Daily Live Stream Guide for 02/09/22
Epic Guest: Chris Do

Daily Live Stream Guide for 02/09/22

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6 am EST - Mid-Week Morning Hour of Power Join me every Wednesday morning at 6 a.m. EST and get your mind right for the day!

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6 am EST - The Content Creation Conversation episode 29 The Content Creation Conversation episode 29

Susie Mathieson is a true demonstration of how important LinkedIn is for everybody no matter where they are on their journey.

She started coming into LinkedIn rooms on Clubhouse and patiently waiting her turn to get to present her questions and predicaments on LinkedIn.

The only difference between Susie and the others coming in for tips and tricks, is this.

Susie comes in for the LinkedIn room on a regular basis and waits till the end room before she presents new questions before sharing any patterns that stand out during implementation.

No airs, no boasting, no empty promises.

Keynotes to look out for:

?? Psychology of Sales - how to communicate like a human

?? How to start sales a conversation

?? 3 tips on how to deal with "ghosting" in your sales funnel

?? If this resonates with you, share it with a friend and block out Wednesday 1200CET on your calendar, and

Join me, LinkedInSeb, and my guest from around the world in our conversation on topics that matters for #DigitalMarketer and #Businessowners.

Follow #SebestianShares for more.

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7:15 am EST - 15 with Christine - Englishes & Accents: Discussion with Petra Navel This is the final event in my 4-week series on World Englishes & Accents.

Join myself and Petra as we discuss Accents, Englishes, Native-speakerism, and Accent Reduction vs Increased Clarity?across languages. (myself and....= Hiberno English!)

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8 am EST - Nudelberg Daily Huddle - February 9, 2022 Join The Nudelberg Daily Huddle for your intake of Inspiration, motivation, and optimism.?Steve Nudelberg?and?Marc Nudelberg?welcome you to the community.

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8:30 am EST - Willionaire Wednesday Everyone can't be a billionaire, but each of us can be a willionaire.

#Willionaires believe that where there's a will, there are several ways; and that #champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a a desire, a #dream, and a #vision. We have to have the skill and the will, but the will must be stronger than the #skill.

Join Shawn Dove and Stephen A. Hart this and every Wednesday at 8:30 am ET for actionable, impactful, and free-flowing Willionaire Wednesday conversations, that aim to help you strengthen your will.

More about Shawn and Stephen:

Shawn Dove is a speaker, author, and advocate for leaders who want to improve the lives of young people, particularly Black men and boys. He is the co-author of the book: I Too Am America. You can learn more about Shawn at dovesoars.com and connect with him on Twitter @dovesoars

Stephen A. Hart is a marketer, content creator, husband, and #bestdadever. You can learn more about Stephen at stephenahart.com and connect on Twitter @stephenahart


Stephen A. Hart: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/stephenaihart

Shawn Dove: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/shawn-dove

#licreatoraccelerator #missionfuel #blackexcellence #blackmen #blackboys #itooamamerica #blackhistorymonth #bhm #blackowned #blacklivesmatter #linkedinforcreators

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9 am EST?-?Let's Talk About It with The Empowerment Duo?The Empowerment DuoPersonal Conversation | Business Information | Spiritual Conversation

Economic Independence Through Entrepreneurship IS EMPOWERMENT!!

Host: Lisa Santiago McNeill, The Coaches Coach,?https://lnkd.in/dHqRNYrZ

to schedule a complimentary consult.

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9 am EST - Starting over with Purpose Starting over with Purpose

The reality is that life is anything but a straight line, and is made up of seasons?— some good, some monotonous, and some so bad that you’ll need plenty of time to recover from the trauma of living through it.

There can be many different reasons for you to want or have to start over.

It may be your career or business coming to a standstill or even falling apart. Your relationship, Your health, or losing someone close to you.

These things can happen to anyone, and they might happen to you too.

Starting over with Purpose, this is what Jeena Earthiva will talk about on The Mistress of Buried Treasure Show.

