Dance of Surrender
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
A Word by Dannette Lynn
A love letter from Jesus.
“Like a moonlight dancer with precision and grace, you twirl, locking your eyes into My gaze. Turning and returning you follow My face. In the darkness, things are hidden. For a time hiddenness had a purpose. Fitting in was never your place, you were born to stand out, like a waning crescent moon, where the illuminated edge meets the darkness.
Way deep in the Garden, through the agony of trust and surrender, you are growing in strength. Your heart folds in acceptance of My will, to build an altar of sacrifice. Through the pressing of oil, your heart speaks, ‘not my will, but yours be done’. Beautiful things are made out of pressure. Like flowers growing in the thorns, My grace is all you need. When you are weak, you are strong. My power works best in weakness. The light of My Word is breaking within you as the rainbow that breaks the storm.
The craters and mountains of the moon cast long shadows when suffering comes close. The pain and hurt you have known will become the passionate flame that lifts you up. Come closer, I am here. I will comfort you when your hurting. I am a shelter and a refuge, a strong tower of protection. Trust Me to protect you with all of your heart. My chosen one, I am for you. Your eyes will see My beauty and view the promises that stretch afar. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I will build you and you will be rebuilt. I am faithful to perform the intents of My heart.
Afflicted and tossed with tempest, I will comfort you and adorn you with jewels from My Kingdom. You have made your world too small, you simply cannot measure the ocean depths of My Love. Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore with loving kindness, I have drawn you.
I have loved you, don’t let your heart be troubled. Fear paralyzes, but by faith, the mountains move. My dear, you have been quiet for far too long, let your voice be heard. If you fall I will catch you and if you don’t, you will soar. I will be a wall of fire around you. No one shall make you afraid because I am with you to save you.
Do not fear you will not be put to shame, nor will you see disgrace. Enlarge your heart to trust Me, spread to the right and the left. For every curse spoken against you, I will increase you with a double blessing. If anyone attacks you they will fall for your sake. No weapon formed against you will prosper.
Let go of the resistance and abandon yourself into My arms. Let your passion burn like a flame and leap with a Grand Jete’ to me. Take down the high walls and welcome the avalanche flood of My love. I am good, a refuge in times of trouble. There is no problem that My love cannot overcome. Let Me carry every trouble in your heart. In lightness and freedom, dance with flowing grace, My yoke is easy and light.
My bride, My very own, you have stolen My heart! With one glance from your eyes. Come out of the darkness of hiding and into the light. Let Me be your hiding place. It is time to take your place. In fully accepting My kindness for you, take a Révérence bow. As you lay your life bowed before Me, I will raise you up as My very special treasure”.
Dannette Lynn