The Daily Message.....A New Season Can Start Now
I am thankful for the ability and awareness to let go. Ever hold onto something to tightly? I have..... consciously tried and tried to make it work in my own power, sure that I know best. It is good to be passionate about something, however sometimes we take that to a level that keeps us from seeing the bigger picture. Not every person or all things are meant to be in every season of our life. What happens when we hold onto them.... the relationship usually disintegrates or it takes longer to get through that season than God intended. Are you holding on to something or someone right now so tight that you are squeezing the life out of them? Possibly you hear that small voice telling you to release that dream, possession or person you are fixated on. Isn't it time to respond to that voice. Let it go and move on to the new season of blessings, grateful for the time spent with or on that person or dream. The new season starts the minute you release what's holding you in the old one.
Posted by Janet Brooks at