The Daily Mess: A Moment To Clear
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
To clear our head and heart. To free our paths from things we have no control of or over. We stand on a different rock. Not to watch the behavior of other people. But to lead by way of inner strength. We cannot be hiders. Nor should we rise. It's time to clear. For what we have and own is the present. Right here right now. Embrace it with true love and compassion. We cannot write history before it happens. To be a visionary can get in the way of what history has done to many. Staying clear is a walk of life. It doesn't keep you from being an activator by way of serving peace filled ways to rebuild and replenish. It's another one of those days when something too large to comprehend has invaded our personal thoughts and reactions. We must unite in equal love and pace. We are what will shape the next seven generations. How you make decisions creates the seeds.