The Daily Mess: Documenting 2-22-22
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
February 22, 2022
Today is 2-22-22 on a Two’s day.?Once in a lifetime.?Is it a milestone or a mile marker??What are the chances people looked at the clock at 2:22 this morning or later this afternoon??The number two is said to be powerful.?God created the sky on day number 2.?The number 2 represents collaborations.?In numerology number 2 people are emotional, sensitive and filled with love.?One problem.?The default is what comes with it, a need to be helping, caring and always willing to help guide.?Here we are!?2-22-22!?Time is moving faster than the human eye.?There won’t be a 3-33-3333 or 4-44-4444.?Dear future reader; what’s life like in 1-1-2111 and 2-22-2122??Or does that even work with a different number mixed in??The 1’s are done!?As will the 2’s after 2-22-2222.?Funny how numbers tease our hearts and imaginations.?We play with numbers until someone reinvents math.?Someone, somewhere will finally prove to the world that the number 2 isn’t a prime number.?Because… I don’t know.?But they will!?And on that day they’ll say Pluto is a planet it again and not a wandering moon.?What are you doing on your 2-22-22??Let there be peace in Ukraine.??