Dairy #12
Jacques Jansen van Rensburg
IT Technician | Junior Data Analyst | Writer
This week started off a bit busy. Very busy. Busy… has different meanings for different people.
Compliments are an interesting thing. So, you must have gotten a comment sometime in your life before. How did it make you feel?
It is strange how at times it means more coming from a stranger than it does from a family member or even friends.
I think compliments are like a golden sun ray breaking through darkened thundering clouds. The metaphor is not a "doomy" and "gloomy" one, it is more of how scarce they are. Hits you when it matters.
Yeah go around and give people compliments but to be honest do it when you feel like you need one. If you are an attention seeker you won’t win just for the sake of giving compliments. When in need you look for answers in everything, so give compliments when the darkened clouds are hanging over you.
Ohh and for those who feel like giving back a compliment when one was given to you… “slaps the back of your hand”. Siesa, hai wena, it is like getting a gift and giving it back to the person who gave it to you(if you don’t want it, re-wrap it with different wrapping paper and give it to someone else). Jokes on you, compliments can’t be paid forward so even if you try and re-wrap it, the compliment is still yours. Muhahahahaha
Words are powerful even when you read them(more so when read).?
I have missed a few days of writing 500 words each day. “Tsk Tsk”?
It ain’t getting me down just because I didn’t achieve my goals. Well they aren’t really goals rather a habit I want to create for myself.
Dog or cat person? For the reader who has rabbits(I know who you are… This tangent does not entail all pets, just dogs or cats. For the other readers who have rabbits, I didn’t mean to offend you. I was only "looking" at one specific person. I see you through these words ?????)
If you have any of the TWO pets species mentioned above, did you get them because you wanted one or did you get one because someone else wanted one??
No more sleeping on beds… Nee sies, I want my space on my bed if not I kick you.??
Get a dog that does not shed. Else they stay outside because I know the hassle of cleaning up after them… Even when it is not even my own dogs.
Cats, hmm, give me love or it is goodbye to you(cat mentality).
(To the cat)I don’t bug you when I sleep. Voetsek ??????
I love animals but I often don’t like the habits created by pet owners. My opinion.
Word count: Nah fam my opinion is truth(Hehe)?
BTW if you read this, you are the golden ray of light breaking the dark blanket in the sky.
Senior Robotic Process Automation Engineer
8 个月????