
1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG

Topic: He Has a Plan for You

Text: Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 29:1-14

Food for thought: Are you close to God enough to hear His voice leading you in line with His plan for your life?

Lesson: God has a plan for your life and the plan that God has for you is a good one. You need to live according to His plan. God is willing to guide you in the direction you should go at every point of your life. Only those who draw close to God, listen to Him and obey Him completely will fulfill His plan for their lives.

2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM

Topic: Nothing Can Conquer Us

Text : Matthew 16:13-19, Matthew 16:18

Food for thought: They labour in vain that seek to conquer the Church of Christ.

Lesson: Christ’s Church is made up of true believers in Him. We carry with us His invincible and triumphant Spirit. As He can never be defeated, so are we unstoppable in the work of winning the world for Him. When we consecrate our lives in purity and obedience to serve Him, we are guaranteed the supernatural power and backing to move on to final victory.

3. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Rhapsody Of Realities, Christ Embassy

Topic: Energizing Your Spirit

Text : 2 Timothy 1:6, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 1:20

Food for thought: The glory of God is revealed in your life as you charge yourself up in the spirit and stir up the power of God inside you.

Lesson: The quickest way to activate the power of the Holy Spirit is by speaking in other tongues. As you speak in other tongues, not only are you building yourself, you’re also energizing yourself in the supernatural; you’re stirring up divine power from within to effect changes in every area of your life. You sustain yourself at the highest peak of faith by praying in other tongues.

4. Dr D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Daily Devotional, MFM

Topic: Lessons from The Life of Jochebed (1)

Text: Galatians 5:16, Exodus 2:1-2

Food for thought: You can never go wrong with the spirit of God, be sensitive to Him!

Lesson: From Jochebed's life, we learn the importance of spiritual sensitivity in recognizing the potential and purpose in our children and situations, beyond what meets the eye. By being attuned to the Spirit, she saved Moses from a tragic fate, illustrating the need for discernment in our actions and decisions. Let us pray for eyes to see beyond the surface and rely on the guidance of the Spirit in parenting and navigating life's challenges.

5. Bishop Dr Mike Okonkwo, Wisdom For The Day, TREM

Topic: Speak The Word

Text : Jeremiah 1:9-10, Isaiah 55:8-11, Psalm119:89

Food for thought: God's Words are Spirit and they are Life. The Word of God is infallible, errorless, impregnable, and authoritative.

Lesson: As a child of God, it is your responsibility to deploy the Word of God through your mouth to throw down everything that is contrary to the design of God's will for you. Root them out! With the Word in your mouth, destroy everything that is working contrary to God's purpose. Whatever the enemy has packaged cannot stand. Speak to it and destroy it by the authority of the Word of God.

6. Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, Seeds Of Destiny DIGC

Topic: See You When You Come Back

Text: Proverb 18:21.

Food for thought: Your destiny is at the mercy of your tongue.

Lesson: By speaking faith-filled words aligned with God's promises, we can overcome even the most dire situations. Let us be mindful of the power of our tongues and speak life and victory over our circumstances, trusting in God's protection and provision. Don't talk carelessly. Shape your life and destiny with your words. Speak positivity.

7. Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM

Topic: Jesus Said: “Daily”

Text: Mark 14: 49 Luke 9: 18-27

Food for thought: The secret of your future lies in your daily routine.”

Lesson: You will never become an expert at something you don’t do regularly and consistently. You will never master anything you don’t invest time in every day. Jesus’ daily routine included teaching the people the Word of God. He said to them all, ‘If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. To march forward and make significant progress this year, you have to apply yourself to whatever you want EVERY DAY. You have to make every day of your life pay a price for the success that you desire!

8. C.A.C: The Living Water

Topic: Keys To Answered Prayer (III)

Text : James 4:3, James 4:1-6

Food for thought: The focus of our prayer should be God, His glory, and praise. When you glorify God in your prayers, He takes care of your needs as well.

Lesson: Another serious impediment to prayers is praying amiss. Prayer that is not rendered according to the will of God is amiss and is unanswered. The only time our prayers go directly to God without hitting brick walls is when they are rightly channeled. God would not respond if you intend to use the fulfillment of your prayer for selfish purposes.

9. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion

Topic: Suffering In Christ

Text: Philippians 1: 12-18

Food for thought: Suffering for Christ's sake is not a curse for Christians, but a blessing.

Lesson: If any man suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed. But let him glorify God on this behalf. Genuine suffering for righteousness' sake aligns us with Christ's example. Whoever passes through such suffering is encouraged to keep faith in all joy for the manifestation of the gospel.

10 Daily Guide, Scripture Union

Topic: God's Greatest Invitation.

Text: Isaiah 55: 1 - 13.

Food for thought: By accepting Jesus and living according to His word, you enter into a covenant of everlasting life, finding joy and peace in His promises.

Lesson: God's invitation to receive salvation is freely given, paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ, offering eternal life to all who accept. Despite the world's love for free things, many overlook this priceless gift of salvation. Don’t overlook this priceless gift.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 17-20

Kindly share this devotional summary to bless someone.

God bless you real good. Have a great day!

Great thanks to Dr. Susan Umeh.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Pastor E A Adeboye

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Dr Paul Enenche

Mike Okonkwo





Mountain Of Fire & Miracles

Dunamis Life Church

Anglican Church

Church of the Redeemer - Anglican?

Redeemed Open Heaven

Scripture Union


Daily Manna



