The Daily Message.....Fear No Pinata
I acknowledge fear for what it is..... a paper mache wall standing between me and the life God created me to live. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome if I am aligned with my highest and best purpose. I choose to use love and faith to tear down the wall that fear would try to create. Think about a pinata and how it can easily be destroyed with a little effort. That paper mache wall of fear is made out of the same material. It's easily destroyed when we are in the right mind set and use the right gifts and abilities inside us. You and I were gifted for great things. Are you letting a paper mache wall of fear keep you from your highest and best relationships, opportunities and abundance? Can I encourage you today to knock fear squarely where it belongs and watch the rewards "candy or fruit" of your labor flood out?
Posted by Janet Brooks at 6:57 AM