezuelan regime, along with the Cuban, Hezbollah and other extremist regimes conducted the most active intelligence and espionage operations in the region. Similar operations, besides the larger money laundering in Europe, Spain has become a strong hub for the Chavismo and its allies.

The Making of a Criminal-Narco-Terrorism Regime.

Upon the arrival of Chavez to power, soon he started preparing a series of strategies and decisions to initiate the most insidious criminal and terrorist-related moves that would start his goal of becoming a hemispheric strategic center for global enemies of the U.S. to establish their main operations in Venezuela. Before Chavez, Cuidad del Este in the tri-border area was the most active terrorist base in South America.

In 2005, Chavez expelled the D.E.A. out of Venezuela, and one year later, the Cartel of the Suns, a drug cartel headed initially by Generals of the Venezuelan National Guard, was under controlled of Hugo Chavez, who appointed Diosdado Cabello as the Capo di Capi to managed this drug cartel, which he continues nowadays.

By 2008, Chavez was already organizing more active operations of Colombian guerillas in Venezuela and bringing Hezbollah to the nation. To this end, Chavez appointed Tareck Alssami, former governor, and several times minister of interior, industry, and former Vice President of Venezuela, and currently minister of energy and oil, to head the cooperation between Venezuela and Iran and facilitate the establishment of Hezbollah and the Quds in Venezuela. Currently, Venezuela has become one of the most important bases of Hezbollah in the world.

From Venezuela, Latin American pro-Chavistas or radical hard-core activists are sent on regular bases to Iran to receive training on combat and terrorist operations, then sent back to Venezuela and from there they are moved to some nations across the region. Once there, they are on hold until activated from Caracas.

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How to Destroy and Control a Rich in Resources and a Democracy Regional Model Nation?

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The Chavista revolution was managed, initially under the guidance and protection of Cuba, and then of Russia, China and Iran, to destroy the institutions and governability of Venezuela in less than 10 years. Populism, and a population with a limited citizen maturity, caused by a populist culture prior to Hugo Chávez, which failed to politically educate its population, so that they could defend their democracy and freedoms, were the most important factors for the Chavista evolution entered Venezuela without many remains.

It took about 10 years to destroy everything. Democracy, the economy, education, health, and the private productive sector. All. Once destroyed, the so-called "culture of begging" begins, where the people were victims of a policy of food and health manipulation by the regime. A policy of social control through the dependency of the population.

The country with the largest oil deposit in the world, became a poor country, with a polarized economy, the greatest humanitarian crisis in its history, and a threat to hemispheric and global security. Once this oil-rich country is totally under the control of the regime, there has been a complex "fake" economic reactivation of the economy, originated from international money laundering, and global drug trafficking, investing in top luxurious "bodegas", casinos, hotels, malls and other sectors, additionally to more than 7 million Venezuelans forced to live out of the country, and who send whatever money back to Venezuela to support their families. This is creating a false sense of "normalization of the economy".

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The Enemy at the Gates

2022 is the year that marks a very dangerous era for Latin America, as the region is being covered in the shadow of communism, populism and what I call “the communist, fundamentalist, and anti-imperialist regional system of governments”.

The erosion of governance models, mostly affected by corruption, killed the participation of the people as citizens in their nations. Seeing themselves constantly betrayed and robbed by politicians and public officials, most people abandoned citizen participation, giving this radical-criminal-terrorist and communist, and fundamentalist alliance led by Russia (economy and military and geopolitical positioning), China ( economy and geopolitical military positioning), and Iran (economy, terrorism, expansion of Islamic radicalism) an extraordinary opportunity for them to establish themselves and strengthen themselves in these countries.

It is important to highlight that these regimes and governments such as those of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia, who are either completely controlled or in a rapid process by the axis (RCI), do not have the support of a majority of the population of those countries. In fact, they have minority support, and a majority are subjected to the terror policies of those regimes.

The Three Amigos and Maduro Goes to War. A Game of War.

During the coming month of August, Russia, Iran and China will be participating in a War Game in Venezuela. These war exercises will take place in different parts of the country, but the most strategic ones will be conducted close to the border with Colombia, as a strong message to the elected Colombian president, leftist Petro, and a warning to Colombia forces.

