Danger Possible Electricity Outages
? Steven F. Trimarco - - CEO of Real Corporation ?
CEO??Real Corporation??Serving 15,000 + In our Energy Electricity Network. With 280 Utilities- we have the BEST Electricity Rate Plans in TEXAS! Shop smart Read-69 articles on Saving Energy 956 331-2944/RealSmartBuy.com
We all may be facing soon localized outages, though, as things like ice can bring down wires/trees/etc
(below are tips on what you can do now to prepare for the cold snap)
Back in February 2020, Texas experienced one of the LARGEST blackouts in history. So now are we about repeat ourselves?
What happened in February 2020 was for multiple reasons why this happened to you here in Texas, and the government is not taking ownership of the problem.
IS Texas Government Playing Russian Roulette with your electricity?
30% of electricity generating plants are still not winterized! Well, that is better than 100% not winterized back in last February.
Why did this happen, and why do we still have 30% of electricity generating plants not winterized???
The government let it happen by not requiring it to operate in Texas without winterizing; Thus saving generating plants to go through the expense of winterizing.?
Our Texas government felt it was worth the risk because they had a backup with allowing ERCOT when demand was not being met. Allow $9000 price to economically motivated generate plants to put more electricity in the grid to meet demand. However, our Texas Government was short-sited and did not anticipate cold weather shutting down plants because they were not winterized.
The combination of loss from not winterizing generated plants resulted in a 40% reduction in energy into the Texas Electricity grid, and those still operating charge their customer HUGE Utility bills.
Not all those customers who used Energy Brokers who looked out for their clients and recommended a true fix contract (although higher rate). They did not experience huge utility bills that other utility customers you heard in the news received utility bills they could not pay.
Although all my clients did not experience huge bills, I did have one utility company go bankrupt because they could not pay ERCOT. As a result, I had to orchestrate a deal for the 15 clients by combining their total yearly usage as if one company and had company bid for their business collectively, thus getting a better rate they would not get otherwise.
There is as saying The BIG Print tells you what you will save, and the small print takes it all away. So when shopping for electricity, don’t just shop for price for it can be dangerous to your wallet!
Here are steps ?you could do now to prepare for the cold
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Have a GREAT Successful DAY??
Steven F. Trimarco
Real Corporation
{Established 1989}
Texas Registration # BR190069
Best Electric rates for ?? ?? or ?? ? 956 381-4446 or 866 287-9484