Dampness in a New Home is a Real Snag
Applying the finishing touches to a new home just before occupation can be a time consuming operation. Applying them after occupation (snagging) can be more difficult and really frustrating for the new owner.
Probably one of the most challenging snagging problems to deal with is dampness caused by block work and plaster not being properly dried out before completion. In extreme circumstances this can lead to mould and that horrible musty smell.
The traditional approach to dealing with damp is to use fan heaters and dehumidifiers to dry out the structure. The problems with this approach are:
- It is hard to circulate warm air in to corners
- The moisture may go all the way back in to the block work
- Fixtures and fittings such as carpets get in the way
- The equipment is often hot and cannot be left unattended
- It is not child or pet friendly
- It is noisy
What if there was a cost effective, completely safe and silent solution that removed the moisture and the resulting musty smell in a sixth of the time compared to being left to dry at room temperature?
Well now there is.
Using the latest innovations in infrared technology, the Infra-Lex Corner Dri-IR? is able to do just that. Here is what one user of our system said:
“The Infra-Lex Corner Dri-IR? allowed the wall to dry with no loud dehumidifiers, minimal strip out and very little disruption and discomfort to the home owner. Drying time 13 Days, the homeowner could keep the equipment running 24/7 due to the silent nature of the Corner Dri-IR?. The direct injection of energy is significantly more efficient when electricity cost is concerned, it also gave the drying contractor the ability to achieve significantly higher temperatures within the wall than would normally be achievable with the homeowner living in the house”. – Tom Sutherland, Rainbow Restoration, Cambridge centre manager.
How Does It Work?
By transmitting long wave infra-red directly and deeply into the block to be dried (rather than heating the air) it is absorbed by water in the structure which evaporates. The evaporated water escapes through a slightly open window or door. This allows the unit to operate at considerably lower temperatures than traditional heating equipment, which also means that it can be used unsupervised 24/7. This further reduces the elapsed time to complete drying.
Want to see it in action?
Corner Dri-IR? video https://youtu.be/HDeeB89EyvI
How do you get your hands on one?
Brandon Hire Station is the exclusive provider of the Corner Dri-IR?. You can find out more and make a booking through their on-line catalogue
Alternatively leave a comment below and we will get back to you.