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1. Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Open Heavens, RCCG
Topic: God Hates Lies
Text: Revelations 22:15, Acts 5:1-11
Food for thought: The devil is a liar and the father of lies, so, if you tell a lie, you are declaring openly that your father is the devil.
Lesson: A lying tongue is an abomination to God. God is irritated by lies, irrespective of where it is told. God does not want to hear the voice of a liar. Lying can cut a man’s life short. God does not want you to be destroyed. Do not tell lies. Make up your mind that you will only tell the truth from now on.
2. Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, Daily Manna, DCLM
Topic : Who Is Your Mentor?
Text : Philippians 4:9, Philippians 4:9-13
Food for thought: If your spiritual mentor does not mirror Christ, drop the mirror and keep looking unto Jesus..
Lesson: Every Christian, old and young, must seek to receive guidance from mentors who must not fail to “declare all the counsel of God. We need to follow only those with proven biblical probity. We must weigh them on the scale of scriptural integrity. Above all, we must see Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, as our ultimate Mentor.
3. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Rhapsody Of Realities, Christ Embassy
Topic: Angels in The New Testament
Text : Psalm 104:4, Psalm 91:11; 1 Peter 1:12; Hebrews 1:5-8; Hebrews 1:13-14
Food for thought: Through Jesus, we have the authority to give instructions, and even angels obey these commands.
Lesson: In the Old Testament, Angels had authority over people to the point they could even punish some who did something wrong. But in the New Testament, the angels are our servants; they serve us. This shift highlights the power and authority we have in Jesus' name, showing the profound change in our relationship with angels.
4. Dr D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Daily Devotional, MFM
Topic: Help when Facing Life’s Battles
Text: Zechariah 4:7, Psalm 121: 1-8
Food for thought: If you fail in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
Lesson: All of life’s battles can be summarized under the following two categories: the water of affliction and the fire of affliction. Whether it is the water of affliction or the fire of affliction that you are passing through, God says, He will be with you. Therefore, face your adversity headlong knowing that God is on your side and victory is sure.
5. Bishop Dr Mike Okonkwo, Wisdom For The Day, TREM
Topic: Christ Did It All For Your Benefit
Text: 2 Timothy 2:8, Isaiah 53:1-12
Food for thought: To ensure that you are put on a pedestal of permanent victory in every
area of your life, Jesus' resurrection must be viewed not only as something that took place but as a spiritual reality.
Lesson: Jesus came to die for your sins. He died and rose again triumphantly over hell and the grave. Jesus did not commit sin, but He became sin that you might become the righteousness of God. He died and rose again so you can become partakers of the Divine nature. He became poor so that you will no longer be stranded in life. His back was lacerated, and his body was broken so that you can receive total wholeness. He did it all for your benefit. The greatest honour that you can do for this great sacrifice is to experience and enjoy all the good things He has released to us.
6. Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, Seeds Of Destiny DIGC
Topic: The Necessity Of Vision
Text: Genesis 13:14-15
Food for thought: If God will give it, man must see it. If God will do it, man must see it.
Lesson: The most reasonable way to begin anything in life is to begin with God. Now, after God, the next most reasonable way to begin a thing in life is to have a vision. This is because Divine Function happens at the frequency of human vision. You see, what man sees determines what God gives. Refuse to live without vision. Ask God to both give and rekindle your vision for living. Place kingdom vision above other visions of life.
7. Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, MPM
Topic: No God-Made Failures
Text: Psalm 139: 10 – 16
Food for thought: There is nobody on the face of the earth created by God that is a failure.
Lesson: You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. You have within you all it takes to produce the kind of glorious results that God destined you to produce in life. You were born to shine and radiate the goodness of God everywhere you go. Living up to that calling requires that you make up your mind to never give up.. When you set out to do something, and it doesn’t turn out as you expected, don’t chalk it up as a failure. Rather, see it as an opportunity to begin again in a more intelligent manner. No matter how much discouragement and difficulties you face, don’t give up.
8. C.A.C: The Living Water
Topic: No Blessing For The Wicked
Text: Psalm 9:17, Psalm 129:5-8
Food for thought: Anyone who hates his brother lives in death.
Lesson: No one trying to destroy God's works should expect His blessings. Anyone who hates God's people hates Him and shouldn't expect any blessings from Him. You need to ask God to cleanse you of any roots of hatred and bitterness towards others. Strive to be blessed rather than cursed.
9. The Daily Fountain. Anglican Communion
Topic: Sacrificial Service
Text: Philippians 2: 17-18,
Food for thought: The only acceptable service unto God is the one done sacrificially and not for the sake of reward.
Lesson: Today, we know as Christians that many challenges can appear in the journey to our heavenly home. Sometimes, the race may seem too difficult to run; situations around us may attempt to push us off the track. However, as Christians, all we need to do is to keep focusing on the Lord our Saviour and not give room for weariness and tiredness, whatever the nature of our commitment to God may be. Everything must be done unto him sacrificially.
10 Daily Guide, Scripture Union
Topic: The Ministry Of The Messiah.
Text: ISAIAH 61: 1 - 11.
Food for thought: God's promises always come to pass, no matter how long it takes
Lesson: The ministry of the Messiah shows us that true power and authority come from the Spirit of God, not self-promotion. As servants of God, we are called to rebuild and restore lives through the anointing, demonstrating God's love and righteousness in all we do.
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God bless you richly. Have a pleasant weekend.
Special Thanks to Dr Susan Umeh.