DAF for Wastewater Service
Due to our capability to handle 20%+ entrained vapor, the regenerative turbines can be used in Dissolved Air Flotation or “DAF” applications. Air is injected or drawn into the pump inlet along with the process fluid (usually water). The turbine impeller is extremely adept at breaking the air up into very small bubbles that when viewed in a tank, appear like “smoke” in the water. This air/water mixture is pumped into the bottom of a wastewater tank. The bubbles have a natural affinity for recombining into larger bubbles and any solid materials in proximity will act as a catalyst for this to occur. As a result, all of the solid waste materials in proximity to the bubble mixture will attract the air bubbles and naturally float to the surface where they can be skimmed off and disposed of. DAF is used in a number of applications including poultry, fish, and other food processing, as well as municipal wastewater treatment systems.
Read More about DAF at https://www.mthpumps.com/applications/daf.html.