Dams under Scrutiny: Do they lead to death of the Rivers?
Credits: JB Stran

Dams under Scrutiny: Do they lead to death of the Rivers?

When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money! – Cree Proverb

Rivers are the main source of development in human civilization. A river which originates in the mountain flows down as tiny stream and fed by glaciers or rain water running of the land which then meets with other small streams of water and join together, growing as river. As the river flows, exchanges its mineral resources with the surrounding environment and pervades every facet of existence for life. River ecosystem is the biological power source of the planet. The important part in this ecosystem is the place where the river and sea meet together (Estuaries). This fusion is stopped by building dams which lead many vulnerabilities and consequences.

When the river ecosystem is interpreted, it not only affects agriculture but also the aquatic environment. Estuaries are a habitat for many aquatic organisms with high level of production. When this fusion is prevented, there will be negative impact created in this rich ecosystem which leads to the shortage of food in both fisheries and agriculture.

This should not only be seen as food shortage problem, most of the ancient well-developed civilizations are located near the rivers (such as Indus Valley Civilization, Yellow River Valley Civilization, etc.). Without rivers, cultures in these civilizations won’t be existed and will be destroyed. Even now, most populated cities in the world are located near to rivers. 

The mounting of Dams!

In recent years, mainly in India and Africa the pressure to build dams has been mounting. This is because, to stop and prevent the fusion between the river and ocean which leads to drought and aridity of lands. In business point of view, there are many mineral resources under these lands, only when it is arid; it is possible to take out. Hence, certain corporates are rushing to build dams in these countries.

For a short period of time, dam can be beneficial while considering long term it will totally affect the ecosystem and it will be vulnerable at the same time to drought and dry years. Rising of dams at a place where tectonic plates meet, can induce earthquakes. It causes destruction of forests, which leads to movement of tribes and local communities.

Undamming Rivers

Developed countries like USA understand the ecological impacts of these dams and they are in process of removing dams which damages to the ecosystem. In 2012, Elwha Dam, one of the largest dams in USA has been demolished for habitat restoration. After the construction of dam, there is a decrease of the sediment delivery which leads to riverbed erosion. Hence there are no suitable conditions for spawning of aquatic animals and they were all endangered in the Elwha. Removal of the Elwha Dam allows the Elwha River to flow freely through the site restoring the ecosystem. Natural flow patterns are known to promote the health of native species and to help eliminate non-native species after dam removal.

Elwha Dam removal process                                                                       Image Credit: Zandcee

Rivers have closest relationship not only with human being, but also with all the organisms from the mountain -where it originates, till it reaches the sea. Rivers helps in the interaction of living organisms such as plants, animals and micro-organisms, as well as nonliving (chemical and physical) interactions. Construction of dams, may be a temporary solution, ultimately it leads to the destruction of our ecosystem and balance in the environment. Do not create any disturbances in the rivers, let them flow freely!


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