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1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG
Topic: The Second Resurrection
Text : Revelation 20:9, John 5:28-29
Food for thought: In order not to partake of the second death you have a part to play by ensuring that you surrender to Jesus Christ and live a holy life.
Lesson: When everyone with the mark of the beast must have died, their souls will be resurrected to face their own judgment. This is the second resurrection. All those who are part of the second resurrection will partake in the second death, which is condemnation to the lake of fire with the devil and his agents.
2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM
Topic: In The Lord’s House
Text: Psalm 92:13, : Psalms 92:1-15
Food for thought :. A heart tuned to God is tuned for praises
Lesson: The house of the Lord is a holy place, but also a home of comfort and prosperity. The poor are made rich; the sick are made whole; the hungry are fed to the fill, and the weak are made strong. God’s people therefore have huge reasons to praise Him. So the house of the Lord is where praises, thanksgiving, and honour are given unto the Lord for His faithfulness and loving-kindness. Daily, we should recognize God’s power and majesty and use every godly means to praise and magnify Him wholeheartedly, with total submission to His word.
3. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Rhapsody Of Realities, Christ Embassy
Topic: Cooperate With Him
Text: Philippians 2:13, Ezekiel 2:2; John 14:16-17, John 16:13; Romans 8:14.
Food for thought: As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Lesson: The Holy Spirit empowers us to do God's will, but we must actively engage with Him through fellowship. This partnership involves both the Holy Spirit guiding us and us being willing to follow His lead. By cooperating with the Holy Spirit, we align ourselves with God's purpose and receive the wisdom to walk in His perfect will.
4. Dr D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Daily Devotional, MFM
Topic: Lessons From The Life Of Lot(2)
Text : Genesis 13:7-12, Luke 17:33
Food for thought: You cannot agree with your carnal mind and still agree with God.
Lesson: When we separate ourselves from those God has assigned to help us, we can face unnecessary hardships, as Lot did after parting from Abraham. Maintaining relationships with our divine helpers often requires only minor sacrifices and can prevent significant suffering. Additionally, being hospitable and spiritually alert, as shown by Lot's care for the angels, can lead to unexpected blessings and protection.
5. Bishop Dr Mike Okonkwo, Wisdom For The Day, TREM
Topic: Stand Still And See The Salvation Of The Lord
Text: Exodus 14:13, Exodus 14:9-30
Food for thought: When you are looking at your enemy, you can't see Jesus.
Lesson: We often face challenges that make us anxious, but God wants us to stand still and trust Him to handle our battles. When you look down, you will become discouraged. When you look back, you will be defeated. But when you look up to Jesus, you will see your salvation. When we stop worrying and striving, God works on our behalf and shows us His salvation. By focusing on Jesus instead of our problems, we find the strength and assurance of His deliverance.
6. Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, Seeds Of Destiny DIGC
Topic: Are You A Burden Or A Blessing?
Text: Galatians 6:10
Food for thought: Your worth in life is measured by your positive contribution to the people in your life.
Lesson: We need to reflect on whether we are a burden or a blessing to those around us, including our family and friends. Our true worth is measured by the positive impact we make on others. If you have been a burden or a negative influence to the people of your life, make up your mind to repent today apologize to them, and correct any negative contribution you have made in their lives quickly.
7. Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM
Topic: Stand Up In Adversity!
Text: Genesis 39:15-23
Food for thought : If you will maintain your stand and keep doing what you know is right, you will shine; you will prevail!
Lesson: In adversity, stand firm and maintain your integrity, and you will prevail and shine. God's favor will grant you access and freedom beyond what labor can achieve, lifting you above your enemies. Continue doing what is right, trusting that God is with you and will elevate you even in the darkest times.
8. C.A.C: The Living Water
Topic: Life Through Christ (II)
Text: John 3: 35-36, John 3:22-36
Food for thought: There is no other way for anyone to be saved, except through Jesus
Lesson: God loves Jesus so much that He gave Him authority over everything in heaven and on earth. Jesus is the only Way to heaven; all other ways are wrong. You either believe in the Son and gain everlasting life, or reject Him and never experience life. But remember, you only have control over your choice, not the consequences. If you don't receive life in Christ Jesus, you will face death and the wrath of God. Accept the Lordship of Christ now.
9. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion
Topic: Self-Reflection
Text: Psalm 119: 57-64
Food for thought: Prioritizing self-reflection helps us maintain a proper walk with God amidst our busy lives.
Lesson: Self-reflection is the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behavior, and the reasons that may lie behind them. We need to take time to reflect on our actions and feelings to identify where we have strayed from God's path. You must create time for a diligent assessment of your life and make the necessary corrections. Sincere and timely self-reflection is important for a proper walk with God.
10 Daily Guide, Scripture Union
Topic: Distinguishing between the clean and unclean
Text: Leviticus 11:24-47
Food for thought: By aligning our inner life with our outward actions, we ensure our lifestyle supports the gospel message.
Lesson: God's repeated emphasis on "unclean" in the passage shows His strong stance against contact with unclean things. Just as the law distinguished between clean and unclean for holy living, we must also discern and avoid what is spiritually unclean to maintain our holiness. Let your inward life agree with your outward appearance, otherwise, your lifestyle may hinder the message of the gospel.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 107-111
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*God bless you and yours. Happy Sunday.
Thank yo so much Dr Susan Umeh.