1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG

Topic: The First Resurrection

Text : Revelation 20:6, Revelation 20:4-6

Food for thought: It will be very difficult to make it to heaven after the rapture, and as such, live holy now to be assured of your place in heaven.

Lesson: The first resurrection is the last chance that will be given to those who miss the rapture. Those left behind after the rapture will face immense trials under the rule of the antichrist. Those who stand their ground will be beheaded by the antichrist. However, when Jesus comes back with his saints to defeat the devil, He will give them another chance to be judged, in the first resurrection.

2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM

Topic: Blessedness Of Godly Living

Text : Matthew 5:1-8, Matthew 5:8

Food for thought :. The most precious possession a Christian can have is purity of heart.

Lesson: Purity of heart is non-negotiable for all who desire heavenly blessing. Godly living attracts both physical, material, and spiritual blessings. God blesses the righteous on earth and reserves eternal blessing for him in heaven. Above all, godly living assures us of eternal habitation with God.

3. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Rhapsody Of Realities, Christ Embassy

Topic: Increasing His Glory In Your Life

Text: Colossians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 3:18; Joshua 1:8

Food for thought: As we deepen our relationship with God, our spirit shines brighter, increasing His glory in our lives.

Lesson: We carry the glory of God and have the ability to increase and manifest it through our actions and relationship with Him. By immersing ourselves in the Word of God and gaining precise knowledge of Him, our lives reflect His glory more brilliantly.

4. Dr D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Daily Devotional, MFM

Topic: Lessons From The Life Of Lot(1)

Text : Genesis 13:7-12, 2 Peter 2:6

Food for thought : When you push God into the background, your life will remain underground.

Lesson: We learn from Lot's life that failing to discern and avoid evil leads to dire consequences for us and our families. Prioritizing personal gain over righteousness, as Lot did by choosing to live in Sodom, can lead to spiritual and moral compromise. As we navigate our lives, we must be vigilant and prioritize godly principles over immediate benefits to avoid tragic outcomes.

5. Bishop Dr Mike Okonkwo, Wisdom For The Day, TREM

Topic: Grace Empowers And Changes Lives

Text: Titus 2:11, Titus 2:1 1-14,3:4-7

Food for thought: Grace is not a license to continue in sin. Grace changes your life. And grace empowers you to live for God.

Lesson: When grace comes, your life changes and you cannot live as you did before. Grace empowers us to live for God and brings about a transformation that leads us to do what is right. Through grace, we find strength to overcome past mistakes and follow God's plan for our lives.

6. Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, Seeds Of Destiny DIGC

Topic: Fighting Your Way To The Top

Text: Matthew 11:12.

Food for thought: There is no future without a fight, no flight without a fight.

Lesson: One of the forces required to fulfill destiny is the force of a fighting spirit. In life, there may be forces around your life trying to push you backward and there are forces around your destiny trying to push you down, you must make up your mind to overcome these forces to fulfill destiny. You need the audacity to maintain authority in the realm of the spirit. If you give room to timidity, you settle for a lifetime of adversity. Make up your mind never to give up, give in, or give out. Decide to persist until you prevail and succeed.

7. Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM

Topic: The Anointing To Lift And Restore!

Text: Jeremiah 52:31-34

Food for thought: God has the power to lift us out of our deepest pits and restore us to our rightful place.

Lesson: Just as Pharaoh lifted and restored the chief butler, and Evil Merodach lifted Jehoiachin from prison, God can lift your head and restore all you have lost. Trust in God's anointing to bring about your celebration and restoration. Hold on and trust God!

8. C.A.C: The Living Water


Text : John 14:6), John 3:13-21

Food for thought: Apart from Jesus, there is no other sacrifice for sin, and no religious leader has achieved what Christ came to do.

Lesson: We receive life through Christ because God, in His immense love, provided a way for our redemption after the fall of man. Jesus' death on the Cross is the ultimate sacrifice that saves us from sin and its consequences, unlike any other religious figure. By accepting Jesus, we gain salvation and avoid the severe consequences of rejecting God's offer of redemption.

9. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion

Topic: Be Prepared!

Text: Genesis 7: 11-24

Food for thought: We must not allow unbelief to make us lose our salvation regardless of whatever the situation of the world now.

Lesson: God calls us to be prepared, just as He raised Noah to warn his generation of impending destruction. Like the people in Noah's time who mocked and ignored his warnings, many today dismiss the message of Jesus' Second Coming. Despite the world's unbelief and mockery, we must stay vigilant and ready for Christ's return, which will be sudden and unexpected.

10 Daily Guide, Scripture Union

Topic: Cleanliness

Text: Leviticus L:1-23

Food for thought: God desires us to maintain cleanliness and holiness, as He is holy and detests uncleanness.

Lesson: Just as God provided the Israelites with laws to avoid defilement, we must keep ourselves pure and prevent anything that defiles us. In all aspects of our lives, including what we eat and drink, we should strive to glorify God and live in a way that honors Him.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 104-106

Kindly share this devotional summary to bless someone.

*God bless you and yours. Have a blessed day.

Thank you, Dr Susan Umeh. God Bless you.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Pastor E A Adeboye

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Dr Paul Enenche

Mike Okonkwo





Mountain Of Fire & Miracles

Dunamis Life Church

Anglican Church

Church of the Redeemer - Anglican?

Redeemed Open Heaven

Scripture Union


Daily Manna