Have You Ever Started Over?

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9 am EST - The Three Marketeers Show #73 - The thing about Email Deliverability Ft....Ed Forteau aka Mr. Deliverability Email deliverability refers to the delivery success of emails to inboxes.

As an email marketer, you don’t want to just get your email sent.

You want your email to land in your customer’s inbox. And not the spam folder.

So how do you achieve maximum inboxing?

Join us on Wednesday, 9 Feb 2022 to discuss this with Ed Forteau aka Mr. Deliverability on the steps we can take to ensure our email marketing platform is set up properly.

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10 am EST - "The Experience Live with Russ & Scott" - Ep. 50 Fasten your seat belt and get ready for an Amazing, action-packed 50th edition of "The Experience Live with Russ & Scott!" Our guests are Ioannis (Yani) Gratsinopoulos & Alexandria (Alex) Rosa are Outstanding. Yani is a Ministry Coach, Pastor, Business Coach, Leadership Coach, Sales Coach, Corporate Trainer, and a Keynote Speaker. Alex is a Educator, Results Coach, Holistic Nurse, and a Livestreamer. This will be a great conversation!

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10 am EST - Achieving Your Goals and Building Confidence Developing Skills Are Not Always Easy. Discover tips to sharpen your dialogue and why it will make a big difference when delivering your message. Getting Your Book Done and Published. Come join the conversation and Let's Bringing Your Book To Life. Join Host?Gertrude J Chapman (EXPERT)?and co-host?Tiffany Rochelle?as they discuss Finding Value in your ideas and how to monetize your passions.

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10 am EST - Ladies Go Live Gratitude is great for your wellbeing, and when you can share that appreciation with others, you boost your health and happiness as well as theirs. What is not to love?!

Join us live as we talk about appreciating those who matter to us, and how you can create meaningful memories together.

Single, taken - everyone has someone special in their lives (just look at your family, friends, and those around you)

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10 am EST - Wellbeing Wednesday LIVE Join Dr Ruth LIVE on Wellbeing Wednesday where this week she will be talking about children's mental health, reflecting on some of the episodes in her show 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain' where her guests talk about their adverse childhood experiences.

This LIVE session will focus on the theme for this year of 'Growing Together'

Be sure you submit any questions you may have around children's mental health and she will answer your questions during her LIVE training at 8pm GMT the same day

To register for her free LIVE training at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern and 8pm GMT visit https://lnkd.in/dwNjXzQN

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10:30 am EST - "Sexual Harassment in the Military" Sexual harassment is now a crime under U.S. military law — a milestone that might surprise many people simply because it hadn't occurred until now.

The change is a direct legacy of Spc. Vanessa Guillén who was murdered by a fellow soldier in 2020 while she was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.

Military life and the experience of sexual violence pose unique challenges.

Men and women who experience sexual assault or harassment often live and work with the person who committed this violence.

If the perpetrator supervises or outranks the victim, they may make threats against the person’s career or shut out options for help and support.

Service members do not have the option of leaving a job because of a hostile working environment and could face charges for not following orders.

What are the choices and can we find a solution?

Come and join me {@Carl Shawn Watkins, @Charlson Gaines, and @Jeff Clark as we talk about it.

#addressingmilitaryculture #militarycommunity

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11 am EST - The Tim & Jim Show: Servant Leadership Have you ever heard the term Servant Leadership? Have you thought about how it can apply to your small business? This week on The Tim And Jim Show , our guest is Oakland McCulloch Lieutenant Colonel (US Army Retired)

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Oak McCulloch jas over 40 years of leadership experience, including 23 years as a combat arms officer in the United States Army. He has written a book on leadership - "Your Leadership Legacy - Becoming The Leader You Were Meant to Be". Oak is also an accomplished public speaker who talks on the subject of leadership.

We will ask Oak

?? What is leadership?

?? How does one become a leader? We have heard the adage leaders are born not made

?? What skills can we develop to become a more effective leader?

