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1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG
Topic: But For The Lord
Text : Psalm 124:6, Psalm 124:1-8
Food for thought: You have no idea how much God protects you as you go about your daily activities.
Lesson: You go out and return safely, not because of your carefulness or skills, but because God watches over you. The battles God fights for you are beyond what you see or know. Thank God daily for His protection, because without Him, you will not be alive.
2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM
Topic: A Chosen Vessel
Text : Acts 9:10-22, Acts 9:15
Food for thought: You will never know all He can do with you until you allow Him to have all of you!
Lesson: God’s power transforms even the worst adversary into a chosen vessel for His purpose. God has the power to change any life, no matter the past deeds or beliefs. You find true purpose when you surrender to God's calling. Allow God to shape your life into a vessel of honour and mercy.
3. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Rhapsody Of Realities, Christ Embassy
Topic: Become More Conscious Of Christ In You
Text : John 1:14, Colossians 1:26-27; John 1:14 ; 1 Timothy 3:16
Food for thought: When you received Christ, His divine life replaced your human life and became manifest in you.
Lesson: Jesus is God in human flesh, and this truth is central to faith. His presence in you is the essence of your new life. Live daily with the awareness that Christ is in you.
4. Dr D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Daily Devotional, MFM
Topic: The Mystery Of Divine Prescriptions (2)
Text: Jeremiah 29:11, Exodus 12:1-14
Food for thought: One prescription from the Lord is all you need for a change of story.
Lesson: A divine prescription has the power to solve an age-long problem or terminate an age-long captivity. God provides specific instructions to bring solutions to difficult situations. A divine prescription has the power to end long-standing problems and bring deliverance. Prayer is necessary to invite divine intervention in times of trouble. When God gives a prescription, obey it completely to experience His power.
5. Our Daily Bread
Topic: Jesus—Our Place of Rest
Text: Matthew 11:29, Psalm 32:1-7
Food for thought: Jesus welcomes you to find rest and restoration in Him.
Lesson: God is your true place of safety in a troubled world. Jesus invites you to come to Him when you are weary and burdened. Trust Him to be your place of rest at all times.
6. Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM
Topic: No Wounds, No Pearls! Hold On Ruggedly This Year!
Text: Genesis 41:46-57
Food for thought: Pearls are formed through pain and wounds, turning struggles into something valuable.
Lesson: God uses your mistakes and failures to create something beautiful. Fruitfulness often comes through challenges and afflictions. Hold on and never give up, because your struggles will produce something great.
7. C.A.C: The Living Water
Topic: Integrity In Your Work (II)
Text: Colossians 3:23, Philippians. 4:1-9
Food for thought: Integrity in your work builds respect, loyalty, commitment, and trust.
Lesson: Honesty is the foundation of true integrity in every area of life. Courage is necessary because integrity sometimes comes with risks and challenges. Seek guidance from those who live with integrity and reflect on the legacy you are building.
8. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion
Topic: Christ, Our Message
Text: Colossians 1:18-end
Food for thought: All church programmes should focus on Christ, using every platform to share His message. The Church should be intentional about sound teaching of God's word and invest seriously in evangelism. The highest spirituality comes from a deep, unbroken relationship with God. Ensure you create a quality time to know more about Christ through a Spirit-inspired meditation on God's word.
9 Daily Guide, Scripture Union
Topic: Don’t despise the small beginnings!
Text: Matthew 13:31-35
Food for thought: The kingdom of God may start small, but it grows and spreads to impact the whole world.
Lesson: God’s work often begins in small ways but grows into something great. Just as yeast spreads through dough, the influence of God’s kingdom reaches everywhere. Play your part in spreading the gospel, no matter how small your effort seems.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 28-29
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God bless you and yours. Happy Sunday.