Dance To The Rhythm 
Of The Cosmos

Dance To The Rhythm Of The Cosmos

Accessing The Infinite Power

Of The Cosmos

James A. Cusumano

“My position on consciousness demands a major revolution in physics . . . I’ve come to believe that there is something very fundamental missing from current science . . . Our understanding at this time is not adequate and we’re going to have to move to new regions of science . . .”[1]

—? Roger Penrose, Nobel laureate


Author’s Prologue

“It will always be quite impossible to explain the mind on the

basis of neuronal action within the brain . . .” [2]

—Wilder Penfield, pioneering neurosurgeon


Since the time of Aristotle and Socrates until this very day, scientists and philosophers have argued about the nature of consciousness. What is it? Where does it come from? How does it work? What’s its role throughout the cosmos? To my way of thinking, we are no closer than those early wisdom thinkers to the answers to these questions.

The primary reason is that most of this effort has relied on existing science. As Nobel laureates, Erwin Schr?dinger, Werner Heisenberg, and Roger Penrose have adamantly maintained, a completely new science will be necessary. Since this science will transcend Galilean, Newtonian, and quantum physics. I refer to it as Transcendent Physics. As expressed in Chapter One of this book, the best we can do at this point in time is to resort to intelligent conjectures as the basis for this new science. I’m sure arguments will persist, but perhaps they will stimulate new creative insights that may transform these conjectures to proven and tested theorems, the accepted basis for the scientific method.

This book presents a collection of essays that delve into the exploration of consciousness as a catalyst for leading a joyous and fulfilling life. By seamlessly blending fiction and nonfiction genres within these pages, I've hopefully created a dynamic and helpful platform to address this objective.

While only a select few of these essays take on a fictional narrative, they provided a creative license to push the boundaries of the science and philosophy underpinning the subject of consciousness. This approach is crucial due to the significant disparity between the methods and insights derived over the millennia from Eastern Thought with those from Western science. The primary reason for this disparity is the limitation of quantum physics in its current state.

Ancient as well as modern Eastern Wisdom seekers have traditionally focused on the practice of highly-altered states of consciousness, achieved primarily through deep levels of meditation, generally reached by a prequel of intense pranayama exercises. In contrast, Western science has predominantly employed the methods of modern quantum physics, albeit with limited success. However, this limitation has had a positive impact—as mentioned above, even the early pioneers of quantum physics were forced to acknowledge the unique nature of consciousness.

For instance, Nobel laureate Max Planck, recognized as the father of quantum physics, emphatically expressed his perspective, as cited in endnote 23: "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative of consciousness. We cannot penetrate beyond consciousness. Everything we discuss or acknowledge, all that we perceive to exist, presupposes consciousness." In essence, Planck was admitting that consciousness emerges as the intrinsic genesis, the source of the entire physical universe.

As highlighted earlier and reiterated throughout this book, much how Newtonian physics expanded upon Galilean physics and quantum physics pushed the boundaries of Newtonian physics, the emerging science of transcendent physics is pushing the limits of quantum physics as it becomes the imperative to establish the science of consciousness on a solid and predictive foundation.

A final noteworthy point: The essays in this book are designed to be read in any sequence the reader may desire. Nevertheless, I recommend starting with chapter one, as it encapsulates the essence and current state of transcendent physics, thereby offering a more comprehensive understanding of the elements of consciousness discussed throughout the rest of the book.

Jim Cusumano


September 2024


Chapter One

The Consciousness Conjecture

History is only conjecture, and the best historians try to do it as accurately as they can.?

―?Sir Riddley Scott

In my formative years, I was immersed in a religious upbringing, nurtured through grammar school and high school by devoted and disciplined Benedictine nuns and monks. This foundation held me firmly in the embrace of organized religion. However, as I grew older and ventured into the world of challenging ideas, my journey led me to explore the intricate tapestry of Eastern philosophies, delve into the enigmatic realm of quantum physics[3] and immerse myself in the daily practice of meditation

Along this path, I found myself grappling with profound questions that just wouldn’t go away. Why is suffering so pervasive in our world? How can we reconcile the wrongdoings and indiscretions of religious clergy? Were historical conflicts, such as the Crusades and the 30-Years War in Europe, ever truly justified in the name of religion? What were the motivations behind the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition and the grim specter of modern-day religious terrorism? Would Avatars such as Abraham, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed, who are considered the inspiration for organized religions, condone such actions?[4]

These questions were not mere fleeting thoughts; they became part of the compass guiding me towards a singular conclusion—that while organized religion holds value for many—it did not align with my personal journey. I revered the wisdom, love, and compassion embodied by these Avatars, but found that much of organized religion dogma was man-made, having evolve over many centuries subsequent to the death of the Avatars. And too often, it was in conflict with my most sacred core values. Blindly following these rules created inner turmoil and stress.

My exploration did not stop at matters of religion; it opened a spectrum of other important inquiries. What is the true nature of our reality? What are the fundamental values that guide my existence, and how can I authentically adhere to them? In a complex and often turbulent world, how can I make a meaningful impact?

In the pursuit of answers, I delved into the teachings of many of the Avatars and wove their wisdom into the fabric of my understanding of quantum physics and the evolving field of transcendent physics. There were not a lot of “aha” moments in this process. What really made a difference was contemplating this information over many years of daily deep meditation. Through my commitment of intention to find answers and a constant attention on relevant questions and meditation, those aha moments slowly began to appear increasingly frequently within my deepest awareness.

Through this exploration, a common thread emerged, a thread that bridges the realms of science, spirituality,[5] and reality: consciousness. This elusive concept connected the dots, offering me a logical and inspirational framework.

Meanwhile, as the world witnessed rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, debates raged on regarding the potential evolution of Artificial Intelligence(AI)[6] into human-conscious beings, fraught with potentially catastrophic consequences. This appeared to be a paradoxical assault on consciousness, which I had come to believe as the intrinsic essence of all life, energy, and matter throughout the cosmos. Nevertheless, these concerns about AI served as an effective catalyst, prompting me to delve deeper into the intricate intersection of science, spirit, and philosophy to ascertain whether these growing social anxieties concerning AI were based on solid evidence.

