Dancing with Regret
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Dancing with Regret

Dancing with Regret: The Art of Letting Go of those 'Could Have, Should Have' Moments

Tell me you've never been here....

.... lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying that awkward comment or situation from three years ago. Or perhaps it's that career opportunity we let slip, the one we where we were definitely going to follow up on... eventually. ??

Yep, the infamous 'could have, should have' moments in our life that then go on to plague our thoughts. They sneak up like uninvited guests at a party, who are still talking to you even though you've switched the lights on, and you've changed onto your pyjamas.. they've overstay their welcome.

Regret, it seems, is the universe's way of saying, "remember that time you messed up? Let's just stop, replay and relive it for a bit!"

Don't get me wrong, a little reflection can be healthy, but wallowing in regret is like binge-watching a bad TV show: it's addictive, unhealthy, makes no sense and ultimately is unproductive.

The Science of Regret

Did you know that regret actually has a physical impact on our bodies?

It's true!..in fact most unwanted emotions, if left, overtime will have a physical impact.

So when we dwell on past mistakes, our bodies respond with feelings such as stress, anxiety or even fear. This can lead to a cascade of unwanted effects: increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and even that dreaded muscle tension that feels like you've had a workout at the gym...when you haven't.

If experiencing chronic stress from unrelenting regret can even impact our immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses. So, while you’re busy regretting that missed promotion or the time you said “you too” to the waiter/waitress who told you to enjoy your meal, your body is essentially saying, “Enough already!”

Breaking the Cycle

So, how do we stop this self-destructive dance with regret?

Here are a few strategies to help you shake it off:

  1. The Power of Perspective: Often, what seems like a monumental mistake in the moment is but a blip on the radar of our lives. Remember that time you tripped in front of someone you really fancied at school? Well, no one else does!
  2. Learn and Let Go: Regret can be a teacher if we let it. So, what did you learn from the experience? How can it guide your future decisions? Take the lesson and then, like that bad TV show, take it off replay and leave it behind.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness can help keep you grounded in the present, rather than stuck in the past. Remember, It’s hard to regret the past if you’re fully engaged in the now.
  4. Humour Therapy: (Love this) Sometimes, the best way to deal with regret is to laugh at it. Did you really just tell your boss “I love you” at the end of a conference call? Hilarious. Mortifying, I know, but still hilarious. And they probably thought it was funny anyway...no harm done.

Cogno-move it!

But what if you genuinely can't for what ever reason, let it go?

One of my clients owned a very successful business employing over 100 employees and they (not them on their onw) made the decision to expand. Sadly, that decision led to business failure, with those employees becoming at risk of redundancy. They did however, manage to save the business and another company took them over. But they lived with that regret and the decision to expand, for 6 years after before finding me.

During those years that CEO had tried a number of therapies, both talking and non-talking but that feeling never left and they felt completely stuck and isolated. Then, through a LinkedIn post from another client who thankfully posted her experience and recommendations about myself and 'Cognomovement', they contacted me.

Just one session reduced the stress and anxiety they felt. And by reducing those feelings led to a better perspective about themselves and they decision as a company they had to make.

The regret had gone. They did however, need another session as this was 6 years of guilt and regret. Now, they have moved on with their lives. That horrible feeling of regret is gone, and they are looking ahead to a much brighter future.

Embrace the Imperfections

Perfection is a myth, and so is a life without regret. Every stumble, every missed opportunity, every "what was I thinking?" moment is a part of your unique story. It’s what makes you, well, you. And of course, it's what the Universe brings us. So instead of letting regret plague your thoughts and poison your body, learn to embrace our imperfections. We're not always going to get it right.

Next time you find yourself spiraling into a regret-induced slump, remember: you’re not alone, and it’s never too late to rewrite the narrative.

Let go of the 'could haves' and 'should haves' and make room for the 'what if's or the what’s next?'.


Life is too short to be living in the shadow of regret, and we can't go back in time and change the past.

So take a deep breath. And if you can..have a good laugh at your past errors, and move forward with the confidence that each mistake is just another step on the dance floor of life. And who knows? If the Universe has got your back, your next move might just be your best one yet.

And if you can't get past that regret, then perhaps a simple Cognomovement session may just help you along your way to happiness.

Karen x ??


#cognomovement #regret #stress #lettinggo #karenpeters


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