Daily Tax & Corporate Laws Digest
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Today’s newsletter analytically summarizes today’s top Tax & Corporate Law stories reported at?taxmann.com, in a unique section-wise format.
CBDT releases draft Rule 11UA incorporating 5 new valuation methods; invites public comments
Editorial Note:?The Finance Act 2023 enhanced the scope of section 56(2)(viib) to make it applicable to share application money/premium received from any person, regardless of residential status. Rule 11UA provides the method for computation of the FMV of unquoted equity shares for said section. To implement the FA 2023 amendment, the CBDT released draft notification with proposed amendment to Rule 11UA incorporating 5 new valuation methods.
Agricultural land:?SLP dismissed the order of the High Court that where assessee converted their agricultural lands for non-agricultural purposes but the assessee continued agricultural operations, and as per Notification issued by the Central Government, lands did not fall within 8 kms from the municipality, finding of Tribunal that lands sold by assessees were agricultural land as defined under section 2(14)(iii) being based on evidence on record, did not call for any interference?- Commissioner of Income-tax v. M.R. Seetharam - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 237 (SC)
Agricultural land:?SLP dismissed against the order of the High Court that mere inclusion of land in a Special Zone without any infrastructure development does not convert the land into non-agricultural land?- Commissioner of Income-tax v. M.R. Seetharam - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 237 (SC)
Interest:?Where the Assessing Officer added differential interest income on the ground that the assessee maintained its books on a mercantile basis and the entire interest provided by the borrower in its books of account on which tax was also deducted at source had accrued to the assessee, but Tribunal deleted the addition holding that there was no evidence about assessee having received any such amount as alleged by Assessing Officer, no question of law did arise from Tribunal's order?- Principal Commissioner of Income-tax v. Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd. - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 238 (Calcutta)
Consultancy fee:?Where Assessing Officer disallowed payment made by the assessee to a company for management consultancy service, treating same as a bogus transaction, but the Tribunal allowed such payment noting that such payments were made by account payee cheques and payment included service tax on invoice and payee was duly registered with the service tax department, no question of law did arise from Tribunal's order?- Principal Commissioner of Income-tax v. Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd. - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 238 (Calcutta)
Indexed cost of acquisition:?While computing capital gains arising on the transfer of capital asset acquired by the assessee under the will, indexed cost of acquisition has to be computed with respect to the year in which the previous owner first held the asset and not in the year in which assessee became the owner of the asset?- Income-tax Officer v. Sohrab Fali Mehta - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 233 (Mumbai - Trib.)
Brokerage expenses:?Where the assessee availed service of a broker for the purpose of transfer of property, since the broker arranged, coordinated and conducted several meetings with respective buyers/sellers, negotiated a final price with the buyer on behalf of sellers, arranged peaceful vacation of licensees occupying apartments belonging to sellers and assisted with the removal of occupants staying in premises, brokerage expenses having been incurred wholly in connection with the transfer of property under section 48 would be fully allowable as deduction while computing capital gains of the assessee?- Income-tax Officer v. Sohrab Fali Mehta - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 233 (Mumbai - Trib.)
Solicitor expenses:?Where the assessee made payment to solicitors to look after legal aspects of the transaction of transfer of subject property and claimed it as a deduction, only works which were carried out by solicitors in connection with the transfer of subject property would be allowable as a deduction?- Income-tax Officer v. Sohrab Fali Mehta - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 233 (Mumbai - Trib.)
Expenses incurred for vacating premises:?Where the assessee decided to sell the subject property, which was in possession of the licensee, compensation paid to the licensee to get the premises vacated before the lock-in period of 12 months so that vacant possession of the property could be given to the buyer, would certainly be construed as an expenditure incurred in relation to the transfer of property and therefore, allowable as a deduction?- Income-tax Officer v. Sohrab Fali Mehta - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 233 (Mumbai - Trib.)
Methods for determination of - Most appropriate method, determination of: Where assessee had aggregated transactions, namely, purchase of raw materials, sales of clinker and cement, receipt of technic know-how etc., under manufacturing function stating that same were interlinked with the main function of manufacturing however AO rejected aggregation of certain transactions and proceeded to determine ALP of technical know-how received since transactions of manufacturing and trading of cement by the assessee were interlinked, Assessing Officer was to be directed to consider the entire gamut of issue relating to the selection of MAM and analyse it afresh, first by determining MAM and then analysing transactions under provisions of TP?- Zuari Cement Ltd. v. Deputy Commissioner of Income-tax - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 239 (Hyderabad - Trib.)
Adjustments - Operating profit/Cost, computation of:?Where TPO computed adjustment by comparing comparable margin of 17.04 per cent of operating cost vis-a-vis assumed 5 per cent mark-up as per inter-company agreement and proposed an adjustment on transaction of marketing support services but assessee filed additional evidence to show that operating margin of the assessee from marketing support services was 18.64 per cent as per certified segmental accounts, the matter was to be restored to TPO?- Boehringer Ingelheim India (P.) Ltd. v. Income-tax Officer - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 240 (Mumbai - Trib.)