Grounded in these debates, this essay presents a series of conjectures that form the foundation of what I have come to call a Universal Philosophy. I offer these ideas in the hope that they resonate with your own thoughts, but I emphasize that they must "feel right" to truly hold value for you. If they do, I firmly believe that they have the potential to enrich and enlighten your life.

If I were to summarize the most fundamental intent of the next several thousand words of this essay, it would be the English translation of the Sanskrit word, Namaste—“The Divine Light within me honors the Divine Light within you.

?A Conjecture’s Insight

A conjecture is the offspring of incomplete, yet informed and astute information, a viewpoint or judgment that emerges when certainty remains elusive. It is not a confirmed state-of-affairs but rather a product of learned insight and intuition. In the worlds of physics and mathematics, conjectures often manifest themselves as postulates, serving to elucidate unproven phenomena or mathematical concepts.

These conjectures, while unproven, frequently function as hypotheses, helping to unravel the complexity of various phenomena. Consider Fermat’s Conjecture, birthed in 1637 by French mathematician Pierre de Fermat. This enigmatic and challenging conjecture, asserted without mathematical proof that no set of positive integers for a, b, and c could satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than 2.[7] The conjecture persisted for centuries until 1994 when Oxford mathematics professor Sir Andrew Wiles finally established its veracity, transforming it from a conjecture into Fermat’s Theorem.

Another intriguing example is found in the realm of quantum physics. In his 1957? doctoral thesis at Princeton University, physicist Hugh Everett introduced the Many-Worlds Conjecture. This proposition posits that quantum effects give rise to an infinites number of independent universes, each having its own living species, matter, and energy.

According to Everett, our existence resides in one such universe where the fundamental cosmic parameters and constants, such as the force of gravity, the speed of light, the rate of the universe’s expansion, and the charges on an electron, are uniquely fine-tuned to enable and sustain life. Even the most minute change in the value of one of these constants would make Earth a barren lifeless planet. Importantly, each universe is fundamentally incompatible with the countless others, each possessing its own set of unique fundamental constants. This suggests that anything existing in one universe cannot exist in any other.[8]

While conjectures remain unverified states of affairs, some furnish valuable educated explanations of how various components might align to give rise to the current state of things.

The Consciousness Conjectures

Consider, if you will, a proposition which I call the Consciousness Conjectures—a framework I believe holds the potential to elucidate important fundamental aspects of our lives, the world we inhabit, and the vast cosmos beyond. These 15 conjectures rest upon five indispensable philosophical and scientific pillars that are the bedrock and substance of a Universal Philosophy.

Within these conjectures, consciousness takes on a unique definition, characterized as a spectrum of subtle, yet very powerful, non-classical energies. These energies, distinct from the electromagnetic spectrum—such as ultraviolet, infrared, visible light, and microwaves—establish an ethereal web of connection among all energy and matter throughout the boundless expanse of the entire universe.

Borrowing a concept from computer science, we can equate consciousness to inform-ation, although it’s a form of information with a distinctive intrinsic essence. In the realm of human experience, it encompasses your awareness of your inner self and your unceasing connection with, and influence upon, the world and the cosmos—just as they influence you.

It’s vital to recognize that all energy and mass possess varying levels of consciousness, with humans on Earth representing the pinnacle of this development. They alone on the planet have the unique capability to significantly elevate their level of consciousness, ostensibly through altered states of consciousness, most especially deep mediation.

The five foundational pillars extend back to the origins of the cosmos itself, and thus describing a precise beginning can be a challenging task. Nevertheless, I will endeavor to elucidate their nature further.

The Five Pillars of The Consciousness Conjectures

First Pillar—Cosmic Genesis

Traditional cosmological wisdom asserts that our universe’s grand journey from its birth until now, commenced some 13.8 billion years ago, marked by a dramatic burst of expansion. This expansion sprang from a tiny, subatomic entity known as a singularity,[9] a sphere so infinitesimal it defies comprehension, even dwarfing in size, an electron, a neutron, or a proton.

The singularity existed within an infinite void of “nothingness.”[10] What makes it truly remarkable is that it held within its minute structure, a mysterious essence, something so far beyond the limits of our imaginative musings that it served as the genesis of all matter and energy in our expansive universe. Every atom and molecule that constructs the fabric of your very being traces its origin back to that “something” contained within this enigmatic source. However, to this day, cosmologists remain perplexed as to the identity and nature of that “something” within the singularity.

The revelation, both captivating and profound, is that this elusive “something” is none other than pure consciousness. It stands as the sole intrinsic attribute of the universe itself. In this context, the term intrinsic signifies that consciousness naturally belongs to, and is fundamentally indispensable for, the creation and functioning of the universe. Moreover, due to its intrinsic nature, consciousness remains indivisible, constituting an undivided, primordial form of information

Unlike the constituents of your body, which can be broken down into cells, molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, ultimately down to quarks[11], consciousness stands alone as the sole point of origin for all energy and matter in the universe. As we shall explore below, it is both the source and the ultimate destination for the intricate dance of our entire cosmic existence.

Second Pillar—Transformative Alchemy of Consciousness into Energy and Matter

Let’s delve into the second pillar—the Reversible Conversion of Consciousness to Energy and Matter. It’s a notion that challenges our fundamental understanding of the universe. Here, we come to realize that every iota of matter and energy within the universe, including the enigmatic entities known as Dark Energy[12] and Dark Matter[13], which collectively account for 95 percent of our cosmic landscape—the observable five percent makes up the rest—originates directly from consciousness.

What sets this process apart is its complete reversibility, an essential feature for the creation of future universes(see Conjectures 11-13). Remarkably, consciousness stands as the sole form of information within the universe that can undergo a reversible transformation to both energy and matter.

Consider a distant future, where the concept of the “Big Bounce”[14] takes center stage in the cosmic narrative. Some billions of years from now, some physicists anticipate our ever-expanding universe to come to a halt, reverse its course, and initiate a contraction. During this process, all matter and energy revert back to their primordial intrinsic form—pure consciousness. Ultimately, this cosmic journey culminates in the compression of these elements into a singularity akin to the one that gave birth to our current universe.

This cyclical pattern of cosmic formation, where all energy and physical matter arise from the expansion of a consciousness-infused singularity and later contract to form the next universe, is an eternal process. Consciousness itself abides by the Law of Conservation, meaning it can neither be created nor destroyed—it can only undergo a reversible metamorphosis into energy or matter. Most remarkably, the consciousness of any given universe retains complete awareness of everything that transpired in all prior universes. This awareness holds profound significance for the third and fourth pillars.

