DALL-E vs proverbs!
What are proverbs? Condensed folk wisdom, in written form, passed down through the ages. Conversly LLMs train on vast ammounts of text, wise or not. Now that you can promt DALL-E straight from the ChatGPT interface, it seemed like a good idea to use proverbs as promts and see what DALL-E thinks proverbs would look like!
My favorite English proverb (maybe more of a saying) is this: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!". DALL-E thinks it's this:
The man in green was going about his day, hacking a massive trench through the jungle and he was set upon by 14 mutated lions! He turns and charges the mutant pack... Tough guy indeed!
My favorite Russian proverb (or saying, I use the terms interchangeably) is this: "Зри в корень!". It's an encouragement to look to the root of the problem. DALL-E has it spot on:
This image is spot on, as the man examining the plant clearly recognises the well developed root system of the plant.
In Latvian, the proverb "Kur lieli dūmi, tur maz siltuma" always made sense to me. Lot's of smoke but little heat. Certainly true.
Another spot on illustration! And I can confirm Latvia can be just that cold! :D
Norwegian language is full of interesting quircks! A proverb I heard way back when I lived in Vestfold county really struck a chord: "Jo flere kokker, jo mer s?l". The more cooks, the more mess.
This one is possibly the best one yet! Really loving the detail, and the emotion on the chef dead center of the picture!
I had worked alongside many portugese colleagues, and one proverb that I learned was: "Quem brinca com o fogo queima-se". Those who play with fire get burned. A truism really...
Not as impressive as the previous 3 pictures, but spot on none the less. Reminds me of myself when I was 10!
I am learning German now, and a proverb I found to be profound is "Worte sind Zwerge, Taten sind Riesen". Words are dwarfs, actions are giants. From this we get:
A shame about the typical DALL-E's inability to spell, but it does make the point how much more impressive deeds are!
Lastly, can't forget the French language. Formerly a global lingua franca, a language of diplomacy up until IXX century has some gems! I really love this one: "La culture c'est comme la confiture, moins on en a, plus on l'étale". Culture is like jam, the less you have, the more you spread it.
I am not sure ChatGPT grasps what just a litlle bit of marmelade is, given that this jar is nothing short of cyclopean, but the illustration is spot on! Clearly only someone lacking in culture would stand on a piece of bread and not even take the shoes off!
Some people dislike DALL-E but I am having a blast with it!
Stay tuned, I plan to post more content centered around modern tech, AI and the work place.
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1 年I'm wondering how this Irish one ; ) "May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live"
Software Engineer
1 年Зришь в корень, Фёдор ?? . I am wondering how Dall-E will interpret engineering concepts, like the second law of thermodynamics.
Doctor turned Entrepreneur, Productivity Consultant, Content Creator, Founder @ SMART Edu Club
1 年I love the cooks one! Beautiful art ??