A Dance Party For One
Paul started his journey holding on to his Momma’s apron strings for dear life until one day his spirit whispered in his ear, “Let go buddy, this time around is going to be a spicy ride.” Paul was blessed with velocity. In his youth, his quick twitch muscle fibre had him breaking records on the track. As a young man his presence captivated people, disarming them immediately as new friendships were formed with ease. He had swagger and style that, like the tattoos on his arms, left an indelible impression on everyone he met. He was a one-man tornado that pulled love, life and adventure into his vortex always leaving a trail of “Hicksey” in his wake. Yes, he was his own “dance party for one.”
The only thing average about him was his 5’8” height yet, his internal representation, was that of a tall oak with deep soulful roots. Paul had the strength of Shrek with the matching capacity to love. At first glance you might guess he was no stranger to the wrong side of the law but his resume shone with academic achievements and a career as a healthcare professional. People were his passion but children were his world. It was this world that collapsed one wintery day when a tragic car crash claimed the life of his seven year old son. Paul sent a large piece of himself to heaven with his son that day proceeding through life in the aftermath always a bit breathless. Still bleeding tears within.
Life can be a set of clichés’ that we try to abide by yet only pay attention when we are dropped to our knees. At 46 years old Paul, also tragically, was taken from a wide swath of family and friends that needed more of him. His full story had yet to be told. There were more words to be spoken, relationships to be restored and miracles to be made. He leaves behind a hole that cannot be filled with anything less than the lessons his living and dying represent. For everyone the lessons will be unique to their relationship with Paul but he most definitely reminds us to not die with our music still left inside.
Telling Stories….One Legacy At A Time.