Daily Shot of Entrepreneurship Startups & Venture Capital - April 10th, 2024
CJ Cornell
6x Startup Founder. Entrepreneurship Educator, Author & Speaker. Investor. Advisor. Mentor.
Welcome to today's Daily Shot of Startups, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Capital - A roundup of some of the more interesting, unique, useful, sometimes obscure - but always insightful - articles about startups, funding, and related topics.
Whether you're a new founder looking to learn from the best, or a seasoned entrepreneur, investor, mentor or educator - looking for new perspectives - this is the place for you.
2 Updates on Investment Crowdfunding regulations, by Crowdfund Insider
Chris Harvey provides insights into 2 issues relevant to both startups and investors:
Markairn T. offers the "The Starving Crowd Theory" in marketing as a potent strategy.
Jason M. Lemkin discusses his investment losses, as lessons for startup founders:
Sebastian S. does a deep(er) dive into finding Product-Market-Fit:
Peter Walker discusses dilution and SAFES:
#startup #crowdfunding #founders #fundraising #vcs #entrepreneurs