Let us know where you are watching from and if you have any questions for Oak

#TheTimAndJimShow is powered by StreamYard. Founded on the 3 principles of ease of use, stream stability, and professional-looking streams.

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11 am EST?-?The Coaches Corner?We go LIVE Monday to Saturday at 10 am CST. and share tips on how to take your coaching business to a higher level.

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12 pm EST - Business Development, How It Can Grow Your Company Business Development is affected by external factors where "Planning Systems" are established in order to regulate business.

Business Development professionals tend to partner with multiple internal departments, such as:

?? Sales

?? Marketing

?? Customer Service

?? Technical Support

?? Strategic Management


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12 pm EST - Stop Confusing: COST, PRICE & VALUE In Your Career DO NOT Miss THIS Epic LIVE:

With epic guest, Loud Introvert with a BIG Mission

Chris Do

Founder of the Futur

Speaking up and out about the vital differences between


This session is for you: jobseekers, decision-makers, freelancers, consultants, and entrepreneurs!

Don't know Do?

Check out his mind-blowing YouTube Channel with nearly 2M subs

Link in comments

Get his book NOW: Pocket Full of Do (one of my go-to business bibles)

Link in comments

Want online design education without the crippling debt


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1 pm EST - #ShowUP with GailNow and guest, Christina Fuges The next guest who has stepped up to Show Up is Christina Fuges.

She has a bundle of energy and great passion for manufacturing!

With a wealth of experience in trade publishing, she has been MMT’s (MoldMaking Technology’s) Editorial Director for the past 23 years.

She was a founding partner of Communication Technologies, Inc. (CTI), which launched the publication and its annual trade show, the MoldMaking Expo (now Amerimold expo).

She has a great story about how she broke into moldmaking and also gets social media!!

Drop by the show to hear more about Christina and how she shows up!

#curiousbrain #showup #gailnow #linkedinlivestreams

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1 pm EST -Call Center Confidence with Cutter & Catt [S2E01] Why are employees harder to manage? Why are employees today more difficult to manage? What are some of the contributing factors?

The most amazing technology, leads, sales process could mean nothing if you don't have the operations side worked out. It's coming from somewhere in the leadership side if you're having all these people issues.

In this episode, Oliver and Jason talk about managing employees. Specifically, why is it harder to do so these days.

Learn more about effectively managing people, and understanding the root of leadership challenges.

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1 pm EST - Audit Bites EP019 - Should auditors be aware of emotional issues? Facts don't care about your feelings. Unfortunately, feelings control many decisions in business environments.

I worked with one woman who was overworked, underpaid, and completely burned out. Each year, she asked her boss for additional funding to hire more staff. Each year, her boss denied her request.


It finally came out that her boss simply did not like her.

So she worked for years in an compromised control environment because of her boss' personal problem.

After she left, the money magically appeared to clean up the department.

Are auditors aware of emotional issues like this that impact the organization? Should you be?

Let's talk about this on the next episode of Audit Bites.

hashtag#internalaudit hashtag#thatauditguy hashtag#linkedinlivestreams

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1 pm EST - How To Navigate Conflict At Work With Liane Davey Can I confess something? Conflict makes me squirm. I hate it. Liane Davey on the other hand swears it's the secret to a successful team. She believes healthy, frequent, conflict can actually help your team become more productive and creative. I have about a thousand questions about HOW to do this & I'm sure you do too. So pull up a chair, bring some questions with and let's learn how to fight well at work.

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1 pm EST - The Metaverse Handbook with Mitch Jackson Is there anything he can’t do? Mitch Jackson isn’t just a lawyer, he’s a trendologist, who is always where the action is.

I first came across him in Clubhouse and he was doing then with social audio what he is doing now with the Metaverse…defining intellectual property, capital and legal parameters at the intersection of “law meets tech.”

Our Humpday 1 pm EST edition features the man who executes on Legal Zoom. Literally! Soon to be virtually. We’ll discuss “How to Create, Market and Sell in a Virtual World” (his book, "The Metaverse Handbook comes out in 2 weeks.)