Third Pillar—Revelation of Three Dimensions of Consciousness

The Third Pillar illuminates the concept of Three Forms of Consciousness. The first form, Personal Consciousness, permeates all energy forms and physical entities throughout the universe. In this cosmic mosaic, some level of consciousness resides in every particle, even the tiniest subatomic constituents. On our planet, consciousness has matured to its highest expression in the human species, while it remains at its most rudimentary form in the most minute subatomic entities, such as protons, neutrons, electrons, and quarks.

The second form, Collective Consciousness, emerges as the overlap of Personal Consciousness across all energy and material entities throughout the cosmos. At heightened levels of consciousness, this collective awareness facilitates harmonious interactions—both direct and indirect—among various entities in the universe and enables manifestation of desired physical outcomes.

Unlike classical electromagnetic energies, bound by the constraints of the speed of light, consciousness operates beyond the bounds of luminal restrictions, manifesting as superluminal. This intrinsic quality elucidates numerous anecdotes, where individuals instantaneously perceive the wellbeing or non-wellbeing of a loved one located thousands of miles away, or intuitively anticipate the thoughts and actions of others, even when detached from the current context.

This aspect of consciousness assumes paramount importance in understanding quantum entanglement, which Albert Einstein famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance." Entanglement is a phenomenon firmly rooted in the tenets of quantum mechanics and substantiated through experimental evidence in recent decades. Consider, for instance, two proximate atoms mutually influencing each other's properties—one spinning to the left and the other to the right. If one of these atoms is displaced to a great distance, even spanning many galaxies, and its spin is reversed, the spin of the other atom instantaneously mirrors this alteration. This occurs faster than the speed of light, defying classical interpretations.

Throughout the history of quantum mechanics, including Einstein's involvement, physicists have grappled with the enigma of how such instantaneous connections can transpire. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity explicitly forbids communication signals that surpass the speed of light. However, the Consciousness Conjectures assert that quantum entanglement doesn't rely on classical electromagnetic signals but operate through consciousness, which traverses instantaneously. Quantum entanglement stands as the cornerstone of quantum computing and quantum cybersecurity, revealing that all elements of existence are interconnected through the medium of consciousness.

The third form, Cosmic Consciousness[15], represents the quintessence of the universe. It is informed of every thought, word, deed, and event that has ever unfolded or will transpire across every universe, making it the wellspring and repository of boundless intelligence, knowledge, truth, wisdom, love, compassion, and understanding. In essence, it embodies infinite and eternal power, critical for the perpetual realization of the Purpose of The Universe, as expounded in the 15 Cosmic Conjectures of the Universal Philosophy. For some, Cosmic Consciousness is equated to the divine concept of God. But do labels really matter?

Fourth Pillar—Purpose of The Universe

Let's now explore the Fourth Pillar, which unveils the Purpose of The Universe: the perpetual elevation of Universal Consciousness—the total consciousness in the universe. This purpose necessitates an intricate interplay between consciousness, matter, and energy within the universe, a triad of fundamental elements that are intricately interdependent, forming the very essence of the cosmic mechanism. Much like the ceaseless Darwinian evolution of physical species, this pillar stands as the cornerstone for the continual evolutionary ascent of Universal Consciousness—the energy level of consciousness, not the amount. As stated in Conjecture 8, the amount of consciousness in the universe is constant.

An ancillary concept, analogous to a sub-conjecture, emerges within the Fourth Pillar, under the banner of the Purpose of Life. This purpose, pertinent to every living species and notably accentuated in the realm of human existence, revolves around the exploration and activation of innate attributes and skills that individuals bring into this world. It hinges on the notion of harnessing these qualities to contribute to the betterment of both oneself and others and fostering an equitable sharing of the ensuing benefits.

It is paramount to recognize the interdependence of Cosmic Consciousness with the entirety of energy and matter of the universe. This interdependence forms the conduit through which energy and matter support consciousness evolution from one universe to the next, thereby continuously informing Cosmic Consciousness. This constant exchange sustains the infinite and eternal power inherent in Cosmic Consciousness, endowing it with a boundless reserve of intelligence, knowledge, truth, wisdom, love, compassion, and understanding. In a tangible sense, our five senses and actions, as do those for other species, provide a complete feedback loop to Cosmic Consciousness. Some might say, “We are the eyes and ears of God.”

Through various states of heightened consciousness, humanity can enjoy ready access to the reservoir of Cosmic Consciousness. This connection is so profound that it leads certain Theo-philosophical discourses to conclude that the essence of God permeates both within and beyond all sentient[16],[17] beings. As affirmed by scientific studies, some level of this connection extends to a wide spectrum of animal life as well.[18]

Fifth Pillar—Unlocking Human Access to Cosmic Consciousness

The Fifth Pillar states the unique privilege of human beings to access Cosmic Consciousness. It's a realm where only human Personal Consciousness can attain sufficiently elevated levels, especially through deep meditation, to establish a two-way dialogue with Cosmic Consciousness. In this extraordinary journey, a dog, an elephant, a beetle, or even a delicate rose cannot make such a profound connection.

AI and the Singular Human Essence

Drawing insights from the Consciousness Conjectures and the Law of Conservation of Consciousness, it becomes evident that infusing AI with human consciousness is an inherently insurmountable challenge. While AI unquestionably augments our ability to solve complex problems and certainly will enhance our possibilities, it is inherently devoid of the Cosmic Values of intuition, love, compassion, understanding, sensitivity, and wisdom that are the hallmarks of human consciousness. These qualities represent a realm bestowed exclusively upon human beings through their connection to Cosmic Consciousness, and accessible solely to human Personal Consciousness. They are necessary and sufficient to address the most difficult of socio-cultural challenges.[19],[20]

?A Universal Philosophy: Understanding the Nature of Consciousness

The following 15 Consciousness Conjectures flow seamlessly from the Five Pillars and constitute a framework directed at unraveling the mysteries of the universe. They are the substance of a Universal Philosophy, encompassing both the tangible and intangible aspects of existence and are intended to provide a path to joy, fulfillment, and ultimately, enlightenment.

