Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude

I sure wasn't expecting the temps to drop as far as they did from yesterday, but as we all know, it's still January, and we just to leave it at that. You can bet I made sure the furnaces in vacant homes were working properly.

After arriving at office, I immediately went to my email to see if the listing agent had sent the ratified purchase agreement from yesterday, and of course it wasn't there, so I waited until a decent hour and made the call and ended up getting flipped over to voicemail. I absolutely don't get it whenever someone says they're going to do something, and then doesn't until you have to rattle a cage or two. It was near lunchtime when it finally arrived which made me wonder if that agent had taken the morning off or fell asleep in a sauna. Oh well, at least I finally got it and then forwarded my buyers.

My mid-morning appointment took me to a home for a full walk-thru inspection and after getting a good look, I proceeded to share comparable sales with the sellers, along with a few recommendations on what they should do with the home before we listed it. Thank goodness they were receptive of what I thought needed to be done because if they do follow-thru with my suggestions, it'll indeed sell all the faster, and for more money.

Seeing that home was a real treat, because one normally doesn't have an opportunity to have a good look at an exceptionally well-built home. Yes, gone are the days when builders took great pride in their workmanship, along with using now non-existent high quality building materials. Homes like that are what I always consider works of art created by long-deceased craftsmen.

I'm hoping another by-product of this lingering pandemic, will be the beginnings of our younger generation focusing more on possibilities with homes they're looking at instead of buying into the HDTV concept of lipsticked pigs. Just recently I've sold several homes to younger ones who were able to see past out-dated cosmetics and envision something they'll be able to put their own personal touches on, and actually excited about it. Let's hope the tides are now finally turning back.

I placed a call this morning to a dear one to see how she's been weathering, and glad all's been well on her side of the fence. What's the most delightful about her, is she's pretty much filterless whenever giving her opinions. We're a bit kindred of sorts due to having walked similar life-paths. I always have to internally laugh whenever she insists me the type who's always too kind and forgiving because unbeknownst to her, I have my boundaries and when they're crossed, it's "Adios amigo". Yes, she is absolutely correct about my willingness to help and freely give, but as with most, I have a seldom seen counter-balancing side that's ever-firm and infinity resolute.

My second showing on 2121 S. Georgia went well to where it won't surprise me if I get a call from them in the morning asking for an appointment to make an offer on it. With the sun shining brightly thru its windows, and the fabulous views of the park across the street, I can't imagine someone not wanting to live there, and especially if they're the outdoorsy type. Every time I've been there, I'd happen to notice people walking their dogs on its trails. For as cold as it was, there sure are some die-hards living amongst us.

I was expecting to work the entire day on my end of the year taxes tomorrow, but it looks like I'll be out and about more than I was expecting. I do know I'll have photos to take of a new listing, possibly more time set-aside to write an offer on 2121 S. Georgia, and maybe even another showing. In spite of it all, I'm hell-bent on getting a good start on them and keep at them as much as possible because having it finished-up long before I have to meet with my tax accountant, will be another welcome relief of this year.

As much as my vehicle is in need of a good wash, the carwash I normally go to was closed due to this bitter cold, so I'll have to wait until it warms up. Washing cars in weather like this isn't the best, as more often than not, I've had my car doors frozen-shut and sometimes a chore to get them opened. I'll just have to wait until our temps are above freezing.

The highlight of my day was having a chat with a college student who's attending one of our prestigious universities in our Midwest. Being fully familiar with that institution of learning, I teased him about how much more demanding they are. He was surprised to hear that one of our natives graduated from it with honors, and then went on to do even greater. I'm sure only our natives remember Tim Lannon's achievements, yet there's been no plaques or monuments in our City giving laud to his achievements. Go figure! When Wikipedia posts your bio, you've done more than come in out of the rain.

Sensing he was a gentle soul, I shared some of the key points of a recent article I read regarding contemplative prayer. I did encourage him to do a little research and give it a try. For the strangest reason, I actually think he's going to give it a go. I'm sure his parents are very proud in knowing they raised a young man with such a fine character.

I received a message today from my dear friend who had a sudden medical issue, and glad to hear she's on the mend and soon to be home. That situation was just another example of how on one day, we can be cruising along on our life's path, and on the next, get side-tracked by sudden physical issues. Yes, we must always remember that every day, no matter our age, is a blessing for which we must offer daily gratitude to our own Higher Power.

Tonight's One-liner is: Who promised you that only for joy, you were brought to this earth?

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/mason-city-2/2021/01/22/daily-gratitude/


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