Dahej ak Investment ??
Deepesh Pandey
Sales Training & Quality Analyst at Devidas Group of Company ?? | Anchor ?? | Content Writer ?? | Email Marketing Specialist ?? | Aspiring Entrepreneur ??
?It has been 60 years since the dowry system was declared illegal in our country, but sadly this tradition continues even today. In a large section of the society, openly taking and giving dowry is not a matter of shame but a matter of pride. it is believed. In some castes, giving maximum dowry on the daughter's marriage and showing it off is considered a status symbol of that family. Even in the educated society, this evil is increasing instead of decreasing, which reflects the mentality that the thinking of considering the daughter's property as someone else's and giving more dowry than one can afford while sending her off is still prevalent among the people.
Recently, the World Bank has conducted a study in which it has come to light that Kerala and Punjab are the states where dowry system is most prevalent. It does not matter whether the family is poor or rich, but hardly any marriage takes place without giving dowry. Kerala is the most literate state in the country, while Punjab is considered an economically prosperous state, but there the shackles of adopting this age-old practice have severely shackled the society.
Another interesting revelation in this study is that the cases of dowry system have decreased in the villages of the country in the last few decades. However, these cases are still coming to light. But its reduction is a good sign and perhaps it can also be called the effect of the decisions of Khap Panchayats. There are many villages in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana where Panchayats have adopted complete strictness to end the dowry system. According to reports, researchers have conducted this study on 40 thousand marriages that took place in rural India from 1960 to 2008.
He has claimed that despite there being a law against the dowry system, dowry is given in 95 percent of marriages. According to the study, the dowry system sometimes leads to domestic violence, which even leads to the death of the victims. This study has been done on 17 states of India.
?? ? ???Because this issue is important??
The researchers chose such states for their study, where 96 percent of the people are rural. That is, he has focused all his attention on rural India for his studies. Researchers found in their study that there is a lot of difference in the transactions between two families on the occasion of marriage. The value of gifts given by the bride's family to the groom or his family and the value of gifts given by the groom's family to the bride and her family vary greatly.
"While a groom's family spends an average of Rs 5,000 on gifts to the bride's family, gifts from the bride's family cost seven times more, at around Rs 32,000," he said. The difference is huge and the same patterns have been used for years."
According to this report, "The practice of giving dowry has increased steadily and rapidly in Kerala since the 1970s. It has had the highest average dowry taken and given in recent years." After this is Punjab, where cases of transactions in village marriages are increasing rapidly. However, in states like Odisha, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, the average dowry has decreased in the last few years.'' Apart from this study, if we talk about cities, then except love marriages, hardly any marriage takes place without dowry. Yes.
Well, it is clear that dowry transactions are still present in the society and in which state dowry transactions are taking place the most. But the question here is why the blog title is "Dahej ak investment"
So see, just last year in November, the son of one of our relatives got married to a cultured girl and it is obvious that just as dowry is used in almost all marriages, in the same way the family of our groom Raja family talked to Bride family and demanded dowry and they? also received dowry. But the fun came when on the third day after the bride's arrival at home, it was found that the newlywed bride had left the house with almost all the gold and silver jewelery and money present in the house the previous night. Or it can be said that she has run away and when the next morning the groom and his family lodged a complaint at the nearest police station, it was found that the girl had run away to her parents' house and there she lodged a complaint at the police station that The groom and his family beat her up so she came to her parents' house without informing anyone?? So this is what happened Beda Garg, and if I tell you right, that relative of ours still keeps making rounds of the police station. Not only this -
If seen in the present time, a trend has started or you can say that within the next 4 to 5 years of most of the marriages, it is being seen that the bride goes to the groom's house after the marriage and in the next 4 to 5 years, In years, in the middle of the year the bride asks for divorce from the groom or does something such that the groom agrees to divorce her and that is when the divorce is granted. Then according to the law, so that the bride can spend the rest of her life well, the groom has to give her a share of about 50% of his property, and this is mostly seen in those cases where dowry transactions have taken place. .
And that is why the title of this blog is? "Dahej ak Investment" -
Let us now know some rules and regulations related to dowry which are important for everyone to know -
In 1961, the first attempt was made to stop the practice of dowry in India by enacting the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
(1) Under Section 498-A of the IPC, if the husband or in-laws demand dowry, the punishment can be up to 3 years in jail and fine.
(2) Under Section 406, if the girl's husband or in-laws refuse to give her stridhan, then both jail and fine can be imposed.
(3) Both taking and giving dowry are illegal under this Act. If someone does or helps in dowry transaction, he may have to pay 5 years of jail and a fine of Rs 15,000.
(4) If a girl dies under abnormal circumstances within seven years of her marriage and the investigation proves that she was tortured for dowry before her death. So under Section 304-B of the IPC, the girl's husband and in-laws can be punished with imprisonment ranging from seven years to life imprisonment.
Look, till now we have understood that the roots of dowry are deeply buried in India. It is present everywhere in the country. It is an integral part of every Indian wedding, be it a big Indian wedding or a middle or lower class, indebted father daughter wedding.
But what has changed over the years is that dowry is no longer called dowry but rather it is called a gift of love, blessings or even 'possession' to the girl.
In all my years of education, I was taught that girls are equal to boys and dowry is illegal, however in the society we live in, I never felt that boys and girls are equal and dowry is not illegal.
While talking to some educated and working girls, one said that dowry is the thing that gives the bride a stronghold or status in her new family, the higher the dowry, the greater is her authority and control over the household. Another said that it was her right which she probably left for her brother. Another said that there is a saying in India that one should marry one's daughter in a house richer than one's own, so for girls to get married in a bigger house, it is necessary to give expensive gifts to the groom's side, hence it is a one-time investment. . So is dowry really wrong or is it an entitlement or a lump sum investment?
So I would say that a girl needs education and awareness to broaden her mind regarding dowry. I mean, at my age so far and whatever stories I have heard from my parents, I have seen many people living a hell of a life, even if they bring with them a lot of materialistic dowry - Came with gifts and zero level education. In view of the continuous decline in sex ratio in every part of the country, the need of the hour is to educate ourselves and create awareness.
Well I am sure that you are also against dowry transaction, you do not support this thing at all, then it does not matter whether you are a girl or a boy, if you are a boy then you will marry some girl. It will definitely happen and I am sure that you will boycott the dowry transaction - because a father's darling coming to your house and filling your house with happiness is no less than dowry. And if you are a girl and there is a demand for dowry from the groom's family at your wedding, then you should face it boldly, tell them that they do not have the ability to spend you, tell them that they cannot afford dowry. Rather begging - because I think a boy who truly loves you will understand your importance, understand your feelings, understand what you want, what you think, he will never indulge in dowry transactions. Will not support.
I hope that you and I have learned a lot from this blog and if you feel that there is some information missing in it which you can complete then you are welcome to share the information or any story you have in the comment box. welcome. , Can play a big role in understanding the transaction. Friends, if you think this blog was interesting and informative then share it, see you in the next blog till then bye.
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