1.???? The Universal Force of Consciousness: At the core of this philosophy lies the idea that consciousness is a formidable ethereal force, intimately intertwining all tangible and intangible elements within the universe. It functions with varying degrees of intensity, acting as a nonphysical web connecting all forms of energy and matter throughout the cosmos.

For sentient human beings, consciousness is a self-awareness, enabling them to comprehend both their inner selves and the vast, interconnected world and cosmos. This attribute, however, carries a noteworthy responsibility—humans are unique on Earth with respect to their possession of free will. Since the time of Socrates, arguments by scientists and philosophers both for and against the existence of free will have filled the halls of academia. But there is no mistaken with the stance of the Consciousness Conjectures—free will is alive and well and an intimate part of the Universal Philosophy.

Consciousness has unique capabilities. In a multiverse scenario, it can move from one universe to another; however, matter and energy cannot. The reason is that the presence of matter or energy from universe-A would create an immense instability in universe-B—similar to the reaction between matter and antimatter in our universe—an immense release of energy, as Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2 tells us.

As we learn in Conjecture 10, consciousness is an intrinsic property of the universe, so fundamental that it is responsible for the very formation and existence of the universe. Because of this property, a person with highly elevated consciousness can learn to convert matter into consciousness and consciousness into energy and mass. This is the basis for the manifestation of desired things into your life.

Consciousness is responsible for what we have identified as Dark Matter—a primordial form of matter with massive gravitational forces and makes up 27 percent of the universe.

It is also the source of Dark Energy, which is at the high end of the consciousness energy spectrum. It makes up 68 percent of the universe and its primary effect is to cause expansion of the universe.

Compare the energy spectrums. In the electromagnetic spectrum of classical physics, gravitational waves are at the low end of the spectrum and cosmic waves are at the high end of the spectrum. In the consciousness spectrum, thought waves are at the low end and dark energy waves are at the high end.

Despite the subtle nature of consciousness compared to conventional forces like electromagnetism or the strong nuclear force, it stands as the most influential force in the universe.

Gender energy is an important aspect of consciousness in all sentient species. All species that exist in feminine and masculine forms do so for important evolutionary reasons—not only for the reproduction of species. There is a synergistic interaction between feminine and masculine energies that optimizes both physical and consciousness evolution.

For mentally and physically healthy human beings, the universal characteristics of these energy fields can be categorized as follows:

  • Feminine Energy—Intuitive, creative, fearless, compassionate, fair, high tolerance for physical and emotional pain, humorous, playful, whimsical, equitable.
  • Masculine Energy—Analytical, physically strong, courageous, ambitious, candor, compulsive, determined, decisive, serious, unwavering, rational.

Human beings are the only species in which both genders have some level of masculine and feminine energy. In general, although not always, masculine energy is at a higher level in men and similarly so, for feminine energy in women.

The most effective path for both physical and consciousness evolution in human beings is that in which there is a facile flow to create the appropriate composite of both feminine and masculine energies, so as to optimize the evolution of consciousness. The failure of this process to occur is the cause of most human and global challenges.????

2.???? Three Forms of Consciousness: Within the Universal Philosophy there are three distinctive forms of consciousness that permeate the universe.

a. Personal Consciousness: As the true essence of all sentient beings, Personal Consciousness transcends the limitations of the physical body. While the body is confined to a specific location and has a finite lifespan, Personal Consciousness is boundless, infinite, and eternal. Remarkably, every material species, even down to the smallest subatomic particles such as quarks, exhibits some level of consciousness.

b. Collective Consciousness: The weave and overlap of Personal Consciousness throughout the world, and in fact, throughout the entire universe, creates the web of Collective Consciousness, which unites the conscious experiences of all sentient species and all forms of energy and matter across the universe. This interconnection informs and influences everything—tangible and intangible—throughout the cosmos.

c. Cosmic Consciousness: Often referred to as the Akashic Field,[21] Cosmic Consciousness is an energy force residing in a place, distinct from an alternate dimension or universe, as it harbors neither space nor time. It is an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinite, and eternal energy field. Cosmic Consciousness is home to the Akashi Field. Einstein referred to it as the “Mind of God”—infinite knowledge, dispersed throughout Cosmic Consciousness.

It serves as an eternal repository, housing records of every thought, word, deed, event, and action that has ever occurred or will occur. It’s an infinite and eternal wellspring of wisdom, truth, knowledge, love, and compassion. It is therefore not surprising that this vast entity of perfection is perceived by many as synonymous with the divinity of God. Cosmic Consciousness thrives on physical and consciousness evolution throughout the cosmos, which is why there can never be total harmonious unity in the universe. Otherwise, there would be no cosmic purpose.

The evolution of Cosmic Consciousness requires the presence of physical matter and its Darwinian evolution. In one sense, physical matter—e.g., human beings—serves as a “sensor” for Cosmic Consciousness to the dynamics of change throughout the world and the universe. A similar parallel is how our five senses enable us to experience our environment as part of our evolution. That is how important we are to Cosmic Consciousness.

The mechanism of the mind plays a vital role in consciousness interactions. In the Universal Philosophical framework, the interplay between the three forms of consciousness in sentient human beings is orchestrated by the conscious, ego, and subconscious parts of the mind. They control of the flow of consciousness.

In this respect, the mind serves as a throttle, opening and closing the channels of connectivity between Personal, Collective, and Cosmic Consciousness throughout the universe. Although these three elements of consciousness are omnipresent within the awareness of all individuals, there is a virtual and very effective wall, the height of which affects an individual’s ability to have the total cognitive experience of consciousness. The level of impedance due to the varying height of this virtual wall is most affected by external factors such as fear, desire, and chaos. They impact the regulation of connections among consciousness entities. Of course, both the brain and the mind dissipate upon the cessation of life, while consciousness endures eternally.

Through deep meditation, preceded and augmented by a preface of intense pranayama, thereby significantly raising your level of consciousness, it is possible for your consciousness to do an out-of-body-experience(OBE) to anywhere, including to a parallel universe, which sometimes occurs during a dream state.

Such “distance viewing” has been experienced to varying degrees by millions of people; however, with the exception of a spiritually-skilled Avatar, few have been able to venture into a parallel universe. Consciousness is the only entity that is completely compatible in any universe.