Have any questions for Mitch or just want a shoutout on air? You can potentially ask your question live or get a shoutout using $JAFFE coins which you can purchase via my creator coin link: rally.io/creator/JAFFE. I’ll also be giving away $JAFFE coins every episode to viewers who tune in live.

By buying my limited-edition NFT, you’ll get an e-book, as well as access to pre-tapings and after shows. Find out at nft.rally.io/jaffejuice

Watch full episodes at https://lnkd.in/dxcvTf26.

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1 pm EST - Women That Shred - Find your Mentor! Welcome to another episode of Women That SHRED! This week along with our incredible host, Raquel Borras, we have our great friend Christy Soukhamneut! Tune in to learn the value of mentorship and how you can find a mentor!

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1 pm EST - Self-Care Masterclass Series, MOVING BEYOND LIFE'S MISSTEPS LinkedIn Live video presentation, 12:00 noon - 12:30 p.m. then migrating to LinkedIn Audio 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. to have a discussion with you. Join us and come on stage for the audio to ask questions

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2 pm EST - How To Onboard Clients Faster to Save Time & Close More Deals One of the most delicate times in the life of a marketing agency is when you’re onboarding a new client. You need to balance getting all of the information you need to manage the project successfully, while simultaneously making sure that the transition from “prospect” to “client” is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

But wait, if we’re talking about client onboarding, how will that help us close more deals? That’s exactly what Paddy McGill is going to show us.

Paddy has spent a decade in the digital marketing space and now helps businesses automate their sales demos, training, and onboarding through the power of eWebinar.

Agency Accelerated host Stephanie Liu will be talking with Paddy on Wednesday, Feb. 09 at 11am PT / 2pm ET about:

?? today’s best practices around sales & onboarding automation

?? how many agencies have been finding success using webinars

?? how faster onboarding leads to increased sales

Think of it as your fun – and free! – consultation for your agency.

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2 pm EST - Intro to Visual FX Mo has been wanting to share some basics of VFX and we think that this week the stars are in alignment and we will get to hear his pearls of wisdom! Let's make our videos awesome!

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2 pm EST - TRAP Chat Live, w/special guest, Sean Clayton - CS Student & Activist Amondo (Sean) Clayton, II is a current final year graduate student attending West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He is joining me to will share his experience in navigating the career space and how he thought about his career path early.

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3 pm EST - The Shred Show - A winning mindset for 2022 Welcome to another Shred SHOW! Today we chat with our great friend Dustin Sheppard of APM! We're talking about how having the right mindset will allow you to win this year!

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4 pm EST - Online Dinner Party For February 9, 2022 Looking forward to having Southern Soul icon Theodis Ealey and a amazing model and actress.....and other stars as well...

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4:45 pm EST - Good for Business Show - TOP 3 MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKE SELLING ON LINKEDIN LinkedIn can be a huge opportunity to grow sales for your business. However, too often we see business owners and their sales teams making these top three mistakes on LinkedIn and missing out on opportunities. Knowing these and tips to avoid them is something you don’t want to miss.

Host Michelle J Raymond discusses the do’s and don’ts of selling on LinkedIn with this week’s guest David J P Fisher – Author, President and Business Coach Rockstar Consulting.

? Evolution of sales into the online world

? What skills does a modern salesperson need?

? Top 3 mistakes people make selling on LinkedIn and how to avoid them.

? Do I have to create content to be able to sell on LinkedIn?

? If there is one daily practice people should do to increase sales what would it be?


? LinkedIn – Michelle J Raymond

? LinkedIn – Good Trading Co

? Website – https://goodtradingco.com.au/

? LinkedIn – David J P Fisher

This episode is proudly sponsored by Good Trading Co. Your one-stop shop for business growth on LinkedIn. We simplify LinkedIn through audits, strategies, and training, so you can focus on running your business. We also run our Good Trader? Trusted Partners program so you never have to go looking for service providers you can trust.

