#8 Visual Hugger

#8 Visual Hugger

Cze?? ??

Jest sobota, wi?c czas na Visual Huggerowe podsumowanie tygodnia.


Enjoy ??

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???? ?Zamieniaj? impresjonizm w hiperrealizm” Nieszablonowa reklama okularów. Niesamowicie pomys?owa z humorem. ?atwa do zapami?tania z potencja?em na viral. To lubi? ??

@Y&R, Paris
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???? Nie oceniaj ludzi po ok?adce. I cho? nie jest to oficjalne has?o tej reklamy, to taka by?a idea. Jednak ta reklama podchodzi do tego z zupeeeeeee?nie ?? innej strony. Firma chce zwróci? uwag? odbiorcom w sposób humorystyczny, jak z?udne mo?e by? ocenianie osób po wygl?dzie?– od strony naszego bezpieczeństa.

?? Reklama jest genialna równie? z tego wzgl?du, ?e anga?uje odbiorc? i zach?ca do prostej zabawy. 2 inne wersje umieszczam w komentarzach.

Przy okazji przypomn? jeszcze tym, którzy nie widzieli mojego wpisu z reklam? Lego. Tutaj te? jest jest ?wietna zabawa, a mo?e nawet lepsza (przygotujcie ma?? kartk? i d?ugopis i nie zagl?dajcie od razu w komentarze! ???? bo tam s? odpowiedzi!) Link: https://tiny.pl/wqq1w

@Y&R Columbia
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???? Rewelacyjna reklama zmywarki do naczyń. Jak g?osi has?o ?Myj mocno i delikatnie jednocze?nie”. Znakomite wykonanie, mamy a? 5 assetów ?? Reszta w komentarzach

@Y&R Columbia
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Jutro (29.07) wed?ug kalendarza obchodzi si? Dzień Tygrysa. Jest ich 3?000 a by?o 100?000. W ostatnich latach wygin??o 3 z 8 gatunków ?? Niestety cz?owiek nie dba ani o zwierz?ta, ani o przyrod? je?li w gr? wchodz? pieni?dze.

@Ogilvy & Mather
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???? ?Wygraj podró? do swojego ulubionego miejsca” Reklama stacji telewizyjnej. Rewelacyjny pomys? i idealne wykonanie.

@Y&R Columbia
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Hi ??

It's Saturday so it's time for the Visual Hugger Weekly overview.

Enjoy ??

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???? "Turning impressionism into hyperrealism" Unconventional advertising of glasses. Incredibly inventive with humor. Easy to remember with viral potential. I like this ??

@Y&R, Paris
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???? Don't judge people by the cover. And although this is not the official slogan of this advertisement, it was the idea. However, this ad approaches it from a very diffeeeeeeerent side ?? ?? The company wants to draw the attention of recipients in a humorous way, how deceptive it can be to judge people by their appearance - from the point of view of our safety.

?? Advertising is also brilliant because it engages the recipient and encourages simple fun. I put 2 other versions in the comments.

IMPORTANT By the way, I will remind those who have not seen my post with the Lego advertisement. It is also great fun here, and maybe even better (prepare a small piece of paper and a pen and do not read the comments right away! ???? because there are answers!) Link: https://tiny.pl/wqq1w

@SPR Agency
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???? Amazing advertisement for a dishwasher. As the slogan says, "Wash tough and delicates together" Excellent execution, we have 5 assets ?? The rest in the comments

@Y&R Columbia
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?? According to the calendar, Tiger Day is celebrated tomorrow. There are 3,000 of them and there were 100,000. In recent years, 3 out of 8 species have become extinct ?? Unfortunately, people does not care for animals or nature when money is involved.

@Ogilvy & Mather
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?????"Win a trip to your favorite place" Advertisement for a TV station. Amazing idea and perfect execution.

@Bechtle & Milzarajs
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