DAILY SPRING DEVOTIONAL  Monday, September 26, 2016

DAILY SPRING DEVOTIONAL Monday, September 26, 2016





"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)


Welcome to the last Monday of September, the LORD God is in charge and you are going to attest to this today in your own life in Jesus Christ name, amen. Glory!!!

The day we gave your life to Christ, we gave Him control and ownership of everything that concerns us and that includes our bodies. Why are you still limiting God then?

Our duty is to present our bodies and His duty is to MAKE USE OF IT. Can you go back and detect how they should eat the food you gave out to that family? It’s theirs now and so they decide what to do with it, when, and how, unless they ask you.

God knows how important our bodies are to Him and He will take care of it. Stop interfering. When the enemy comes in with feelings of sickness, confusion, procrastination, laziness, sexual immorality…scream out.. I HAVE GIVEN OUT THIS BODY TO CHRIST; IT’S NOT MINE TO GIVE YOU!!! Talk about it to someone else, so you can be exposed to the danger of ‘someone now knows about it”. It helps.

He wants you not to fast because “your body can’t take it”…you are not the owner of that body anymore, don’t buy his lies.

The truth is on our own, we are weak but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us from the inside. We need that support on a daily basis.

That negative habit, you and I knows, it has to go, that sickness has to go, those unholy sexual desires has to go, that pain you have been bearing and now it’s affecting your blood pressure, it has to go etc. Who are you when you go to another person’s property, take over it and detect what happens to it…let me tell you “A ROBBER, A WICKED PERSON”. Is that what you have turned into now? Please leave that body of yours to the owner.

Brothers and sisters, that body of yours is meant for your spouse to do whatever he/she wants with it as a gift of enjoyment from God to them, stop THE SHARING please…when a thief is caught, he will pay back 7 times. The day God remembers you…the Blood of Christ cannot help you, because that was what He used to buy you.

Ladies your parts where giving to us to keep for our master…how are you at the job? Are we only going to obey your boss at the job and work hard to deliver on that job description but flaunt the job description Divinity gave to us? Stop giving what is not yours. We need to repent and serve our God. PLEASE DON”T HATE ME NOW, STILL LOVE ME, I am just HIS tool, writing what am hearing. We just need to stay away from that unquenchable fire called hell!!!!



1) Thank God for speaking to you today. Repent, turn around and ask Him for mercy and to help over your life and condition. Ask for the grace to stop interfering in the affairs of your body in Jesus Christ name.

2) Holy Spirit of God You are the God on earth with us today, I surrender it all to You, that which I hide from the eyes of people, take it away from me and heal me in Jesus Christ name.

3) I hide myself in the Blood of Christ, satan you can’t use my past against me. The Blood of Christ has cleansed me, fighting for me, protecting me and taking me to my high places of dominion and manifestation to God’s glory, in Jesus Christ name, amen


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