The Daily Message....Well Done
I rejoice in the opportunity to embrace my place of service. As I give God and others my time, my talents, my resources and my heart I am creating impact that is not always seen by the obvious eye. This is demonstrated in the story of David. He was the youngest son, not the favored.... not the best qualified...not the strongest or the best looking, but God choose him to be the King. Where was he when the choice was made? He was serving in his assigned role; tending the sheep. Go doesn't look at the obvious external qualifications or merits. He looks at the condition of the heart. What condition is your heart in today? If time stopped and all your external appearances, qualifications, money and merits were stripped from you and you stood naked of these things in front of God what would He see? What would He say? I know the answer I serve every day for is "Well done my good and faithful servant. Who or what are you serving? Does it provide the ultimate reward? You can't take anything with you? What impact will you leave?
Posted by Janet Brooks at