SUNDAY MAY 26, 2024.


1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG

Topic : He Is A Rewarder

Text : Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 10:40-42

Food for thought : God never overlooks anything you do for Him. He will always reward you.

Lesson:Our Lord is indeed a generous rewarder. There are many areas of service that attract God’s generous rewards. Examples are: ) partnering with God to advance the agenda of heaven; ii) obedience to the Lord’s instructions, iii) hospitality, iv) hosting His presence in our homes, like house fellowship meeting centres . Beloved, our God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek, serve, obey, and honour Him. Use this to your advantage today.

2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM

Topic : How Hospitable Are You?

Text : 2 Kings 4:8,2 Kings 4:8-10

Food for thought : Hospitality lends a hand that triggers God’s blessings.

Lesson:We bring meaning to life through the quality of compassion we express towards others, in practical terms. We must not allow the hustle and bustle of life to shut our eyes to the needs around us.. The plight of those we relate with, especially servants of God who show us the way to eternal life, should not be overlooked.

3. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Rhapsody Of Realities, Christ Embassy

Topic : Manifesting the Glory of The Kingdom

Text : Psalm 145:10-12, Isaiah 60:1; Romans 8:19; John 2:11

Food for thought : Glory is that which inspires, produces or causes honour.

Lesson: God’s Kingdom is a Kingdom with glory and power! As you walk in the light of who you are in Christ, you’re showing forth the glory of the Kingdom.

4. Dr D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top daily Devotional, MFM

Topic : The Power of Angelic Intervention (2)

Text : Daniel 6:22, Daniel 6:10-24

Food for thought : Be kind to strangers because it is the loving thing to do. Also, you never know they could be angels.

Lesson: God’s angels set children of God free from danger, trouble, and impending death. Beloved, God will shut the mouths of lions that want to devour you and disappoint the devices of the crafty in your life, in Jesus’ name.

5. Bishop Dr Mike Okonkwo, Wisdom For The Day, TREM

Topic : Train The Next Generation

Text : Proverbs 22:6, Genesis 18:16-19; Genesis 22:1-12

Food for thought : Children learn faster what they see than what they hear.

Lesson: Parents, teach your children. Don't just preach to them by your words; let them see you

do those things too. Action speaks louder than words. Pray together concerning family needs, and when God answers, share the testimony at the family devotion.

6. Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, Seeds Of Destiny DIGC

Topic : Righteousness, A Weapon Against Untimely Death

Text : Ephesians 6:14

Food for thought : Righteousness is a weapon against arrows of untimely death. Righteousness preserves.

Lesson: Godly character is a weapon of defense against the adversary. Righteousness is an amour; righteousness is a weapon of both defense and offence. Make up your mind to wear the garment of

righteousness always. Refuse to live carelessly: live uprightly.

7. Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM

Topic : I Shall Not Miss My Divine Opportunities This Year – 2

Text : 1 Samuel 16: 13-23

Food for thought : Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.

Lesson: Don’t be a freelancer, jumping from pillar to post. Don’t be everything or everywhere at the same time. Find your God-given assignment and stick to it. Performance shall meet you at the place of your assignment. You will not miss your performance story and MEN SHALL CLAP FOR YOU! Yes! MEN SHALL NOT SIT TILL YOU ARRIVE in Jesus name. Amen and amen!

8. C.A.C: The Living Water

Topic : Who Is Like God?

Text : Job 40:9, Psalm 104:1-35

Food for thought : In honour, power, majesty and all-round greatness, God is incomparable.

Lesson: God is the great God, greater than all other gods. He is unique in might and unsearchable in wisdom and strength. None among His creatures, nor any idol can withstand His awesome strength. It is best to acknowledge God and let His awe inspire you as soon as possible.

9. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion

Topic : Reverence God Always

Text : Psalm 29: 1-11

Food for thought : All that God has created must worship and thank Him.

Lesson: God reveals Himself strong in all our situations. So, for these reasons, no other deity deserves our praises and worship but God only. In all we do, we must always recognize, adore, praise, worship and glorify God, for He is the only one who is worthy of all these. We should always reverence God in all we do.

10 Daily Guide, Scripture Union

Topic : God will restore all things

Text : Isaiah 65:13-25

Food for thought : At the time of judgment, God always makes a clear distinction between the righteous and the wicked and He makes a distinction between His enemies and His servants. It pays to serve the Lord!

Lesson: When Christ returns; during the millennia reign, there will be a complete restoration of all things to Eden-like conditions . There will be perfect reconciliation between God and man and between all creatures.


Kindly share this devotional summary to bless someone.

God bless you richly. Happy Sunday!

Special Thanks to Dr Susan Umeh.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Pastor E A Adeboye

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Dr Paul Enenche




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