The Daily Journal - Why This Is Important
?? Seth David ??
?? "I bring systems, strategy, and subscription-model mastery to the table. Let’s eat!"
Set aside
I feel compelled to start by telling you that you have to set aside everything you think you know about what a daily journal is for an open mind and a new experience.
Now that we’ve cleared the path and removed any bias you may have about this, let’s dive in.
The Timeline
A daily journal is a timeline. This literally is what you create when you write in a journal daily. Even if not every day, but with any amount of consistency you develop a timeline.
Now the question is, what do you want to document in that timeline??
Sure you can document your thoughts, and I would encourage you to do that, but don’t stop there.?
For example this morning as of this writing, I decided it was time to write out a little stream of consciousness around the next call I want to do for 97 & Up. I didn’t have to think for a minute or even a second.
I live in Notion. This is where my daily journal is.
I have today’s entry open all day every day.?
So I clicked over to that browser tab, created a “callout” entitled, “97 & Up Programming” and I got to work writing it up.?
Next I opened up the page in my 97 & Up program where these notes live (their space) and after polishing up my notes with a little help from ChatGPT, I pasted them into their permanent location. Then back in my daily journal I did this:
Originally I had all of my notes written out there. Once I had it all set up in its permanent location, removed all of that and replaced it with a link to the page where those notes now live.?
The daily journal is your timeline.
The permanent location for these things is the space.?
Our brains work in these two dimensions; time and space.
The benefits of the timeline
It’s very possible in a few days from now that I will be thinking about this article I wrote, and I know that I was working on it this past Sunday. That’s the timeline. Now I can reference it in less than 30 seconds by accessing it through my journal and that link.?
In a year from now I will get this journal entry sent back to me. I can tell you that very often I get these entries, and I review what I worked on a year, then 2, 3, and so on and I am inspired by these entries in a number of ways.?
Sometimes I am simply grateful because I can see how far I’ve come since those times. I can see what I was working on, and then all kinds of memories are triggered. Some good, some bad. The bad ones have value in the form of perspective. Oftentimes it’s something like, “well I won’t do THAT again.” The good ones are of course good, and at the very least it’s nice to look back, remember, and smile at my accomplishments.
And then there are the entries that inspire new ideas and action. This happens a lot. Something I wrote about that I wanted to do but other things got in the way, and now I can copy them forward into today’s entry, where I will later clarify it. This means I will decide how important it is to me, and from there it either becomes a new task or project, which is then organized into its proper space (as that task or project) and then I will either schedule it (and tag it as scheduled) or put it into my Next Action Items tag.?
And now I have this neural network of ideas. Where it was born on a particular date in my journal. Then I brought it back a year (or maybe more) later, and off it went from the timeline into the space where it goes. All of this is linked or connected so I can drill around. Sometimes this is useful in the most practical ways, and other times it is nostalgic. Both have tremendous benefits and value for me.?
And then there is the other benefit to having this neural network of ideas and tasks and projects and so on.?
As I’ve accumulated this knowledge base over the years, oftentimes if I want to develop a new concept, I don’t need to look any further than my knowledge base. Everything I need may well be contained here, including bookmarks to websites that I might use to engage in that research, not to mention any notes, thoughts, and ideas I’ve captured anywhere within my knowledge base.?
If it wasn’t emphasized enough earlier, I want to make sure that it is emphasized now that one of the most powerful things my journal gives me is a place to capture absolutely everything I need throughout the day, so I don’t have to think about where to put it at the moment.?
So, I can clip websites right into my daily journal, and then later I go back and add them to my bookmarks database (also in Notion) or my web clippings database which is for articles I clip and read.?
Fleeting thoughts and ideas
The same thing applies here. I can be anywhere, when inspiration strikes and I want to jot that idea down. I don’t know about you, but in 2024 I am rarely without my mobile device if not at my computer. So, I pull up my daily journal in my Notion mobile app and jot it down. Then later I clarify it and get it into an “Ideas” space so I can reference it later when I need it.?
Tap in and…
Two taps (less than 5 seconds) and I am in my daily journal getting that thought down before I lose it!?
Anything you think about or anything someone recommends to you during the day gets recorded here.?
Recommendations for books, shows, movies, restaurants, absolutely anything goes into your daily journal.
Then at the end of each day you review it and clarify where things go. This means you have to have the space created for them, or the system for where to create the space when and as the need arises.?
Where you choose to create the space for the journal and everything else you want to keep track of is entirely up to you. Obviously, I suggest Notion.?
To give you an idea of the “spaces” you might want to create, I have two main hubs: business and personal.
The main thing is to start with your daily journal. This gives you a place to capture everything. Then you can build the spaces you need as you need them. This way you know for sure that you have a place to go in an instant to capture absolutely everything that crosses your mind on any given day.?
Sometimes I let the clarification go for a few days, then I go back through the past week or even month to look for items I might have forgotten about or missed.?
This is the part that makes this a system I can trust. Because I know I have it in my process to go back and sweep through to look for things I want to clarify and organize!
The more I learn to trust this system the less stress I have about having to remember anything. In other words, this literally gives me the space to get everything out of my head and into this system. Then if my “brain” trusts it, and this is very different from whether or not I think I do, it will reduce and then remove stress. You’ll know if your brain trusts your system, because if it does, it will stop sending your reminders at the most inopportune times!
Your stress is fully refundable
All I can say is that you should try this process for 30 days. If you don’t like it, your stress levels are fully refundable. Everyone I know who has followed my guidance on this has reported dramatic improvements in their stress levels as well as their confidence in knowing they can organize, categorize and then easily reference anything they’ve captured because it’s all in a system they can trust!
Want help?
Check out my Bulletproof Notion Operating System. This gives you my entire business hub as a template as well as hours of training and access to a community where you can get ongoing help.?
I'm so glad we got to chat Seth about that concept. I had misunderstood the reason for having a daily journal, so understanding it serves SO MANY purposes, like helping you not only see what you did and who you talked to (in case you need to go back to that later and review what happened), but also can be a way of documenting ideas that may need follow-up later, or people you want to reach out to, etc etc, AND you can link those things to "to do's" - well, all that combined makes it a very powerful and useful thing to do!