The Damaging Effects of Age Discrimination in the Workplace
Project WHEN (Workplace Harassment Ends Now)
Nobody should have to face workplace harassment. We’re working hard to make our places of employment more respectful.
A shout out to Linda Bell on an article well written for Diversity Inc. The Damaging Effects of Age Descrimination in the Workplace explores negative health outcomes, legal liability, loss of experience and innovation, ineffective DEI initiatives, and more topics of interest to today's business leaders.
Bell invited me to share research findings of Project WHEN (Workplace Harassment Ends Now) and our findings on ageism, discrimination, and workplace harassment.
"Age discrimination isn’t just a reality for older workers. It’s so easy to hear the word ageism and think of the older workforce, but it hits both ends of the age spectrum. Younger workers often feel that they’re much more likely to be discriminated against than older workers.”
"Reverse age discrimination can also play a role in stifling innovation and creativity. A diverse mix of workers of all ages is critical to success of a business. Not only does a multigenerational workforce give companies a competitive advantage, but it also boosts productivity and helps generate a stronger pipeline of talent. A respect for the older generation and the younger generation is needed to bring in fresh ideas to work.”
“This is not an overnight endeavor. It will take a great deal of time and effort. It’s going to take more people getting involved.”
Conclusion: "It's only when you can bring your true self to work that you can do your best."
Diane Stegmeier, Founder & CEO, Project WHEN (Workplace Harassment Ends Now)