The Daily Message.... What's In Your Tent?
I am thankful for the awareness to increase my capacity to recieve. It is written in Isaiah: "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your curtains wide, do not hold back..." I can honestly say in the past I was limiting Gods ability to bless me because my tent did not have space or I had the flaps/curtains closed. I had an aha moment when I realized I was limiting my own abundance by not creating space to recieve it. I have access to as much favor and abundance as I have capacity and faith to recieve. Is your tent full today? Is it cluttered with past mistakes, future worries, trash bags full of regret? Possibly you have the tent flaps closed... the door zipped up tight to keep the rain out? Interesting fact.... if it is zipped up to keep things out or in, it is just as zipped up to keep what's available to you out. Would you join me today and have a tent revival within yourself and open heart and mind up and enlarge your tent space to recieve!
Posted by Janet Brooks at