A Daisy and Determination
Spent a second day sporting in the garage with my grandson and his Daisy. I was reminded success is usually just a few steps away, so don't stop.
Today, we were both tired as we'd been at it for about two hours, you see that still target was elusive and couldn't be hit. Then I asked myself if the scope was real or a toy. This was our second session and Daisy still chose not to cooperate, so I thought. Wouldn't you know it, the dad-burn windage and elevation turrets were real! I know how help him now.
But we were both tired and our hands achy. However I needed this session to be better than the last one so I adjusted the scope and he fired. We walked down to the target to mark the strike and there it was, inside the box. This accomplish, after two sessions and almost three hours changed his demeanor. I told him there'd need to be at least three strikes in the diameter of a quarter or three strikes on the red circle to be considered zeroed. I told him, that would demonstrate a really good Marksman. But we'd be at it for awhile seeing he was so new to this. We turned to walk away and it as if he'd taken an energy pill and was totally revived with no achy hand! I looked to see him pumping the Daisy for the next shot. I asked, "Aren't you tired?"
He replied, "But I want to keep going, I'm almost there." Well I thought he'd take many more shots, get tired again and stop. Nope! He was determined to zero that Daisy and wouldn't you know it, two hits later he did. The look of accomplishment on his face was priceless.
In life or in business, when you can help someone zero in on their goal, be there. It's an amazing feeling to see someone accomplish even the smallest achievements after they'd tried unsuccessfully so many times before.
Not pictured above are the numerous failed attempts and the achy hand or the joy on his face because of the last three strikes inside the box.