For millennia, Eastern Wisdom has taught that if the mind is focused uninterrupted on the same object for twelve seconds, this is called concentration. If it does so for twelve time twelve seconds (two minutes and twenty-four seconds), this is called meditation. If it does so for another multiple of twelve (twenty-eight minutes and forty-eight seconds), this is called Samadhi—a stage that significantly elevates human powers. And finally, if Samadhi is held for another multiple of twelve (five hours, forty-five minutes, and thirty-six seconds, the individual will have achieved Nirvana with powers that are incomprehensible to the average person.

Over millennia, numerous reliable sources have experienced and recorded the actions of spiritually dedicated and practiced individuals (yogi), who have achieved Samadhi. Most of us would call these actions paranormal or occult phenomena. They include:

  • Total access to the Akashic Field and therefore, complete knowledge of the past, present, and future.
  • Total understanding of all languages and the meaning of the sounds of animals.
  • Detailed recollection of previous lives.
  • The ability to see and read another person’s mind.
  • A yogi’s creation of perception in others that the yogi’s body is invisible.
  • By focusing on a strong animal—e.g., an elephant—the yogi can gain its strength.
  • By focusing on the throat, the yogi can eliminate hunger and thirst.
  • Levitation, telepathy, and walking on water are natural traits of the skilled yogi.
  • Enhanced powers of touch, sight, and smell.
  • By focusing on the subtle and macro forms of the weather elements, the yogi gains mastery over them.
  • The yogi has mastery and control of the Quantum Pauli Exclusion Principle, and as such, can walk through solid objects.

An Avatar can do even more beyond these powers. However, the Wisdom Seekers tell us that an authentic yogi or Avatar is reluctant to demonstrate these powers to others simply for the purpose of an impressive performance. Such powers have been observed by others inadvertently or when required in certain situations.

An Avatar is a person who is both human and divine and therefore has both human and divine powers or capabilities. Here, divine means relating to or an integral part of Cosmic Consciousness.

The Essence of an Avatar can be represented by a hexagon, which has six vertices, with one virtue represented at a vertex and its complementary virtue at the opposite vertex.

The Universal Philosophy offers a learned perspective on the nature of consciousness and its influence on the universe. It invites us to contemplate the interconnectedness of all things and the potential implications of our own awareness in the grand mosaic of existence.

During the last few decades, a number of physicists have begun to study the nature of consciousness and many of their findings are in alignment with those described by the Wisdom Seekers of Millennia ago. These physicists agree that consciousness is nonlocal, meaning it links one location in the cosmos with another. As physicist, Nick Herbert explains, “These connections have three characteristics. They are unmediated (no connecting signal is involved); unmitigated (the strength of connection doesn’t change with distance); and immediate (they are instantaneous).[22]

Research suggests that space and time are actually not involved in the nonlocality of consciousness, meaning it is trans-spatial and trans-temporal.[23] As challenging as this is to comprehend, it means that a nonlocal connection between two entities in our three-dimensional world does not take place through time or space.

Consciousness researcher, Larry Dossey points out that, “Scores of experiments indicate that human consciousness can operate nonlocally not only in space but also in time. Temporal nonlocality of consciousness has been solidly demonstrated. In these studies, intentions appear to influence certain types of events in the past, even though they are presumed to have already happened.[24] In addition, individuals also appear capable of acquiring accurate information from the future before it has occurred, especially if this information is of an unpleasant or traumatic nature”[25]

Dossey concludes that “A consciousness that is nonlocal with respect to space is infinite and omnipresent. A consciousness that is nonlocal with respect to time is eternal and immortal. And if individual consciousnesses are boundless and boundaryless, at some level they must come together to form a whole—a Universal or One Mind.”[26]


3.???? The Extraordinary Potential of Humanity: Humanity holds within itself the potential for elevated consciousness and extraordinary abilities that might appear to be superpowers or phenomena often labeled as paranormal. These abilities encompass a range of capabilities, including remote viewing across vast distances, telekinesis, electrokinesis, telepathy, precognition, and much more.


4.??? The Art of Manifestation: Higher states of consciousness, with their increased transactional energy, provide the means for the manifestation of both tangible and intangible realities through what is often referred to as the Manifestation Sequence, namely,

A fundamental condition, however, is that such manifestations adhere to the Rule of Manifestation. This rule requires that the outcomes do no harm to anyone or anything and, in doing so, contribute to the betterment of the world. This alignment with the Rule of Manifestation is intricately tied to the larger Meaning and Purpose of the Universe.


5.???? The Meaning and Purpose of the Universe: At the heart of this philosophy lies the revelation that the universe possesses an inherent meaning and purpose.

The Meaning of the Universe unfolds as an ongoing process of enhancing both physical and consciousness evolution.

The Purpose of the Universe involves the application of these evolutionary changes to enhance the positive impact of Cosmic Consciousness, transcending through the successive universes—the perpetual elevation of Universal Consciousness(Refer to Conjectures 11 & 12 for further insight on multiple universes.). The Meaning and Purpose of the Universe are interconnected with the Meaning and Purpose of Life.


6.???? The Essence of Life's Meaning and Purpose: The Meaning of Life holds a distinctive role for all living creatures, requiring them to identify and embrace the unique innate capabilities they bring to the universe.

Three simple-to-ask but challenging-to-answer questions that can help you discover your innate attributes.

1.???? What do you love to do that makes time pass so quickly?

2.???? What work could you do that you don’t consider work?

3.???? What useful skills do you have and would love to apply to make the world a better place—even a little better?

Assets are something you do well and love to do. They may be hard skills such as the arts, music, dance, drama, sports, math, science, writing, computers, mechanics, analytics, and languages. Or they may be soft skills such as leadership, courage, resilience, team player, self-awareness, flexibility, story-teller, and communicator.

The Purpose of Life, in turn, mandates that all species, whether sentient or non-sentient, use their inherent attributes to further the conscious evolution of the universe, for the betterment of themselves, their environment, and all that inhabits their surroundings. This shared cosmic endeavor seeks to ensure fairness[27] in the distribution of the benefits generated by this collective evolution.

Once you clearly understand your skills or personal assets, your can find your Life Purpose by focusing in the following way.

1.???? Make a list of world challenges that might benefit from your skills.

2.???? Look for ways that these skills could create value for the world, for others, and for you?

3.???? Do any of these possibilities touch your soul and raise your passion?

4.???? How can you put more detail together to make these opportunities come alive?

