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Happy New Month To You And Yours.
Happy Independence to all Nigerians.
1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG
Topic: Prayers For Your Nation
Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 22: 27-28
Food for thought: Spending quality time with God will help you retain the vigor of youth.
Prayer. Father, I am grateful for your blessings over my nation. We are still standing because you are watching over us. [ kindly scroll down to the end of this summary for all the prayer points].
2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM
Topic: True Freedom
Text: John 8:32,36. John 8:32-44
Food for thought: True freedom comes through wholehearted acceptance of all truths of Scripture.
Lesson: Insisting on exercising your rights fully might give a sense of independence, but true freedom only comes from accepting the truth of God's word. We need to accept all of God's teachings, not just the parts that suit us. Partial acceptance of the truth leads us away from God and true freedom. Two are better than one because of mutual comfort. In decision-making and planning, two people will be able to accomplish more. In the face of tough times the world is experiencing at the moment, it will be difficult for a loner to survive. It is a great wisdom not to be a lone ranger in the journey of life.
3. Dr. D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Daily Devotional, MFM
Topic: Two Are Better Than One
Text: Ecclesiastes 4: 9 – 12, Ecclesiastes 4:9
Food for thought: It is a great wisdom not to be a lone ranger in the journey of life.
Lesson: God, in His wisdom, said in the beginning that it is not good for man to be alone.
4. Bishop Dr Mike Okonkwo, Wisdom For The Day, TREM
Topic: You Manifest What You Believe
Text : Isaiah 53:1. Marthew 9:27-30; Luke 1:26-38; Romans 1:16-17
Food for thought: Believing in God's promises leads to their manifestation while doubting results in missing out on His blessings.
Lesson: We need to have faith in what God says about us, even when faced with challenges. What we believe and speak determines what happens in our lives. Is what you believe that will manifest in your life! I urge you, therefore, not to believe the lies of the devil.
5. Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM
Topic: Thomas Edison: Learn To Pick Yourself Back Up!
Text: Acts 15: 35-41; 2 Timothy 4: 11
Food for thought: Viewing setbacks as steps toward success turns failure into an opportunity for growth.
Lesson: We need to learn from our failures and use them as feedback to improve ourselves. No matter what setbacks we face, we should pick ourselves up, keep moving forward, and never quit.
6. C.A.C: The Living Water
Topic: Are You Still A King?
Text: 1 Peter 2:9, Genesis 17:1-8
Food for thought: Acting contrary to God's values leads to losing our dignity as His representatives, while faithfully reflecting His teachings honours our calling.
Lesson: We have a responsibility to show God's love and values to others as His ambassadors. Our actions should reflect God's teachings, as we are the "Bible" that the world is reading—so we must always strive to live like true kings in His service.
7. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion
Topic: Apostle Paul: A Roman And Heavenly Citizen
Text: Acts 22: 24-30
Food for thought: Proper knowledge and use of one's rights help overcome unjust challenges, both as earthly and heavenly citizens.
Lesson: We should be aware of and assert our rights, just as Paul did to avoid unjust punishment. As citizens of heaven, we need to rely on God's promises to face life's challenges and pray for just leadership in our country.
8 Daily Guide, Scripture Union
Topic: Holy Anger!
Text : 1 Samuel 11 V 1 - 15.
Food for thought: Allowing holy anger, driven by God's spirit, to move us toward helping others leads to victory and harmony while ignoring it keeps us from making a difference.
Lesson: We should let holy anger motivate us to use our position and resources to help those in need, just as Saul did when he heard the cries of his people. Instead of holding grudges, we must treat everyone with love and fairness, even those who may not support us.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 1-4
Could you share this devotional summary with blessed someone?
God bless you and yours. Have a blessed day and a prosperous new month
Thank you, Dr Susan Umeh.
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1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG
Topic: Prayers For Your Nation
Prayer Points:
1. Father, I am grateful for your blessings over my nation. We are still standing because you are watching over us.
2. Father, please empower the leaders of my nation and grant them the wisdom and strength to lead us right at all times.
3. Lord, please expose and uproot wicked leaders from their offices, in Jesus’ name. Never let the wicked rule in any part of my nation again.
4. Father, please give the righteous people in my nation the boldness to rule. Raise righteous people who will boldly take up the mantle of leadership, in Jesus’ name.
5. Lord, please let your mercy reign in my nation. Let there be no disasters or outbreaks of diseases, in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, please let my nation prosper greatly.
Let our lands be filled with abundance, and let our economy blossom. Open new doors of opportunities and prosperity to us; let barrenness and scarcity come to an end in every part of my nation, in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, please let peace reign between us and the nations around us. War and violence of any kind will not be mentioned in our land, in Jesus’ name.
8. Father, please let your plans for my nation be fulfilled. Let them come to pass quickly, in Jesus’ name.
9. Lord, please have mercy and cause us to repent from any form of pride and foolishness that may destroy us in our nation, in Jesus’ name.
10. Lord, please let my nation be among the great nations of the world. Let those seeking to destroy my nation and steal her glory be brought to shame, in Jesus’ name.
11. Lord, please let there be a revival in my nation. Let us begin to seek you wholeheartedly, in Jesus’ name.
12. Your personal prayer points for your nation