Daily Mussar LIFE (Spiritual Disciplines)
Carmen Schroeder
Mussar Soul Coach & Communicator ?? | People Consultant | ??Personal & Group Development | Author & Speaker | Mentoring & Coaching from Biblical Counsel | Marriage??Mentor | Training Trainers??
14th of Kislev 5784 THE YEAR OF THE OPEN DOOR
The work is hard because we are DISPLACING an entire nature, an entire dysfunctional disposition we have grown within over time BUT that’s NOT who we are.? We are HIGHER than that.?
Displacing a dysfunctional disposition will take LEARNING, PRACTICING, ANSWERING.?
It’s simple! However, it is the inner fool, inner scoffer who interprets this process negatively and declares with gusto ‘It cannot be done!’.? If we believe it cannot be done, we are serving an impotent god with NO POWER. Therefore, it is those inner voices that need identifying and challenged. This is where HOLY COUNSEL steps in…
15th of Kislev 5784 THE YEAR OF THE OPEN DOOR
Seeking and aligning oneself with WISE COUNSEL is self-mastery and elevation.
We all have patterns of self-defeating dysfunctional patterns to overcome. This is character refinement and maturing in this life conforming to the Character of Messiah. This is our purpose according to Romans 8:29 (and your clear inner voice: Neshamah Genesis 2:7).
Signs you are not growing and maturing, conforming to the Character of Messiah:
1)??? Complaining about others’ poor behavior
2)??? Excuse-making for yourself
3)??? Hypocrisy (Masked-actor ‘pretending’ and living for the applause of others)
The world is full of meaningless conversation. Are you having MEANINGFUL CONVERSATION with YOURSELF?
***** You do NOT have to ‘believe in yourself’ to achieve greatness. All you have to do is to BEGIN AGREEING WITH (true definition of ‘belief’) A DIFFERENT VOICE in your thoughts, your speech and especially your actions. G-D already believes in you, so become familiar with and trust THAT VOICE. Think, speak and DO according to A VOICE HIGHER THAN your current ‘inner scoffer’.? YOU WILL then be achieving GREATNESS in that very moment…and with each step in AGREEMENT WITH that Higher Voice declaring...
?Contact me to begin learning these Biblical Insights and experience your own TRANSFORMATION!
?? Mussar Life Coaching ??
Healing the Soul | Character Refinement | Elevated Alignment