5.???? What has to be done to get you moving in this direction?

For time immemorial, within most of the world, the definition of success has been driven by two metrics—wealth and power. There is nothing innately wrong with wanting to earn money(wealth) to achieve the goals that are important to you. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be recognized for your achievements(power).

However, to the extent that your prime focus is based on only these two metrics, you will not be as successful as you could be. There is a third and the most important metric and that’s Life Purpose.?

It’s the third leg of the stool of success and the most successful people are driven by it and not by money or power—e.g., Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, JK Rowling.

These conjectures present an important perspective on human potential, the underlying Meaning and Purpose of the Universe, and the intricate interplay between individual and cosmic evolution. They beckon us to explore the depths of human potential and our role in the ever-evolving cosmic milieu.

To answer to the question, “Why are you here?” We could say that your sole purpose is: To use your innate assets to participate in the continuous enhancement of the physical and consciousness evolution of the world and, in fact, the universe. This increases the breadth of opportunities for Cosmic Consciousness—God, if you wish—working in concert with all living species, to enhance Universal Consciousness and connectivity throughout the Cosmos—the sole Purpose of The Universe.

That’s how important you are!


7.???? Universal Values—The Cosmic Blueprint: Embedded within the fabric of the cosmos are universal values that not only underpin the Meaning and Purpose of the Universe but also guide the Meaning and Purpose of Life across the seemingly infinite expanse of existence. These values remain constant and fundamental throughout the cosmos, transcending theological origins. They include:

a.???? Silence as the Crucible of Creativity: In the realm of silence—think meditation—infinite creativity flourishes from a sea of infinite possibilities. It's in stillness that the seeds of innovation and imagination take root and blossom into novel realities.

b.???? Wisdom's Role in Truth: Wisdom serves as the harbinger of truth, nurturing the understanding of profound knowledge and insights that transcend mere facts.

c.???? Understanding Leads to Forgiveness: Understanding forms a bridge to forgiveness, fostering the empathy and compassion needed to pardon past transgressions.

d.??? Love is the Origin of Compassion: Love, the ultimate source of compassion, engenders kindness, empathy, and benevolence towards all living beings and beyond.

These values serve as the guiding light for organized religions, which have evolved over time by borrowing and embracing these universal values from the Cosmic Blueprint. On a cosmic scale, they represent the necessary and sufficient conditions to fulfill the Meaning and Purpose of the Universe.


8.???? The Immutable Conservation of Consciousness: One of the bedrock principles in this cosmic philosophy is the inviolable Law of Consciousness Conservation. It asserts that consciousness can be neither created nor destroyed—it endures perpetually. It can however, be reversibly transformed to matter and energy. ?

Consequently, no matter how advanced technology becomes, it remains an insurmountable challenge for any Artificial Intelligence (AI) entity to develop human-sentient consciousness autonomously. The only conceivable avenue for an AI entity to attain consciousness would involve "acquiring" it through the transfer from an existing sentient conscious species. However, such a transfer would violate Conjectures 5 and 6, thus posing a philosophical quandary.


9.???? Consciousness: The Fount of Universal Energy and Mass: In alignment with the laws of transcendent physics[28],[29], a staggering revelation unfolds—consciousness stands as the very source from which all energy and matter in the universe emanate. This revelation carries an astonishing corollary: the process is, in fact, reversible. It implies that all the matter and energy existing in the cosmos can transform back into the consciousness from which they originally emerged. As mentioned in the Prologue to this book, the eminent Nobel laureate Max Planck, regarded as the father of quantum physics, unequivocally voiced this idea: "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as a derivative of consciousness. We cannot penetrate beyond consciousness. Everything we discuss or acknowledge, all that we perceive to exist, presupposes consciousness."[30],[31] In essence, consciousness appears to be the intrinsic font of the physical universe.


10.? The Enigma of Cosmic Genesis: In a breathtaking narrative that transcends even the most imaginative realms of human intellect, our universe came into being 13.8 billion years ago, born from the awe-inspiring event known as the Big Bang. This event marked the explosive expansion of a subatomic singularity[32] suspended in the boundless void of nothingness.

What defies comprehension is the astonishing conjecture that this minute subatomic singularity was exclusively composed of pure consciousness, and that this consciousness is the sole source of all the vast energy and matter within our universe.

The universe’s entropy, i.e., disorder, continues to increase over time(billions of years), until it reaches a critical point, namely the point at which the entropy at that critical point divided by entropy in the initial singularity is essentially an infinite number, precisely defined in energic terms by E=mc10. At the critical point, the universe begins to contract under the forces of consciousness, i.e., work, back to the singularity from which it was formed. This cyclic process of expansion and contraction continues ad infinitum, forming universe after universe.

This conjecture invites us to explore the infinitely enduring essence of consciousness, its role as the origin of energy and mass, and the unfathomable genesis of our cosmos. It challenges our understanding of the universe's fundamental nature and beckons us to embark on a philosophical journey into the heart of existence itself.


11.? The Eternal Cosmic Cycles: Billions of years into the future, the intricate interplay of increasing strong gravitational forces involving Dark Energy and Dark Matter, alongside conventional energies and matter, will lead to a fascinating cosmic scenario. The relentless expansion of the universe will eventually lose momentum, coming to a standstill before reverting to a contraction(see Conjecture 10). Ultimately, it will collapse into a subatomic singularity, mirroring the origin of its existence.[33],[34]


12.? Cosmic Cycles: Fostering the Ascent of Universal Consciousness: This singularity, having returned to its subatomic essence, will embark on an extraordinary journey. It will undergo a rapid expansion, transforming into energy and mass, birthing the foundation of the next universe.

Over the course of many billions of years, this newly formed universe will, in turn, reverse its trajectory, contracting and culminating in a new singularity. This cyclic process of universe creation, expansion, contraction, collapse, and rebirth stands as an eternal cosmic dance.

Importantly, each iteration of this cosmic cycle serves to elevate the average level of total consciousness within the cosmos, contributing to the grand tapestry of universal awareness. It's not about the quantity of consciousness, which remains constant, but the quality and level that ascends with each cycle. ?

13.? The Repository of Cosmic Memory: In the realm of consciousness, a remarkable attribute emerges—the capacity for perfect and eternal memory. The consciousness within each new singularity retains a complete record of all prior universes. This vast repository of knowledge and experience resides within the Akashic Field, which is synonymous with Cosmic Consciousness. As a result, under the right conditions, each universe possesses the potential to access this reservoir of information.