Subscribe to the Good for Business LinkedIn newsletter for more tips, strategies, and updates to grow your business on LinkedIn. (https://www.dhirubhai.net/newsletters/good-for-business-6884277192415563776/)

#GoodTradingCo #GoodForBusinessShow #LinkedIn #smallbusiness #sales #socialselling #BusinessGrowth

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5:30 pm EST - E-Commerce: Email Marketing Strategies for E-commerce Email has always been the most predictable channel to drive your customers back to the funnel for eCommerce or digital-savvy companies.

Email keeps them engaged and provides opportunities for them to get the best out of their investments and the additional purchases they might be able to make through cross-sell and upsell.

Also, with the advancements in Artificial intelligence and recommendation technologies, the new tools are able to recommend exciting workflows that may not have been possible before because of disconnected datasets and siloed systems.

Since the newer artificial intelligence can operate both on structured and unstructured data, the need to have consistency across datasets is not as relevant.

So what do eCommerce companies need to know about modern architecture and tools and creating email strategies based on that?

Let's hear from experts Kristina Harrington, Steve Rice, Dave Meyer, Kira Tchernikovsky, and Sam Gupta as they share their expertise on email marketing strategies for E-commerce?

Watch the live stream on:

?? LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/gvw2ZhY

?? YouTube: https://lnkd.in/gFvmR6w

Also, here are some related sessions from the past you might want to check:

?? E-commerce: Conversion Rate - t.ly/vZ9v

?? E-commerce: SEO Strategies - t.ly/UVOO

?? E-commerce: Shopping Cart Issues - t.ly/uOSK

?? E-commerce: Product Filters - t.ly/FZ22

You can check these sessions as audio podcasts on the following platforms. Subscribe today!

?? Apple: t.ly/boU5

?? Spotify: spoti.fi/39pCOFr

?? Google: t.ly/i56A

What comes to mind when you think of eCommerce email marketing strategies? ??

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5:30 pm EST - Power Half hour, Unstoppable Owner Ep#3 Daniel Evans Daniel is pouring his passion for farming food faith into a financial wellness company.

You can reach Daniel on his website at www.evansandcompany.com

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6 pm EST - Video for Business? ?????? Video for Business? ??????

#AskDrELO #VideoforBusiness #LiveStreaming

Let's discuss how Video content is one of the best ways to connect with your customers.

NEW MERCH ANYONE? www.pressnsow.com/askdrelo

Websites and Links:

My Business website: www.sustainablemgmt.net & www.AskDrELO.com

Ecamm Live - Best Mac Live Streaming Software: https://lnkd.in/duNVjvC?......

Your Best Friend on YouTube - TubeBuddy: https://lnkd.in/d2H_jte ...


Restream.io: https://lnkd.in/d6JhwxW

Canva: https://lnkd.in/dwx3YM4


This post may contain affiliate links. From time to time, I recommend products or services that I have used or know well and, as a result, I may receive a commission if you purchase them through my affiliate URL links. Purchasing through my affiliate links is at no extra cost to you.

Thank you!

Best regards,


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7 pm EST - Secrets of Selling Your Services What you did not know about how to Sell has cost you soooo much money already! Finally, learn what you have always needed to know in order to Sell wonderfully well and profit easily!

When this workshop is over you are going to feel a combination of exhilaration, excitement, and regret. You will be exhilarated with the new tools and knowledge that you are now armed with. You will be excited about implementing what you just learned and excited about learning more, and you will feel regret that you had not learned this sooner.

“I’ve never been excited about sales before and I have never felt more confident in my ability to sell as I am now. I guess that's why you are the Sales Confidence Coach” J Barker

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7:05 pm EST - A Special Presentation and Announcement I just wanted to share a few updates on the adventures of The Pirate Syndicate and what's happening in the Pirate Community.?

Join in the conversation and ask questions, get answers, and get involved in the community.?

