DAM: Core Essentials of Digital Marketing Technology | WisdomPlexus
In an era where thousands of marketing technologies are developed across the number of verticals, but there are just four essential components. Three of them are consistent. Almost all the companies are familiar with these components, i.e marketing automation, content management and customer relationship management and last one which is moving to the hearts of enterprises Digital Asset Management (DAM).
As more organisations rely on rich content to drive marketing programs, they need to manage content across multiple platforms effectively.
Marketing Automation:
MA software manages various marketing process and online multifunctional marketing campaign activities across multiple channels. This reducing repetitive tasks and manual interventions. Marketing Automation helps create more precise personalised content to drive engagement and increase ROI.
Example: Marketo, Eloqua, Pardot, HubSpot.
Content Management System:
A CMS system is used to manage the web content allowing activities like creation, editing and publishing along with the workflow management. Some CMS platforms also provide large developer communities to ensure help in the customisation role.
Example: WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Joomla!, Wix
Customer Relation Management:
CRM helps the organization manage interaction with potential and current customers. Along with this it also helps analyse and improve business relationships, customer retention increasing.
Example: Salesforce, Zoho, Oracle, SugarCRM
Data Asset Management (DAM):
DAM helps integrating delivery channels and allow a large volume of data to be delivered using various channels like email or WCM to social channels. DAM helps an organisation create, develop, track and distribute rich content. DAM is like a centralised library which has images, photos, videos, documents and presentations. Single storage location allows DAM the ability to consistent content strategy across multiple programs and various customer touch points.
Read More: https://www.wisdomplexus.com/blogs/dam-core-essentials-digital-marketing-technology/