This profound conjecture encourages us to delve into the mysteries of eternal cosmic cycles, the transcendence of universal consciousness, and the enigmatic repository of cosmic memory. It invites us to contemplate the unceasing ebb and flow of the cosmos and the enduring legacy of wisdom and experience that it carries forward.


14.The Profound Notion of Reincarnation: Conjectures 8, 9, 11, and 12 serve as the foundational pillars underpinning the concept of reincarnation among human-sentient beings. Intimately associated with reincarnation, what is designated as karma is not a form of reward or punishment meted out by Cosmic Consciousness—some would say, God. Instead, it embodies the consequence of what may, at first, appear as a simple mechanism but reveals itself to be profoundly intricate—namely, that action and reaction unfolds for reasons consistent with the Meaning, Purpose, and Values of the Universe.

Notably, every action taken by sentient beings is the product of their free will and past lives. This is a well-known source of contention with some philosophers who maintain the nonexistence of free will, karma, and reincarnation.

What might initially seem like karmic misfortunes from the perspective of some living species exists beyond our complete and precise comprehension. In the grand architecture of "time," these events play a beneficial role in the overarching totality of all species, as expressed by the eternal true reality (Personal Consciousness) of these species and the eternal cyclical nature of universal creation and re-creation.

Also, recall Conjecture 2 maintains that the precise memory of every thought, word, deed, and event that occurs in each and every universe is recorded in detail within Cosmic Consciousness. Just as this total recall is an intimate constituent of Cosmic Consciousness, there is in every living species, deeply hidden with the subconscious mind, a “shadow memory” of all that has happened in their past lives. It consists of both genetic and “subconscious mind memory” imprints. Fragments of these memories sometimes surface in future lives. This is likely why there have been numerous detailed anecdotal instances of past-life recall.[35],[36]


15.? The Enigma of Cosmic Timelessness: Despite humanity's inclination to function in temporal terms—referring to yesterday, today, tomorrow, and even eternity—within the realm of Cosmic Consciousness—an alternate dimension to our three-dimensional physical world—both space and time are mere illusions.

Our perception of all that has transpired or will transpire has, in actuality, occurred simultaneously in what can be aptly termed the Cosmic Instant. The constructs of time and space are human inventions, developed by sentient species to comprehend the events that unfold in their linear, three-dimensional world. Quantum mechanics introduces the notion of the Observer Effect,[37] underscoring the profound truth that we are not merely within the world; in reality, the world exists within us.

The Consciousness Conjectures are meant to be a tool for self-exploration. Delving into their depths can lead individuals on a journey towards greater personal fulfillment and enlightenment, offering the promise of profound self-discovery and understanding.


Philosophy vs. Religion: A Contemplation of Consciousness

The Consciousness Conjectures stand as a philosophy, distinct from an organized religion. Their primary aim is to delve into the fundamental essence of consciousness, reality, knowledge, wisdom, and existence, empowering individuals to unearth enlightening insights within themselves. Unlike religions, which often revolve around deities and dogma, this philosophy revolves around the earnest belief that divinity resides within each individual and can be accessed during elevated consciousness, most especially, meditation.

On the other hand, most religions focus on faith in and worship of a deity possessing superhuman attributes, generally referred to as God. These religions typically involve extensive rules and dogma that define numerous dichotomies such as heaven and hell, and good and evil, along with their respective positive and negative consequences. Frequently, these rules and dogma have been created by individuals and not necessarily by spiritual Avatars such as Laozi, Confucius, Buddha, Zoroaster, Rumi, Mohamed, Abraham, Jesus, and others, who these individuals claim founded each respective religion.

Some have argued that many religions largely represent man-made interpretations and adaptations of these revered spiritual figures, often for personal benefit. Furthermore, it has been sometimes speculated that the Avatars did not necessarily aim to establish global organized religions. Instead, their primary intent was to provide a philosophy for leading an enriched and fulfilling life—one that could elevate a person’s consciousness and, consequently, contribute to the greater consciousness of our world and, in fact, to the universe.

The debate often centers on whether certain concepts within religions, such as sin, hell, indulgences, and eternal punishment, hold value in promoting socially acceptable moral behavior and, more crucially, in raising the consciousness of the universe. While critics point to numerous instances of conflict, persecution, cultural decay, and loss of life perpetrated in the name of religion, such as the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, over the millennia these religions have unquestionably offered their followers a source of hope and comfort in times of turmoil and crisis.

However, the core tenets of the Consciousness Conjectures maintain that the true root reality of hope and spiritual power lies within each individual and is not exclusively and externally within our three-dimensional world. The Universal Philosophy is grounded in the concept of nonlocal connections of consciousness. In theological terms, it maintains that the divine essence of Cosmic Consciousness, which certainly exists external to all living and nonliving things, also exists within them. This is the result and power of the infinite nonlocal presence of consciousness, in other words—Nonduality.

Access to this divine essence and its spiritual power is attainable by anyone who quiets the fear, noise, and chaos of their physical world. With practice, this can lead their mindful presence to a gap between thoughts, which is an entrée to the Source of infinite knowledge, wisdom, creativity, love and compassion, i.e., Cosmic Consciousness. The longer the absence of thought, the wider the gap and the greater the access to these powerful attributes. Meditation, which can be compared to prayer, is an effective path to achieving this. It is likely that many of the revered spiritual figures and Avatars, often associated with superhuman and paranormal abilities, harnessed such practices to achieve their extraordinary feats.


[1] Karl Giberson, “The Man Who Fell To Earth:” Interview With Roger Penrose, Science & Spirit (March/April 2003): pgs. 34-41.

[2] Wilder Penfield, The Mystery of the Mind: A Critical Study of Consciousness and the Human Brain, Princeton University Press, 1975, 79-81.

[3] My doctoral thesis was in experimental quantum physics.

[4] Avatar—A manifestation of a deity in human form on Earth; an incarnate divine teacher.

[5] Spirituality—As used throughout this essay, it means, the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

[6] Chloe Ellingson, “The Godfather of A.I. Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead,” New York Times, May 1, 2023.

