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Happy and blessed new month to you and yours.
1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG
Topic: Please God
Text : Proverbs 16:7, 1 Kings 3:3-14
Food for thought: When you please God, He will bless you in ways that no one can stop or reverse.
Lesson: God moves in amazing ways when you seek to please Him rather than people. When your ways please God, He commands everything around you to work in your favour. Use the word of God as a standard to check if your ways are pleasing Him. Live in obedience to God, and His blessings will rest upon you and your household.
2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM
Topic: The Road To Damascus
Text : Acts 9:5, Acts 9:1-9
Food for thought: Every sinner is a potential saint.
Lesson: God is always ready to transform lives, no matter how far a person seems from Him. A true encounter with Christ humbles a person and leads to a complete change of heart. Never give up on anyone because God’s power can turn even the worst sinner into a vessel for His work.
3. Dr. D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Daily Devotional, MFM
Topic: The Mystery Of Divine Prescriptions (1)
Text : Ezekiel 37:1-10, Jeremiah 32:27
Food for thought: God’s prescription work wonder’!
Lesson: God provides divine prescriptions to solve every challenge, but the outcome depends on your obedience. God’s solutions bring healing, deliverance, and restoration when human efforts fail. The key to receiving His help is complete and prompt obedience to His instructions. Seek His guidance with faith, and He will show you the way to victory.
4. Our Daily Bread
Topic: Understanding the Bible
Text: Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:14-16
Food for thought: The Bible is a unique, God-inspired book that reveals the truth of salvation and transforms lives.
Lesson: The Bible is essential for spiritual growth and must be read, cherished, and lived by. People risk their lives to translate it because it carries the power of salvation. Share God’s Word with others so they can experience its life-changing truth.
5. Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM
Topic: The Gap Between The Promise And Your "Paradise"
Text: Genesis 17:1-7
Food for thought: Between God's promise and your breakthrough, there is always a process that tests your faith and patience.
Lesson: The process before the promise is often tough, but if you stay through, the end will be a sweet testimony. Delays and challenges do not mean failure; they prepare you for the fulfillment of God’s plan. Trust God and keep moving forward, no matter how slow the journey seems.
6. C.A.C: The Living Water
Topic: Integrity In Your Work (1)
Text : 1 Samuel 12:3a, 1 Samuel 12:3-5
Food for thought: Integrity, from a biblical standpoint, is the embodiment of honesty, consistency, and moral uprightness; a lifestyle rooted in the indwelling of God's Word, showing fidelity, responsible action, and a firm commitment to righteousness.
Lesson: Living with integrity means staying true to your values, even when no one is watching. Many people lose trust and respect because they compromise their morals for power or gain. Genuine integrity is the fruit of being genuinely born again, making one to conduct oneself in a manner consistent with Christ's teachings and example. Stay honest and consistent in all you do, so your work and reputation remain honourable.
7. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion
Topic: Burden And Action
Text: Esther 4:1-3,12-end
Food for thought: A true burden leads to action that brings solutions to difficult situations.
*Lesson: Negative situations around you should lead to a prayer of burden and practical steps to seek a solution. You should never relax in your comfort zone and forget the suffering of your people. As a believer or leader, pray and act to establish God’s purposes in your family, workplace, and nation.
8. Daily Guide, Scripture Union
Topic: The Good Seed and Evil Seed
Text: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Food for thought: Both good and evil exist together in the world, but a final separation will happen at the appointed time.
Lesson: We live in a world where true believers and false believers exist side by side. Jesus warns us to be careful because not everyone in the church belongs to Him. Stay faithful, because at the right time, Christ will separate the true from the false.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 26-27
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God bless you and yours. Have a great day and a prosperous new month