Daily Blog: Texture Practice and Perspective by Jonathan Abramovich
"Remember, today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday." -
Dale Carnegie
What is it that you even want to do with your day, let alone your life?
I sit here typing away reflecting on the day, not expecting these posts to be revolutionary, expecting you to think I am right, or the next-best insightful peace of work (or even grammatically edited). But, I do expect to share my thoughts as a way of daily bookends for myself and accountability.
We absolutely all have seeds of greatness within us. The truth is that we are all extremely youthful, no limits or boundaries holding us in, unlimited resources we have access to at our disposal. And yet, still about 90% of the world will not act into what they truly want to do, just waiting for the next day for something to fall into their lap. Being able to truly activate the skillset daily and do it with excellence is something that has really been quite honestly heart-warming and fulfilling in my whole life! Not just designs, but the purpose!
Today marks day 1 of my daily design and documenting the process (see right). I expect in 90 days, my skillset will be much more effective, locked into my repertoire of my subconscious, and then do another 90 days. I am doing this with literally a 2015 MacBook Pro, and old version of Blender (free), and the vast internet in the Information Age. Don't even think of any excuses, because they're not valid.
Find something you want to be great in, knock it out 1/1, 1 day at a time, and do that 90 times, and I am sure you will flourish in what you want to do.
Perhaps this can be the call out to all who want to create, and join me into the journey of daily practice! This is Day 1.
SHARE if you are in it with me!