[7] For example, if a=3, b=4, c=5, and n=2; then 9 + 16 = 25; or if a=1, b=3, c=4, and n=1; then 1 + 3 = 4. However, you could spend a lifetime and never find a solution for n>2 and any combination integers for a, b, and c.

[8] The Many Worlds Conjecture has been rejected by numerous notable physicists, particularly for the improbability for experimental proof.

[9] The term singularity is not to be confused with another term for a singularity in black hole cosmology—In that theory, a?singularity?describes the center of the black hole, a point of infinite density and gravity within which no object inside can ever escape, not even light. Our current knowledge of physics breaks down at the singularity and can't describe reality inside of it. However, there are two aspects which are common to both singularities—infinite density and gravity, and the fact that a new kind of physics is necessary to describe the singularities and their properties. I call this Transcendent Physics. Furthermore, the Cosmic Genesis singularity is not to be confused with a Technological Singularity, which is a hypothetical future where technology growth is out of control and irreversible. These intelligent and powerful technologies are predicted to transform our reality radically and unpredictably, e.g., AI.

[10] Nothingness means exactly that. According to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanics, even the farthest reaches of deep space contain some matter—virtual particles, annihilating each other as they pop in and out of existence. In the realm of Nothingness, virtual particles are nonexistent, as are space and time.

[11] Quark—A fundamental constituent of all matter and is defined as an elementary subatomic particle. Quarks combine to produce composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are neutrons and protons, which are the basic components of the nucleus of all atoms which make up our universe. Quarks are the smallest of all known subatomic particles.

[12] Dark Energy is the force that’s causing the rate of expansion of our universe to accelerate over time, rather than to slow down. That’s contrary to what one might expect from a universe that began in a Big Bang. It is a counterforce to gravity. There is some disagreement as to whether this force will continue to be greater than cosmic gravity. Dark Energy comprises 68 percent of our universe.

[13] Dark Matter—Unlike normal matter, Dark Matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force. This means it does not absorb, reflect, or emit light, making it extremely difficult to spot. Researchers have been able to infer the existence of Dark Matter only from the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. Dark matter comprises 27 percent of our universe. The universe we observe is a mere five percent of the total universe.

[14] See for example, David J. Craig, “Was The Big Bounce Really A Big Bounce?” in Columbia Magazine, Spring/Summer 2018.

[15] Collective Consciousness is not to be confused with Carl Jung’s theory of Collective Unconscious, which refers to the conjecture that a segment of our subconscious mind is genetically inherited and not shaped by personal experience. According to Jung, the collective unconscious is common to all human beings and is responsible for many of our deep-seated beliefs and instincts. With intent and effort, it is possible to reprogram the Collective Unconscious to a more desired influence.

[16] Sentient—meaning the ability to feel and perceive things, showing awareness and responsiveness.

[17] Human-sentient—the highest level of sentience on Earth. It is a human being’s awareness of both their inner- and outer- universe and the ability to make intuitive decisions based on the Cosmic Values of intelligence, knowledge, truth, wisdom, understanding, compassion, and love.

[18] Kristen Andrews, The Animal Mind, Routledge Publishers, second edition, 2020.

[19] Much of the material in this article can be found at various points throughout the trilogy of novels from The Luc Ponti Chronicles. There, it was presented as managed by the laws of Spiritual Physics. Hereafter, to minimize confusion and connection with organized religion, the term Transcendent Physics will be used. Transcendent—meaning beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience—is a more accurate descriptor.

[20] See also, James A. Cusumano, Cosmic Consciousness: A Journey to Well-being, Happiness, and Success, 2nd edition, Waterside Press, 2019.

[21] See for example, Irvin Laszlo, Science And The Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, Inner Traditions; second edition, 2007.

[22] N. Herbert, Quantum Reality, 214, Anchor/Doubleday, Garden City, NY (1987).

[23] C. J. S. Clarke, “The Nonlocality of Mind,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2(3):327, 231-40, (2003).

[24] Brian Olshansky and Larry Dossey, “Retroactive Prayer: A Preposterous Hypothesis?” British Medical Journal 327, 1465-68, December 20, 2003.

[25] Julia Mossbridge, Patrizio Tessoldi, Jessica Utts, “Predictive Physiological Anticipation Preceding Seemingly Unpredictable stimuli: A meta-analysis,” Frontiers In Psychology 3, 390 (2012)

[26] Ervin Laszlo, Jean Houston and Larry Dossey, What Is Consciousness? Three Sages Look Behind The Veil, Select Books, June 14, 2016.

[27] Fairness—As defined by the socio-cultural mores of the vast majority of species.

[28] Formerly known as Spiritual Physics. It is the third realm of physics: Classical Physics --- Quantum Physics --- Transcendent Physics.

[29] William G. Pollard, Rumors of Transcendence In Physics, Am. J. Phys. 52, 877-881 (1984)

[30] Max Planck in an interview with The Observer, January 25, 1931.

[31] Due to the metaphysical implications of Max Planck’s conjecture, many physicists have shied away from its pursuit in research.

[32] A spherical entity smaller in diameter than a quark, the smallest known subatomic particle.

[33] Paul J. Steinhardt—Albert Einstein Professor in Science at Princeton University, Bouncing Cosmology.

[34] Leah Crane, The Universe’s Evolution Seems To Be Slowing Down, New Scientist, September 23, 2023, p. 16.

[35] The case of Jenny Cockell,

[36] The case of Bridey Murphy,

[37] Observer Effect—According to quantum mechanics, what we perceive as our three-dimensional reality is actually something we create with our consciousness by our observation of the universe. Two aspects of this effect are particularly important. First, because the entire universe was locally entangled within the consciousness contained in the initial singularity that gave birth to the universe, everything in the universe is nonlocally connected to what is known in quantum mechanics as a universal superposition of realities. Second, this superposition can be described by a single equation known as the wavefunction. This wavefunction presents an infinite number of possible realities, each with its own probability of expression. Upon measurement or observation that superposition is broken into a single specific three-dimensional reality—generally the one with the highest predicted probability of occurrence. An additional and profound consequence of the intimate connection of all consciousness within the initial singularity that formed the universe is that all matter and energy throughout the universe are nonlocally connected. This is the famous Quantum Entanglement Law, which has been proven many times experimentally. Whatever occurs locally is instantaneously felt by all matter and energy throughout the universe.


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