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7:30 pm EST - How to Blast Past the Naysayers + Do Exactly What You Want Kelly Lewis is a women’s travel industry leader and a leader in women’s empowerment. She’s also the founder of Go Girl Guides, the Women's Travel Fest and Damesly. Most recently, she is the author of Tell Her She Can’t: Inspiring Stories of Unstoppable Women. Tell Her She Can’t shares stories of women who refused to believe that they can’t, especially when told otherwise. They can, they did … and you can too.

Please join me and Kelly on Wednesday 9 February, at 7:30 PM eastern as we discuss:

* How to blast past the haters and use negativity as fuel

* How to be more resilient

* Tapping into your power to become unstoppable

#onwardmovement #onwardtogether #onwardlive #onwardpodcast #creeatealifeyoulove #linkedinliivestreams

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9 pm EST - Grayson Marshall Show for February 9, 2022 A Star from the world of Athletics and ACC Hoops will be bringing some much-needed knowledge and wisdom to the world of entrepreneurship...

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9 pm EST - ?? LIVE from LinkedIn: It’s #WhatsGoodWednesday Ep199???? There’s something GOOD coming?? hashtag#WhatsGoodWednesday ??LIVE Ep199?? ??Time to hashtag#RadiatePositiveVibes, Share the GOOD & experience some hashtag#FullForceFUNNESS ??????♂???TOGETHER??

Now more than ever between the effects of hashtag#coronavirus, death (& JUSTICE????of) George Floyd ??s??s ??s n more, we need to come together & shout out THE GOOD in the ??

AND experience some hashtag#FullForceFUNNESS!

#socialdisDANCING on the global award-winning hashtag#WhatsGoodWednesdayLIVE w/a twist!

?? YOU pick the jam

?? Dj Bri Bri drops it!

And we'd LOVE YOU to join us as a GUEST??

SO BRING your??? ???????? ?? ????!

?? Share some GOOD & get your socialdisDANCING on to YOUR fave jam!

???? It’s like the online version of Italians dancin/singin on their balconies.

Spreading the ?? on LinkedIn

You got GOOD to share

We LOVE to hear it!



YEP CLICK HERE! ???https://lnkd.in/gqxZ2U7j

Can’t be a guest? Share'n the comments!

We’re callin' ALL the GOOD out! YAAS!!





?? It’s WK45 of hashtag#LinkedInLipSyncBATTLE ??

It's #TeamBancy VS #TeamChamberLee

& Nancy Debra says you're goin' DOWN-TOWN Alex Chambers & Marc Lee!!

This week's song?

You're NOT gonna want to miss it!

We're #InItTogether #LinkedinFam

Let’s make social distance the social good we need in our feeds during #covid19

And #LightUpLinkedIn!

It’s #VoiceYourVibe?? on #LinkedInLIVE??


`?? Wanna WISH someone a happy birthday? Come on the show, give em some love, LIVE!

?? Wanna get YOUR birthday socialdisDANCING on LIVE on the show to celebrate YOUR special day - COME JOIN US! We got a free balloons waiting! MYLAR ones!!!

?? DON’T WANNA MISS IT @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST?


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6:00 - 7:00 AM EST - Mythology chats #1 - Egyptian mythology To ascend to the throne, one murders a God.

As the blood flows out of Osiris's divine veins, the history of the magnificent land of Egypt faces the consequences.

How did Egypt come to be, the myth?

Who rose from where and created what?

The Crocodilos and how they protected a nation!

et. al.

Join us in this participative Audio session about Egyptian myths, legends, and their impact on society, literature, and culture.

My permanent guest for this series is Nada Abdelhadi. She is just a Ra of sunshine ??

If you are a writer, mythology is a treasure trove for you to pillage through for inspiration. Read these stories that endured the ravages of time

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7:30 - 8:30 AM EST - The Dot - Episode 2 : How to use personal branding to boost your business. In this episode of The Dot, I will interview Michelle Griffin to talk about the power of personal branding to grow your business.

