Dancing Around the Inevitable!
John Toomey
I help Safety & HR Professionals create a Safe, Physically & Mentally Well & Productive Workforce by providing Vibrant, Engaging Educational Talks ??♂? Workplace Wellbeing Speaker ??♂? Ask me about Psychosocial Risk
Sunday June 27th, 2021
So here we are. Halfway through 2021, the year we all yearned for in 2020. Melbourne has just emerged from another lockdown, and Sydney is now going to the lockdown they thought they would never have.
The news rolls in this morning that Darwin too has gone into lockdown.
The Delta variant of Covid-19 is indeed a worrisome situation, one that was predicted of course.
Society screams loud for the vaccine roll out. Blasé at first, the recent lockdowns have presented a sense of urgency, leaving the Federal Government in the firing line of blame as states struggle to deliver on demand.
And as we surge forth with our vaccination program, the UK has reached the 50% mark which is commendable. But this week we learn that this heavily vaccinated society is now experiencing another surge in cases. Does one raise an eyebrow at that, or dismiss it as an anomaly?
A Wing and a Prayer
Right now, it feels to me that the world is running on a wing and a prayer. There are several vaccines, some we have not heard of in Australia. All have been developed quickly with no long-term testing. At this point, we are hoping that they are effective against Covid-19 and its variants.
The reality though is that we do not know. We cannot be sure that the vaccination program will return our lives to what we once knew as “normal”.
The recent emergence of the delta variant, which seems to spread on a puff of breath, has created much concern. Consider this for a moment, the Delta variant is the 3rd or 4th highly infectious variant since the virus first appeared. How many more will there be? Where does it all end? Viruses are constantly mutating and evolving. Some variants are less infectious and some more so.
Herd Immunity – Only One Path?
Our health leaders speak regularly about Herd Immunity, a level where enough of a percentage of the population are immune to the virus and it is no longer easily transmitted to vulnerable people.
But is vaccination the only pathway to herd immunity. If we listen to our leaders, you could not be blamed for assuming such.
The answer is no. If all members of society were supported to strengthen their own immunity, many would become infected by the virus, experience mild symptoms or perhaps not even get sick, and develop their own antibodies. Over time, we would achieve herd immunity.
Remember the Reasons.
There was only one reason for the lockdowns, and that was to stop the healthcare systems collapsing. Just about every country was faced with the same challenge. Australia, like most other developed countries, has a healthcare system that is constantly under serious duress due to the number of people presenting with lifestyle related diseases like Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and a variety of inflammation-based conditions.
This is a problem that no government has ever been game to tackle. It is a political hot potato. As soon as they even begin to contemplate change, the sectors of society that profit from healthcare generate fear mongering campaigns that leave people fearful that they will be abandoned if they become ill.
The big players of course are Big Pharma, Big Medicine, including the societies of medical specialists and practitioners and Big Pathology. The wealth they create out of the over-indulgence of consumers is staggering.
A Sickly Society
Australia, like most wealthy countries, is sick. Our degenerative disease rates are simply disgraceful. For a wealthy and educated country, we make so many poor choices daily that one could say we deserve to be sick.
A lack of genuine physical exercise, over consumption of alcohol, processed and refined foods, cigarettes and recreational drugs and an inability to handle stress, all contribute to a lethal cocktail of inflammation, obesity, toxicity, and self-degradation.
Most consumers in Australia would not know what it means to have a strong and robust immune system.
Our governments spend next to nothing on health promotion. If they do, it is normally in relation to a disease screening program, which does nothing to improve health. Screening is not health promotion. It is patient detection.
A Vaccination Disaster.
I was vaccinated several times as a kid. I remember the TB vaccine gave all of us a huge sore on our arms that lasted months. It was painful and was always getting knocked, especially when playing football.
I see the need for vaccination against illnesses that are proven to kill or maim in high numbers. Polio is a great example.
But I struggle to see the value in vaccinating against influenza viruses when a concerted effort toward improved immunity would be just as effective, perhaps more so, and a lot cheaper for governments.
Right now, we have chosen the vaccine path. Roll out is failing and much of the population seems to be less than interested in rushing in for “a jab”. A significant proportion of the population have lost their faith in “Big Pharma and are holding back to gain greater re-assurance that the vaccine is safe.
