Daily Energy Report
Atul Nanda Kashyap
Regional Sales Manager (North India) | Need channel partners in North | Resume Writer
In today's time when Energy Saving is of utmost importance, Daily Energy Report becomes a crucial part of information about your plant/ factory/ building or complex. It tells you how much energy was consumed in your facility in last 24 hours. It can be a simple report showing how much energy was consumed from State Electricity Board and was supplied by Generators or it can be a detailed report with following data:
- Demand trend highlighting maximum demand in last 24 hours or till date this month.
- Energy consumed by each section/ plant/ unit/ department on hourly or daily basis.
- Energy consumption in each shift.
- Total energy consumption till date this month i.e. month to date.
- Highlighting the sections consuming maximum energy.
- Track maximum Harmonics/ Voltage/ Load and minimum Power Factor/ Frequency.
- Number and duration of power outages.
There can be many more important things which a Daily Energy Report can tell you about your facility. This information may vary according to the type of facility. Based on all this information you can judge if your facility is running at an optimum level of energy efficiency or if a particular section or sections are consuming more than desired energy or are having more than expected losses. If sanctioned demand is enough or are you running too close to the limit? Is the Power Factor being maintained? Is Harmonics under control or do we need to take some corrective measures? These are just a few points out of a long list.
Now comes another equally important point - how do you want this report to be generated?
Do you want someone to go around the entire facility every day writing down energy and other readings then type them in MS-Excel (or similar application) and email them to you so that you can further spend hours (I repeat- every day) trying to make sense out of that data (not mentioning the chance of human error while taking the readings or typing them in a spreadsheet).
Would you like an Energy Monitoring System to log data (without human interference and with guaranteed accuracy) and email report to you with ready analysis?
I would definitely like to go for an EMS. What say you?
Please feel free to contact us for more information about Energy Monitoring System (EMS).