Michelle has helped dozens of professionals build a strong personal brand through her company, Brandthority. She runs a community, the 365 Challenge Community to help creators build consistency on LinkedIn and hosts a podcast, the Business of You.

Join the event to find out the latest strategies and tactics to build a strong personal brand

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11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST - (Audio Event) Office Hours Live with Jim Rogers Join me using this new audio event format on LinkedIn and LinkedIn Learning! This audio only event will make it easy for learners in my courses to join me, ask questions, and participate in a live discussion. This will be an "ask me anything" format to discuss topics related to my construction management and occupational safety and health courses. Have a question about Bluebeam, PPE, Lean Contruction, Occupational Safety, Modular... this is the place!

If you haven't joined an Audio Event on LinkedIn before, it's simple! You can join from desktop or mobile, just make sure your LinkedIn App is up to date if you are joining on mobile. You will be able to raise your hand, un-mute and join in the live discussion.

I think this audio format will facilitate audience questions and open discussions better than the Video format because all attendees will be able to participate, instead of just posting text questions. To see if I am right, I will be hosting this open office hours every Wednesday in February from 9:30am to 10:30am MST.

Please note - Audio Events on LinkedIn are not recorded! This means you have to join live; you can't just listen in later. It's easy! Just click here to register. You can add the event to your calendar, and you will get a reminder before the event begins. Just come back here to the event page and you will be connected. If you are joining from desktop (in a web browser) there should be no set up. If you are joining from mobile (Android or iOS) all you have to do is make sure your app is updated.

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12:30 - 1:30 PM EST - Critical Reflections??Compassionate Leadership?? What is it? Critical Reflections- ??Compassionate Leadership?? What is it?

Join me on #Linkedinaudioevents as I share #TonisFairyDust with my guest and co-host @Michelle Harte. We discuss Compassionate Leadership and what it is.

As founders of this series Michele and I launch our #CompassionateLeadership series and share with you not only some of our findings to date but a taster of what it is, the myths and how it can really benefit your organization.

Come join the discussion with us on Wednesday 9th February 2022 at 5.30pm GMT share your experiences followed by a Q&A with us as we edge towards a more compassionate world.

Remember it starts with you!! We look forward to welcoming you.

Click remind me - and see you there.

Note as this is a #linkedinaudioevents it is still in beta mode. I have found joining from a desktop PC, updating your software on devices, and adjusting your audio enhances the experience.

Follow @Toni McLelland #tonisfairydust

I post daily about #thoughtleadership #empowerment, #inspiration, and #business #startups in #socialimpact. I'm a champion of #DEI #CompassionateLeadership approaches

Need extra support? Ask about the 1st Life Group community.

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1:00 - 3:00 PM EST - Social Audio Strategies: Integrate Your Content Strategy w/Audio Join me & Thought Leadership Branding and 5 times TEDx speaker Bobby Umar as he shares with us Social Audio Strategies.

ATTEND and JOIN ?? the LinkedIn Audio Events Beta. WE want to share this ACCESS with you!

Join us as we discuss strategies on how to implement social audio in your connect strategy.

We will talk about all of this, AND MORE, in this week's “Social Audio Strategies LIVE Wednesday at 12 pm CS/1 pm EST.

INVITE A FRIEND and see you there!

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1:00 - 3:00 PM EST - ?? AUDIO EVENT : LinkedIn VOX - A no-agenda talk show. Have we spoken?

Not yet?

We should.

Join me and other curious/chatty ‘Voxers’ (look at me inventing a whole new LinkedIn lexicon) as we talk about ...whatever the heck we wanna talk about.

Andy x

p.s I have great opening (and closing) show music. If I do say so myself.

This show runs every WED & FRI at 12 Noon Central Time Zone (US).

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1:30 - 2:00 PM EST - Future of Work, Linkedin Audio Event The Future of Work is happening right now and it is impacting every aspect of business...so I think it is fitting for this topic to be the first of this 'Future of' series I am putting together via Linkedin Audio Events.

