DAIP, the Core of a Success Project (DAIP, 成功项目管理的核心)
Recently, I sponsored three internal projects which mainly focus on the prototype development of product software feature enhancement, software reliability and system diagnosis. Those internal projects have those characteristics:
最近,我赞助了三个内部项目,主要致力于产品软件功能增强,软件可靠性和系统诊断的原型开发。 这些内部项目具有以下特征:
- fixed timeline: every project should be completed within two months.
- 固定时间表:每个项目都应在两个月内完成。
- fixed requirements and scope: requirements of each project are almost fixed. There might be some small changes in the requirements, but those are minimized.
- 固定的需求和范围:每个项目的要求几乎是固定的。 需求中可能会有一些小的变化,但是这些变化已最小化。
- self-organized team: anybody who interested in any one of those projects could organize themselves as a team and start work on it. Each project team would have to decide the roles and responsibility of their team members and define the mechanism of how would they run the project.
- 自组织的团队:对那些项目中的任何一个感兴趣的人都可以将自己组织为一个团队并开始工作。 每个项目团队都必须决定其团队成员的角色和职责,并定义他们如何运行项目的机制
- Informal: none of those projects are officially approved, project teams have to get the development done in their spare time.
- 非正式的:这些项目都没有被正式批准,项目团队必须在业余时间完成开发。
It is great that every project was completed before the final deadline and the outcomes of each project looks impressive, many new ideas and technologies have been tried out in the development, which demonstrates the strong capability of the team. I, as the sponsor of each project, worked with each project team, saw lots of interesting things and learnt a lot during the whole journey.
令人高兴的是,每个项目都在最后期限之前完成,每个项目的结果都令人印象深刻,开发过程中尝试了许多新的想法和技术,这显示了团队的强大能力。 作为每个项目的发起人,我与每个项目团队一起工作,在整个过程中看到了很多有趣的东西并学到了很多东西。
For example, some project teams followed the typical project management process, while others did not, some teams applied the Scrum development framework in their development and some others did not, some teams treated the informal project like formal project and keeps everything well organized while other teams did things casually. There’re more things than those mentioned here, but the teams who reveals the formal behaviors tend to be more successful than the teams who shows the latter behaviors.
例如,一些项目团队遵循典型的项目管理流程,而其他项目团队则没有,某些团队在其开发中应用了Scrum开发框架,而另一些团队则没有,一些团队将非正式项目视为正式项目,并保持一切井井有条;而另外一些团队做事可能就比较随意些。 还有其他一些事情没法在此一一列出,但是那些表现前面一种行为形式的团队往往比那些表现后面一种行为模式的团队更成功。
So, in the retrospective after each project were closed, I asked the question, what’re the key factors of a success project? There might be many factors lead to the project success, but the keys could be summarized as DAIP, regardless of what kinds of projects:
因此,在每个项目的回顾会议上,我问了一个问题,一个成功项目的关键因素是什么? 可能有许多因素导致项目成功,但是无论哪种项目,关键都可以归纳为DAIP:
Desire: first and foremost, the project team, and everybody in the team, should have a strong desire to succeed. Only with the strong desire to win, the team is able to conquer all the difficulties along the way.
愿望:首先,项目团队以及团队中的每个人都应该强烈渴望成功。 只有赢得胜利的强烈愿望,团队才能战胜一路艰辛。
Alignment: there’re many things to be aligned with various people and teams, e.g. the project goal, the requirements, timeline, etc. the most important is to align with sponsor and key stakeholder on the project requirement and goal. Without those alignment, it would be very risky for the project to succeed.
联盟:与许多人和团队保持一致的事情很多,例如 项目目标,要求,时间表等。最重要的是在项目要求和目标上与发起人和主要利益相关者保持一致。 没有这些协调一致,项目成功的风险很大。
Involvement: the sponsor and key stakeholders of the project should be involved well in the project, and it would be very lucky if the sponsor would like to commit the time to work with the project team, such as participate in the daily standup, and attend the periodically review. Another important aspect is to have everybody in the project team involved, so that all the team will work for the same goal.
参与:项目的发起人和主要利益相关者应该很好地参与到项目中,如果发起人愿意花时间与项目团队一起工作,例如参加日常站立和参加会议,以及定期审查,这将是非常幸运的。 另一个重要方面是使项目团队中的每个人都参与其中,各司其职,各尽其能,以便所有团队都将为同一目标而努力。
Planning: plan is important, but the most important is planning, the project team will need to continuous adjust their plan, in order to keep everything on track. This is the only way to ensure that everything the team is doing contribute to the project goal.
计划:计划很重要,但最重要的是持续计划,项目团队将需要不断调整计划,以保持一切正常。 这是确保团队所做的一切都能为项目目标做出贡献的唯一方法。
There’re many other activities that should be taken during a project management, but DAIP should sit in the core of a success project.