As a result, the campaigns become more and more blackmail like as authorities and health bodies alike seek to seduce people into getting “their shots”.
I am far from an anti-vaxxer. However, I am a big promoter of responsible medicine, sound education and personal responsibility.
Responsible medicine refrains from hurting anyone. The first line of the Hippocratic Oath states, “First, do no harm!”. Choosing to accept that a small percentage of people will be injured or killed by a vaccine is “hurting people”.
Good balanced education informs and empowers people. It does not tell them what they should do. It respects the intelligence of the audience and seeks to inspire curiosity, learning and exploration. It does not treat the student like a “moron” who needs to be directed.
Personal responsibility is taking charge of your own health, eating better, getting enough exercise, and doing everything you can to nurture your own immune system by strengthening the microbiome and ensuring adequate vitamin D (either from sunlight or supplementation), vitamin C and zinc.
It is abundantly clear that our TGA knows these vaccines can and will hurt people.
Media commentators talk of the lesser of two evils and continue to push home the message that we all should take the plunge and be vaccinated. I do understand their passion to do the right thing. But I wonder if their minds will change if a family member is injured?
Conspiracy Theories
Everybody knows someone who knew a guy who is in the know and reckons this is all a big scam. There are so many supposed scams running at present that I cannot keep up.
The word that catches my attention is “they”. Scammers talk about the “they” who want to remove our freedoms, implant chips in us or make us all stupid. Bill Gates gets a decent beating in all of that. There are two things of which I am reasonably confident. One is that nobody can name the “they” that gets referred to. And two, people who say they are “in the know” are more likely to be “attention junkies”.
Now I do not doubt for a minute that Big Pharma is in this to make as much profit as they can. And I also do not doubt that their lobbyists are brilliantly clever and know how to get Politicians on side. The rest follows.
I struggle to understand how a reasonable person could even begin to believe that someone could entice thousands of people to get involved in a sinister plot, and whilst abandoning their own moral code, commit to keeping a terrible secret for a lifetime.
It is like a James Bond Plot.
But belief is powerful. If we have politicians who have grown up with an unshakeable faith in Western Medicine, getting them to endorse vaccination instead of supplementation is not difficult. Even if they do not fully agree, they know the electorate collectively holds deep faith in Western Medicine, so vaccination is a sure bet for re-election.
A good lobbyist simply lines their offer up with the direction of the politician’s attention.
The thing I really find amusing is the conspiracy theorists use a video of a Chief Health Officer being grilled over the role of the TGA, to prove that their “new world order” theory is true. That is like using a wet football as proof of climate change.
The Origins of the Virus
Some say it was manufactured in a lab in Wuhan. Perhaps it was. But I have serious doubts. And just to be clear, whilst the lab is in Wuhan, it is a French Lab, operated by French and American interests, doing work that has been outlawed in their own countries.
A better example, and more easily understood, is the depleted soils theory.
For decades now, farmers across the world have listened to the science presented by chemical companies and have poured billions of tonnes of toxic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides into the earth’s agricultural soils.
The most recent of these is glyphosate, the so called wonder compound sold commercially as “Roundup”. Its success finally saw its owner, Monsanto, sell itself for cents in the dollar to Bayer to avoid the approaching tidal wave of lawsuits for all manner of damage from pollution to cancer and a list of diseases the length of your arm.
The real challenge with glyphosate is that it is water soluble. This means it is in the system and will be there for hundreds of years. It could not be much worse if it were radioactive.
You may be wondering how it relates to Covid-19?
The earths soils are a rich tapestry of minerals, fragments, bacteria, fungi, microbes, parasites, and viruses. This community lives together in an amazing harmony that creates life. Plants thrive when the soil is rich and balanced.
This community of microscopic life forms is called the earth’s Microbiome. It is almost identical to the microbiome existing in the human body. Our bodies are made up of about 70 trillion human cells, 1.4 quadrillion bacteria and about 10 quadrillion fungi.
When the microbiome in the human body is thriving and fully optimized, it provides about 80% of our immunity. When it is not cared for, our immunity weakens.
