Dr Sylvia Forchap Likambi
Empowerment & Transformation Guru, Visionary, Transformational Speaker/ Coach, Mentor, Bestselling Author, Consultant
“I am very proud of who I am, where I have come from, and where I am now.”
The beginning of every transformation starts with awareness. Nevertheless, the starting point should be true in-depth knowledge of yourself as a unique individual and how you relate and respond to your surrounding environment and life circumstances. The simple truth is the more you know and understand yourself the better you are able to accept or change who you are, and thus the circumstances around you/ your life. In addition, by accepting yourself as you truly are ( both your strengths and weaknesses), you are better able to acknowledge and appreciate your life and even the seemingly little progress made – irrespective of what others think of you. On the other hand, being ignorant or unaware of who you truly are leaves you trapped in your own inner struggles and opens the doors to outside forces/society/ life circumstances to mould, shape, and define you accordingly.
Self-awareness requires honesty and courage—in order to genuinely connect with your beliefs, values, perceptions, and emotions and to face the truth about yourself and the situation at hand. Unfortunately, many people are not prepared to face the truth about themselves and so prefer to live in denial or constantly looking for solutions to their problems in the problems or in others. Or, worse still, they look for what and whom to blame whenever they face a difficult life event or misfortune.
“If you are not aware of who you truly are, and also proud of the unique individual that you are, then, it will be very difficult/ and almost impossible to fully accept, embrace, acknowledge, and appreciate yourself and all that you are, represent, and still have to become.” Dr Sylvia Forchap-Likambi. Hence, proclaiming today’s affirmation opens up the doors to your conscious mind to the fundamental questions and findings of your identity, existence, and purpose…
You do not need to separate your past from the present or be ashamed of it, thinking it is horrible, shameful, and of no benefit to anyone at the moment. I can perfectly understand that; you might have had a horrible and shameful past you are absolutely not proud of—we all have made some wrong/misleading choices and decisions in the past we may not be proud of and wish we could change them. However, our mistakes and/or shameful past do not define us and will never do, unless we willfully or unwilling allow them to. They have been a very significant part of our journey to the present and must have pruned and shaped us in one way or another in becoming who we are today.
“There are times in our lives when we have to realize our past is precisely what it is, and we cannot change it. But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it, and by doing that, we can change the future.” Eleanor Brown
“The challenge is to draw on the past but not be bound by it.” David Brazzeal
You are a totality of your past, present, and future, and in this, there is a great story to be told and numerous lives to be touched and impacted—it’s all about your perception! What you may perceive as a mess could just be your ideal message of hope and encouragement to the world... It’s all about how you perceive it. You can change your perception or create a brand new perception about yourself and your life today by merely changing your words (spoken and unspoken) — especially those “negative self-talk”!
And ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS: "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21.
Consequently, by affirming, you are merely speaking and bringing life into every dead situation and condition in your life. You are bringing hope where there was hopelessness; love where there was hatred; forgiveness where there was unforgiveness; healing where there was infirmity; peace where there was strife; order where there was confusion; and joy where there was sadness... Through the power of positive affirmations, you are using your words powerfully to create your new and ideal reality and experience.
Be transformed through the renewal of your mind...
@Dr Sylvia Likambi International