The joint military exercises that would take place in Venezuela consist of the Kremlin's most aggressive strategy in that area, they are called Sniper Frontier and it is a clear and challenging message to the United States in its region.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin assured that in Washington "they have not realized that new powerful centers have emerged and are becoming stronger and stronger."

The objective, from the beginning to these upcoming military manoeuvres, is the same: to flex military muscle in the face of the United States and its allies, especially in the context of the international isolation to which Moscow is subjected for its invasion of Ukraine. Latin America remains a priority for the Kremlin, even with the vast majority of its armed forces in Ukraine?(https://atalayar.com/en/content/iran-china-and-russia-prepare-military-manoeuvres-latin-america).

Already, China operates a military-run space station in Argentina, which includes a 16 stories antenna, and that is strongly believed to be a powerful electronic surveillance center. This close secured station is under Chinese military management and not even, Argentinian officials cannot enter this facility, unless authorized and accompanied by senior Chinese officials.

China’s space program is run by its military, the People’s Liberation Army. The Patagonian station is managed by the China Satellite Launch and Tracking Control General (CLTC), which reports to the PLA’s Strategic Support Force.

In June this year, the government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega authorized Russian troops, planes and ships to deploy to Nicaragua for purposes of training, law enforcement or emergency response.

In a decree published this week, and confirmed by Russia on Thursday, Ortega will allow Russian troops to carry out law enforcement duties, “humanitarian aid, rescue and search missions in emergencies or natural disasters”.

In the last 4 years, there have been constant Russian military planes, flying to Nicaragua, using Venezuela as a strategic point, and provoking Colombia several times when Russian military aircraft unauthorized crossed the Colombian border, generating a strong military and diplomatic response. I think, with Petro in power, there will not be any issue about this.

"The VRIC nations (Venezuela, Russia, Iran and China) are preparing to make a strong statement that the region is ready to embrace multipolar force."

According to the portal freebeacon.com, the war exercises are one of the clearest signs to date that the coalition of anti-US regimes in Latin America is working to boost relations with Russia, China and Iran. They note that dictator Nicolás Maduro recently concluded a diplomatic tour of the Middle East in which he signed a 20-year strategic agreement with Iran that laid the groundwork for an Iranian oil tanker to dock in Venezuela and unload illicit crude oil from Tehran.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Neboj?a Stefanovi, PhD, and the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovi, have visited members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, who are preparing at the Ore?ac training ground for participation in the "Sniper Frontier" competition, which they call one of the prestigious disciplines of the International Army Games.

According to the portal, there are also signs that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the country's paramilitary fighting force, is increasing its presence in Latin America.

In early June, a Venezuelan cargo plane flying in the region "was found to have on board members of the Qods Force, the elite unit of Iran's Revolutionary Guards," according to the think tank's report. “Gholamreza Ghasemi, a known IRGC arms dealer and manager of Qeshm Fars Air, was piloting the Boeing 747-300M returning to Buenos Aires along with 4 other Iranian and 14 Venezuelan citizens.”

After the plane went to the ground, "Argentine authorities seized documents, personal effects and electronic devices and discovered images of tanks, missiles and other pro-IRGC paraphernalia on one of the mobile devices", suggesting that the largest plot backed by Iran. in the region.

Ghasemi reportedly made at least 13 trips from Iran to Venezuela in the past year and a half, raising red flags with the FBI and the Israeli government.

End of 1st Part.

Luis Oliveira R.

International Aviation Security Consultant, Special Operations Intelligence Expert, National Defense Auditor

2 年

Mr. Johan Obdola; Thank you for your invitation and courtesy. Allow me to offer you my sincere congratulations on the launch of your first newsletter. The Intelligence Community needs information of the level presented, allowing a constructive and permanent dialogue to be established in favor of freedom of expression and a sense of responsibility in the analysis of the information provided. Happiness and Success is what I wish you. My Respects and Best Regards Luis

Saadullah Turkman

Former Intelligence Army Afghanistan

2 年

Next week Putin have travel to Iran Personally meet with khamaney

Paris Carr

National Security Agency|US Army|TS5/SAP|Personal POV

2 年

Naw, pal. Not falling for this propaganda and nonsense. I’m no longer one of “those Americans”—the kind who think Castro was bad and question nothing the war machine tells us.



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