Adjustments - Operating profit/Cost, computation of:?Where assessee submitted that external cost incurred by it was pass-through cost and hence, no mark-up was payable thereon by AE and had filed certificate in the form of additional evidence confirming that AE had paid mark-up on 18.46 per cent on internal cost and no mark-up was to be charged on external cost, but TPO had not discussed specific issue in relation to external cost in his order and had considered mark-up of external cost, the matter was to be restored for examination to TPO with respect to mark-up charge of external cost?- Boehringer Ingelheim India (P.) Ltd. v. Income-tax Officer - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 240 (Mumbai - Trib.)
CBIC issues Standard Operating Procedure for Scrutiny of Returns for FY 2019-20 onwards
Editorial Note:?The DG Systems has developed functionality “Scrutiny of Returns”, containing the online workflow for scrutiny of returns in the CBIC ACES-GST application. Now, the CBIC has issued modified SOPs in respect of scrutiny of returns for financial years 2019-20 onwards.
Where on the one hand Show Cause Notice issued for cancellation of Registration failed to provide any reason as to why petitioner-assessee's registration was proposed to be cancelled, and on the other hand, the order cancelling the petitioner's registration was not traceable to the petitioner's request for cancellation of his registration order passed for cancellation of petitioner's registration was not justified?- Atul Bansal v. Commissioner of Central Tax/GST - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 477 (Delhi)
Where, the assessee was exporting services without payment of IGST and filed a refund application which was rejected on the ground that such services qualified as an intermediary service within the meaning of section 2(13), since there was an insufficient analysis of the actual work performed by the assessee, the impugned order was to be set aside and remand back?- Netgear Technologies India (P.) Ltd. v. Joint Commissioner CGST Appeals I - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 479 (Delhi)
Assessee had not filed an appeal before the appellate authority within the prescribed limitation under Section 107 and had directly filed a writ petition almost after eight months of the expiry of the limitation period. Therefore, the writ petition filed by the assessee challenging the impugned order was to be dismissed?- Malik Khan v. Chief Commissioner GST and Central Excise - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 478 (Rajasthan)
Principal Commissioner, CGST, Meerut did not have jurisdiction in respect of territories where the petitioner's principal place of business was located and had no jurisdiction to pass attachment order in respect of petitioner as 'the taxable person'?- Sidhivinayak Chemtech (P.) Ltd. v. Principal Commissioner, CGST - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 481 (Delhi)
Petitioner's bank accounts could not be attached on mere suspicion that the petitioner company was a dummy unit?- Sidhivinayak Chemtech (P.) Ltd. v. Principal Commissioner, CGST - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 481 (Delhi)
Formation of opinion by Commissioner under Section 83 of CGST Act, 2017 should be based on credible material having live link with the formation of opinion?- Sidhivinayak Chemtech (P.) Ltd. v. Principal Commissioner, CGST - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 481 (Delhi)
The term 'Commissioner' as used in Section 83 of CGST Act, 2017 would necessarily refer to the Commissioner who exercises jurisdiction under CGST Act in respect of 'the taxable person'?- Sidhivinayak Chemtech (P.) Ltd. v. Principal Commissioner, CGST - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 481 (Delhi)
Where the appeal was dismissed for reason of non-prosecution in the context of non-appearance of the appellant, since, Appellate Authority failed to comply with a statutory obligation under section 107 to decide the appeal on merits, the impugned dismissal order was to be set aside, and the appeal was to be restored?- Purushottam Stores v. State of Bihar - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 480 (Patna)
Assets of a person falling under Sub-section (1A) of Section 122 of CGST Act, 2017 can be attached only by a Commissioner who exercises jurisdiction in respect of said taxable person?- Sidhivinayak Chemtech (P.) Ltd. v. Principal Commissioner, CGST - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 481 (Delhi)
IFSCA grants renewal of recognition to ‘NSE IFSC Limited’ for a period of 1 year
Editorial Note:?The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA), on being satisfied that it would be in the interest of the trade, securities market and also in the public interest, has granted renewal of recognition to ‘NSE IFSC Limited’ for a period of 1 year commencing on the 29th of May 2023 and ending on the 28th day of May 2024. The recognition is subject to a condition that the Exchange shall comply with the conditions specified by IFSCA.
Where bank had recovered entire amount, even more than the amount of debt by way of an auction sale of a mortgaged property, there was no debt due against the borrower on date of filing appeal and, thus, the borrower was not required to tender any amount towards the condition of pre-deposit for entertaining appeal under section 18?- Vishal Jaiswal v. Naresh Soni - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 241 (Madhya Pradesh)
Editorial Note:?AS 24 prescribes the principles for reporting information about discontinuing operations, thereby enhancing the ability of users of financial statements to make projections of an enterprise's cash flows, earnings-generating capacity, and financial position by segregating information about discontinuing operations from information about continuing operations. This discussion involves a disclosure checklist that management is required to comply with to fulfil obligations given under AS 24.
Non-disclosure in Form DIR-12 leads to penalties for Company and Directors by ROC - A Case Study -?Prof R Balakrishnan, FCS - FCWA - [2023] 150 taxmann.com 493 (Article)
That’s it from us for today! Stay Tuned for more updates from?Taxmann.com.
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