The panel you'll hear from is great and (so far) includes:

Danielle Farage: Gen Z Workplace Futurist and Director of Marketing and Growth at Cafe

Harrison Kim: Founder Pavestep

Jonaed Iqbal: Founder NoDegree.com and ACE Virtual Events

Elizabeth Gulliver: Kunik: Make work human again Co-Founder

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1:30 - 2:00 PM EST - Self-Care Masterclass Series, MOVING BEYOND LIFE'S MISSTEPS Join us for a Q & A after the LinkedIn Live Masterclass

You will have the opportunity to come "on stage" (speak live to the group) and ask questions and give your insights

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7:00 - 9:00 PM EST - C4 ( Connect * Celebrate * Collaborate * Coach) Veterans Networking Event Are you looking to build your network, collaborate, find resources, get advice about your transition or business?

Join us EVERY Wednesday 7-8 PM EST for C4 ( Connect * Celebrate * Collaborate * Coach) Networking Event. Hosted by The G-I Factor

A. This is a LinkedIn “audio-only” event. Join listen in while you multitask. I am a beta-tester.

B. Raise your hand to give advice/ coach OR ask a question or let us know of an opportunity out there (6- degrees of separation).

C. Review Linkedin profiles and connect while you listen. Live virtual networking in the Veteran community.

It is an opportunity to Connect * to Celebrate * to Collaborate * to Coach / be Coached by fellow Veterans, business owners, and employers!

Why? Because

1. It’s where your battle buddies hang out.

2. You’ll get a better understanding of the civilian work culture.

3. You'll get a deeper understanding of what it takes to be successful in business and key resources.

4. Linkedin is the place to build your community and network. Connect while you listen.

5. You’ll have access to resources and information.

6. You get the opportunity to make an impact.

Key points from the article, Why You Should Join an Online Veteran Network, written by Paige Brown and Veteran David Tenenbaum, director of Heroes Linked.


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7:00 - 8:00 PM EST - Office Hours with the Authors of "Intelligent Automation" Meet the authors of "Intelligent Automation - Welcome to the World of Hyperautomation", hear their stories behind writing the best-selling book, and ask your questions in this exciting new AUDIO LIVE format. This will be 2 of 2 identical events - to accommodate for global time zones. Please join us, and have your questions ready.

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8:00 - 9:00 PM EST - Win(e)d-Down Wednesday Presents : "Whatcha Wanna Know!" Hey y’all!

I got some news to share! Y’all ready? ??

It’s been a minute since you’ve heard from Malik & I, so I think it’s about time we change that! We will be hosting a live audio event called Win(e)d-Down Wednesdays Presents: Whatcha Want To Know here on LinkedIn next Wednesday @ 7p!

Charge your headphones, grab a glass of wine, and bring a pen and paper because we’re leaving the ball in your court to ask us anything! You definitely don’t want to miss this one! ??

Ariel Serber

Advocate for financial empowerment, literacy, and independence. Advisory solutions and problem solving for businesses; risk management, business planning, building brand equity, capital raising and more.

3 年

Thanks so much!!!! Looking forward

Jim Fuhs

Marketing the Marine Corps Way | Veteran Advocate | Podcaster | Virtual Event Producer | Affiliate Marketer | Digital Marketing Consultant

3 年

Thanks for all you do to help others ??Gabé Leal??

Mariah Edgington

Holistic Integrative Therapy Nurse ? Mindset Mentor ? Retired ER, ICU, Flight Nurse ? Neurodiversity Advocate ? TEDxSpeaker ? Keynote Speaker ? DEI Certified ? Best-Selling Author

3 年

Thanks so much ??Gabé Leal??. Appreciate your work!

Kevin Kwok

Growth Architect | Passionate Marketer | Crafting Impactful Strategies @ ?????? ???????????????? ?????????? | Goldman Sachs 10KSB Alumni Ambassador

3 年

Thanks for always pointing us to the right shows ??Gabé Leal??. Big fan of Chris Do!


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