When the microbiome in the soil is subjected to harsh herbicides like glyphosate, the bacteria and fungi in the soil die and we are left with dust that needs chemical fertilizers to support plants to grow. The plants grow without the rich nutrition provided by healthy soil.
This new “dead soil” environment provides no stability for viruses so to be able to multiply and thrive, they need new hosts. This sees them finish up in animal waste and sometimes animals. You can join the dots from there.
Yu will recall Swine flu. It was deadly, but not so easily spread to humans. It was found to have originated in mountains of stinking toxic pig waste in Iowa.
The brutal bottom line is that our lust for highly processed foods leads to industrialized agriculture and animal husbandry. We grow crops to feed factory farmed animals. It takes 16kg of grain to produce a single kg of beef. We brutalise the earth to meet this financial year’s economic targets. We destroy the earth in the name of profit and eventually, the disharmony we create produces a threat we struggle to deal with.
If we are going to handle this virus, we must change the way we live. We must heal the microbiome in people and on the ground. We need to rehabilitate everything.
The Path Forward
I have no doubt that consumers who vote have the greatest power. We can all change the world by ceasing to wait for someone else to change the world.
Shifting our diet to naturally produced foods is a great start. Ceasing to buy processed foods will cause Big Food to shift tactics quickly and start to get real. Supply and Demand can be driven by Demand.
We can also choose to buy directly from the producer at farmer’s markets. We can also all choose to take a year off soft drinks, confectionaries, and mass-produced alcoholic beverages. We could refuse to buy anything that used agricultural chemicals along its production path. That includes wine.
We can also choose to get healthy, get more exercise, stop watching so much television and get more sleep.
And we could all supplement with Vitamins C and D, and zinc, until we get our immune systems strong again.
But it is hard to commit to such changes when all you really want to do is party and indulge.
It is a little like the illegal drug trade. If all the wealthy recreational users simply stopped using, the industry would go broke and disappear. But to do such means we all have to become more accountable and to hold our friends accountable.
At some point in the short-term future, governments are going to have to stop playing politics and start playing leadership. Attention will need to shift toward strategies that will save humanity from disaster and away from getting re-elected.
I ask myself. If I went into Politics and became a party leader, would I want to be remembered as a longest serving leader, or most significant. One of those takes courage.
I wonder what would happen if we found a deeply inspiring and courageous leader?
Ending trauma on a global scale one family at a time and it starts with healing ourselves! ??
3 年There are nuggets in this article, thanks for sharing I’d be honored to have you in my network John
Ex Cabin Crew ???? Social Media Agency Owner ? Helping You Create Content That Connects ??AI Marketing Shortcuts To Save ???& Maximise ROI ? Keynote Speaker ? Chihuahua Fan ??
3 年Great article! I’m still not sure what to do….I was not going to get the vaccine, BUT, I have a friend who is a flight attendant, who has been caught up in an onboard outbreak. He is SO very sick right now, I am so worried for him…and it has scared me if I’m honest??But then the vaccine does scare me too….not that I’m against vaccines, I’m actually not against them, it’s just the advice of the vaccines we have on offer changes so frequently, it’s hard to keep up. I have to say, at this stage, I am more leaning towards getting it….purely based on how sick my friend is right now having contracted the Delta strain??…… ??
Fashion Designer - Classy Sassy Unique
3 年Great article John, absolutely worth the time to read it! I will share it.
Principal at 360 Construction Group Pty Ltd
3 年Have you been to Bunnings lately? There are shelves and shelves full of Roundup being sold. It has been banned in other countries. We are the “Lucky Country” not the Smart Country.
HSES Consultant/ Facilitator/ Wellness Advisor, Guided Meditation Teacher/ Psychosocial Health and Awareness Consultant
3 年Interesting article John. I agree that we should heal internally, look at food and exercise as part of the key to strengthen the immune system. I use probiotics, as well as cleanse from time to time to reset my system. It's important to ensure our cells stay in a state of homeostasis. I believe that both sides of the spectrum - pro and anti vaccination, can be very judgemental and not taking into account- it's a personal decision. Is it a case of divide and conquer, by putting out fear and scare tactics? I for one, am not in a rush to make any decision. My body is mine, I'll ensure that I do the best I can, with informed, educated decisions that resonate with me.